Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3244 Ruyi Pearl

Women's jewelry often has some little tricks. Georgiana untied the clasp on the garnet necklace, and then the teardrop-shaped peridot fell down. When she tied the clasp again, it was an ordinary bead. String the necklace.

She held the peridot and looked at it carefully.

Although peridot is not as expensive as diamond, this peridot is really beautiful

There are many mines that produce olivine, the most famous of which is probably Zabjad Island in the Red Sea of ​​Egypt. The olivine in Sri Lanka is a bit like an overripe olive, while the olivine there is like a newly ripe or slightly green one. On the fruit Still stained with dew.

Her mind couldn't help but think of the exercises of David's disciples.

When a person falls into the halo effect, whether he is a lover or an idol he admires, he will not feel beautified.

What's more, Bonaparte's performance on the Pont d'Arco was indeed heroic. As a general, he actually rushed to the front.

However, he only looked handsome for a few seconds before he was pushed under the bridge by the charging team behind him, and then fell into the swamp.

It was impossible for Napoleon to show his vulnerable side to the soldiers when he was the commander-in-chief. She had been thinking about how to deal with him, and then she remembered that Mantua was Virgil's hometown.

Then she remembered that maybe this time she could go to the mulberry orchards in Corsica to see if the mulberry trees had been saved.

Plants have different requirements for soil, and they can be grown in almost the same climate.

Rebecca and Frances Nurse were not the first immigrants to come with the Mayflower, but they took root in Salem. They bought 300 acres of land from a Boston pastor and got married. Fifty years of fathering eight children and raising an orphaned Quaker boy.

The family is prosperous and united, and the couple's marriage is unbreakable. Francis himself served on juries, served as a peace officer, appraised properties, surveyed boundaries and arbitrated land disputes. The wealthy Nass was widely respected and close to many in the community, so much so that many did not believe Rebecca when she was accused of being a witch.

The Twelve Tables Law stipulates that if the defendant cannot appear in court due to illness or old age, the plaintiff should provide transportation. It seems to say that even if you are dying of illness, you must die in court.

Nas was even more miserable. Not only did she go to court, she also died in prison. The other was 5-year-old Dorothy, who was also arrested on a warrant signed by the town. A five-year-old child or a seventy-one-year-old man can apply for a legal representative based on humanitarian principles.

Dumbledore defended Harry at the Ministry of Magic not as a lawyer, but as an agent of Harry's right to defend himself under the principles of natural justice.

There has been a long-standing feud between the Putnam family and several local families over land disputes. What’s more, Little Ann Putnam is the only one among several plaintiffs who lives with her parents. Of course, these things question the credibility of Little Ann Putnam’s testimony. is not enough.

Anyway, many years later, when little Ann Putnam read a letter of apology in church, the family had not been uprooted, but an important branch was missing.

Some things may be fun at first, but then become painful for a long time.

Talleyrand had great control over the timing of wearing clerical robes and when he took them off during the Revolution. In the current constitution of Louisiana, clergy cannot hold public office, and then Talleyrand said so in his letter. Now that the chameleon has put on his robe again, it is tantamount to saying that he will not go to Louisiana to be the governor.

Talleyrand was still very considerate to her. Although he met her only a few times, he always came in person and would not send a few agents to receive her.

Is it because she is a beauty?

She smiled slightly comically, put the peridot into the velvet box, and went to meet the guests in the greenhouse full of orchids.

Today's guest is the former Director Carnot, who voted against Napoleon when he assumed the lifelong first consulship, but he was not nearly replaced like Fouche.

He had previously served as director of the Bureau of Surveying and Mapping, and was now assigned to serve in the Bureau of Cadastral Records. However, before taking office, Carnot had to "protest" the establishment of the Legion of Honor, as if he thought Georgiana could persuade him to do so.

It just so happened that she was studying geography recently. There was a very interesting book written by Alexander von Humboldt. He was now living in Paris. When Georgiana finished reading his book, she wanted to meet him.

It didn't take long for Georgiana to see Carno drinking coffee, but he was not alone. There was a young man in military uniform admiring the scenery in the greenhouse.

Children who study in this era all wear that kind of clothes, but when he turned around, she was still stunned.

That was a very beautiful young man. Not only was he handsome in appearance, but the key was that he had an aura, like a Trojan prince pouring wine for Zeus.

But he might not like this metaphor, so she kept this idea in her heart and walked to Carno.

"Long time no see, Your Excellency." Georgiana said to Carno, "Who is this?"

"My son, Sadie." Carno introduced, "Come over and say hello."

"Hello, madam," Sadi Carno said to Georgiana primly.

"Please sit down," Georgiana said, but Sadie did not sit down and stood aside politely.

He reminded her of Cedric Diggory, a life that withered before it had time to bloom.

Harry had won trophies with him, and Harry's clock almost stopped at the age of 17, like Cedric, who was also 17.

"He will go to the Ecole Polytechnique next year to study." Carnot said with some pride, "I taught him his basic education."

Georgiana was not surprised that in addition to being a politician, Carnot was also a mathematician and physicist.

"What major do you want to study?" Georgiana asked.

"Physics and chemistry," Sadie said.

"I remember Sadie seems to be the name of a Sufi poet." Georgiana looked at Carnot.

"Poets can't study science?" Carnot asked.

She just finds science boring, but it does bring about a different way of thinking.

"You are asking for trouble." Bonaparte pointed to a position on the geometry problem. "You don't have to think so complicatedly."

"I have no talent for science," Georgiana whispered, feeling a little sullen.

Then Karno chatted with her about Sufi poets, but did not talk to her about "science that she was not good at."

Maybe she could find an opportunity to go to Bonaparte's study and look through it. Then she remembered that he also seemed to have a Sufi poetry collection, which was the story of "The Meeting of the Birds" given to him by the Sultan. Next time he and Karl When Nuo meets, there are other things to talk about besides official business.

As we chatted, we talked about the Song of Kabir again.

There is a poem written like this:

That wish-fulfilling pearl that makes one's wishes come true,

Never appeared in your heart,

Please hold on to that jewel and realize,

Even if you don't worship him,

He still looks after you,

This is his nature.

The Latin word for "ownership" in the civil law system is dominium. In Roman law, it was not just property rights, but also the father's right to rule or dominate the family property and his children.

Georgiana estimated that the relationship between Bonaparte and his son would be very tense, so they would not be as harmonious as the Carnot father and son.

A son is not a replica of his father. Sadie did not choose the same major as his father, and he probably will not take the same path as him in the future. Karno respects his choice.

With Bonaparte's desire for control, he will definitely "correct" his son who has "gone astray" back, and he will be easy to talk to when he encounters an obedient one, but a disobedient one...

There seemed to be a black dog passing by outside the greenhouse. Could it be that she was mistaken?

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