Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3245 The King of Spice (1)

Pascal said: Even if we desperately overcome some obstacles to obtain peace, peace becomes intolerable.

In 1659, when they heard that a Quaker woman was about to be executed, many people in Boston rushed to watch. As a result, the bridge they passed collapsed under the weight.

The Puritans did not have a theater. In 1642, Parliament passed a bill to close the London theater. It was reopened after the return of Charles II.

When Bishop was tried, the principle of natural justice had not yet been formed, or in other words, the natural law theory at that time was still governed by the principle of divine origin.

Bishop defended himself not on the basis of principles of natural justice but on military regulations. But the law at that time did not require her to prove whether she had used witchcraft to injure someone. She could be convicted only by proving that witchcraft had been used.

At that time, there was no such thing as "motive", or as Sir Bacon said, the witch was always plotting revenge. Isn't this enough to constitute a reason for her to harm others?

The motive of crime often comes from stimulation. If a fish is boiled in plain water, it will be tasteless. If it is marinated with spices and then grilled, it will greatly increase people's appetite.

Self-control needs to be cultivated, but in addition to criminal motives, there are also "justification motives."

Batman has an enemy, Two-Face, who rationalizes his crimes.

Motives can sometimes have an impact on conviction and sentencing. For example, there will be no punishment for self-defense.

Grindelwald told the French wizards that they started the war to prevent the Muggles from destroying the earth.

With this legitimate reason, they no longer need to suppress themselves.

There is a spice called paradise seed in West Africa. There is a plant in the botanical garden. It is a vine that can produce a spicy aroma. It was the main source of spicy flavor before the discovery of geography. The "pepper sauce" in French cuisine does not contain pepper, but this kind of paradise seed.

In addition, it is often used in some Moroccan dishes.

Georgiana closed the cookbook and continued looking for books to return to the Heidelberg Library.

Even if I had to choose a book that was not "lethal", the one just now was too much. Why would a university library collect medieval cookbooks?

She later chose Dante's Divine Comedy. Firstly, the decoration was luxurious. Secondly, no one would study Dante's "metaphor" for Beatrice in detail.

Humboldt's "universe" is taken from the Greek word, meaning "beauty" and order. He believed that the universe is a regular system.

Many traveling botanists sent Humboldt extensive lists of plants, astronomers shared observations with him, and geologists provided maps.

The reason why Humboldt stayed in France was also because of the library. In this era, apart from Paris, there would be no other place with both a church library and a collection of books in the Library of Alexandria.

He poached many people from Georgiana to serve as his assistants and provide him with the specific data and information he needed.

There are many travel notes in this era. They are like cadastres with only text descriptions. It takes a lot of manpower and time to sort them out into maps.

Georgiana, Cuvier and "Raphael Redoute of Flowers" were just the ones taking the lead, and many others contributed their efforts and efforts.

"Travel Stories" written by Humboldt records Latin America. The book has seven volumes and was first published in Paris. Among them, "American Mountains and Aboriginal Tribe Monuments" depicting the Inca and Aztec civilizations has the most luxurious binding, but because It uses high-end paper and copper plate illustrations, and costs an average of 600 francs per copy.

If he was writing about North America there would be no need for Leon Coeur’s travel diary.

Georgiana felt that Humboldt's book could also be given to Heidelberg, even though it was not an "ancient book".

There was a noise outside.

She was in a trance for a moment, as if she was back in school again, except that the children here spoke French.

When she walked out of the small house, she saw that the children from the shelter had come to visit the botanical garden. They were so carefree that they thought they were out to play.

She looked at them and smiled maliciously. There were very few bees flying into the greenhouse of the Botanic Garden. Now it was the turn of these "little bees" to pollinate.

Farron is also here, and he has brought a lot of spice seeds. She wants to supplement the plants that are in the catalog.

There is a Javanese peppercorn that smells like vanilla, but it looks a lot like pepper. In the cookbook she just read, people in the Middle Ages actually used pepper to make ice cream.

She remembered the puzzling joke she had heard in Padua, shook her head, and called the children to work.

They were busy from morning to afternoon, and everyone who worked hard got an ice cream, which was very happy for the children.

"Madam." Farrong came over mysteriously and handed her a letter.

She took off her gloves, opened them and looked at them, her face suddenly felt hot and spicy.

She glared at Farron.

"The head of state asked me to wait for your reply to me before I can go back and resume my life." Farrong said vowedly, as if he was completing some glorious mission.

Sometimes she feels that the French are too open-minded and she leaves when no one is looking.

When she returned to her apartment and closed the door, she turned out the letter and read it again.

"You'll have your comeuppance," she whispered, then went to the desk to write a reply.

In fact, if he wanted to come to see her, he could come directly, but he has been staying in Malmaison recently.

Cardinal Richelieu used it as a place of execution, which is why the castle was so cheap, and not just because it was located in the suburbs.

But Bonaparte stayed there, so what excuse could Georgiana use to break in?

She smiled helplessly, and after the ink dried, she sealed the envelope with wax, and then stamped her badge with a brass seal - a bull that seemed to be going on a rampage.

In the past, Josephine did not "protect" Bonaparte like she does now. She played outside boldly and completely ignored the letters he wrote. It was only when someone robbed her that she felt strange.

But she really didn't know whether staying at home would be like going back to prison for Bonaparte. His heart seemed to be no longer there.

She didn't feel like she had won. A person's spirit was deviant and he no longer wanted to succumb to his original identity.

A woman's tears only work for those who care about her. Adonis has never loved Venus, and no matter how much she cries or tries to persuade her, it is of no use.

By the time she finished writing the letter, Farron had already picked a rose and was holding it in his hand, ready to give it to him along with the letter.

"That is not my rose." Georgiana wrote to Farron. "There is a house of mine near Sèvres where I have a rose, René Violet."

"Yes, ma'am," Farron said, then took the letter and left.

The former king of spices was pepper, but now it is replaced by saffron.

Just like opal, when it was rare, it was comparable to diamonds. Now that there are more of them, it is no longer unusual.

She looked down at the "cheap jewelry" on her hands, put on her gloves, and continued working.

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