Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3251 The King of Spice (7)

For a long time, Paris, like other European cities, had buildings with height restrictions. Just like in Bern, where Pomona went, the tallest building in the city was the church bell tower.

Georgiana stood in front of the Saint-Sulpice church, looking up at the top of the church. There was a device there, which was part of the Chap system. It was this system that spread the news of the anti-French League action from Lille to Paris in 1793. , Saint-Just was urgently sent to the Alsace front line and resisted the attack.

Saint-Just returned to Paris in 1794, drafted and read out a report on the suppression of the Danton faction. After executing Danton, he went north and won again in Flanders.

Danton was originally a supporter of the Reign of Terror, but at the end of 1793 he began to realize the harm of the expanded Reign of Terror, advocated tolerance, and became a "moderate".

France once had an East India Company, but I really didn’t know how it collapsed before coming to this world.

History says that it was dissolved in 1769, but it was officially taken over and managed like the Dutch East India Company that was dissolved in 1799. It was reorganized in 1785 and officially bankrupted in 1794. Danton, then State Councilor, looked at the French East India Company. The stock fell, but there was no plan to save it. Instead, it became a short position all the way.

The prerequisite for short selling is that someone has to pick up the stock when the stock price plummets. Jesse, the "Bear of Wall Street", chased short the Pacific Railroad stock when it plummeted due to the San Francisco earthquake. After all, the U.S. government still needs to use railways to transport disaster relief supplies, so they want to save it instead of waiting for it to be penetrated and let the Pacific Railroad go bankrupt.

The Banda Islands are located in northeastern Indonesia. Even if you don't count the tsunami that she encountered before coming to this world, it is an active volcanic geological zone. These islands themselves are composed of volcanic islands.

Huge profits are worth taking huge risks. When Magellan first sailed around the world, although his father Pedro was the first cartographer to draw a latitude scale on the prime meridian, he had the most detailed map at the time. , Magellan still underestimated the width of the Pacific Ocean and the circumference of the Earth, as well as the equatorial calm zone.

Compared with typhoons and hurricanes, in the era when there were no power sources such as steam engines, what the sailboats were most afraid of was the lack of wind. Near 5 degrees north latitude, the sun shines almost directly all year round, and the temperature is evenly distributed horizontally. There is no way to form enough temperature differences to cause instantaneous damage. The wind was very weak and Magellan's fleet was almost exhausted here.

But they still arrived at the Molucca Islands, which not only produced nutmeg, but also cloves. At that time, the fleet also included the Trinidad and Victoria. The sailors exchanged everything for cloves, which eventually led to the loss of the Trinidad. It cracked, and they had to tilt the ship over, unload the cargo for repairs, and then reload the cargo. The whole process took three months, so long that after Magellan's death, the succeeding captain died before it was completed.

Among the five ships, only the Victoria completed the feat of traveling around the world, while the Trinidad, laden with cloves, had to turn back halfway, where it was "captured" by the Portuguese.

Spicy is actually a kind of pain, but some people still find it spicy. French Guiana, where Cayenne is located, is located on the South American continent, not a small island.

When the South Sea Bubble occurred, brokers said that Britain had gained the power to trade in South America... Of course they could also smuggle. For some unknown reason, Britain would rather continue to maintain the Methuen Treaty than abandon Portugal, even if their The royal family almost went to South America.

The "Mehuen Treaty" only stipulated that regardless of war or peace, the tariff on Portuguese port wine will always be lower than that on French red wine, but it did not specify how much lower it would be. 2% is still a gap.

Those who can afford luxury goods can always afford them. Napoleon's drinking of red wine mixed with water has become an international joke. In the eyes of those real ancient aristocrats, the Bonaparte family from remote Corsica appears to be very "common people". , this is a "side dish" that goes very well with wine.

The Treaty of Methuen was signed during the reign of Queen Anne, and the position of Prime Minister did not exist at that time.

The position of Prime Minister in the UK began with the Hanoverian royal family.

The last time Georgiana asked William Pitt to teach her about parliament, he closed the car door and left. Just like that, what common language can they have in common if they really get married in the future?

"What are you looking at?" Julian Ouvral asked, following her to look at the roof.

"Birds," she said nonchalantly.

Julian shielded himself from the glare of the sun with his hands, looking for a bird that wasn't even there.

"Your pen belongs to me." Georgiana said to Julian and "confiscated" his pen.

Although the quill pen has a retro feel, it is much more convenient to carry this kind of pen. There is no need to bring an ink tank and worry about ink spilling.

"I gave Napoleon what you just wrote," Julian said.

She wasn't surprised at all, but she felt like something was missing about this place?

"Should there be a fountain here?" Georgiana asked based on the photos she saw in travel magazines.

Julian looked at the open space in front of the church in surprise.

"You want to build a fountain here?" Julian asked in surprise, "Why?"

As a new starting point for Paris.

She thought to herself but didn't say it out loud.

She wanted to first determine whether Amiens and Paris were on the same meridian.

There were many blank undeveloped areas in the maps of this era, which were quite different from the maps seen in the 20th century. Although she did not know what made Bonaparte think that Rimini and Rome were also on the same meridian, she also asked Man measures the arc of a meridian.

"There seems to be a Fountain of the Four Rivers in Rome. Are we going to Rome this time?" Georgiana asked.

"If you want to go, go," Julian said.

"Georgina!" a woman shouted.

She and Julian followed the sound and saw Katharina, the wife of the Ambassador of the Republic of Batavia in Amiens, waving to her from the carriage.

Georgiana also waved to Katharina.

In any case, Katharina spent a very depressing night with her, although some of the reasons were her own fault.

Introverts like to keep to themselves, while extroverts don't hide their emotions and make a fuss when it's time to make a fuss.

Another old classmate of Bonaparte, Briand, had this kind of character, while Mazy was much quieter.

There were only three of them in the carriage at that time, and it was definitely not Georgiana herself who tipped off Bonaparte, but no matter which of them told it, this "secret" was no longer a secret.

Having someone who can listen to you without having to worry about him leaking your secrets is more stress-relieving than any other entertainment activity.

Pascal said that tyranny consists in the desire for universal dominion beyond one's own scope.

If parents say to their children, "You must marry the person we choose, otherwise we will not give you a penny," this is tyranny.

Money should not be a tool of power used to limit the choices of family members.

Hortense and Louis each had someone they liked, but they were forced to get married. However, Beauharnais, the one Louis liked, wanted to marry in Baden because he didn't have enough dowry to "match" Louis.

It is obvious that happiness is so difficult, why should we still blame ourselves for not being happy enough?

"By the way, they also made a condition, which I didn't write on the paper." Georgiana said to Julian before Katharina came over.

"What conditions?" Julian Uffral asked.

"Give me a handsome husband." Georgiana smirked, and without waiting for Julian's reaction, she went up to Katherina and hugged her, giving her a kiss. Then they held hands affectionately and discussed where to go to play later.

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