Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3252 The King of Spices (8)

There are often coral reefs near islands in tropical oceans. The "family tree" Bonaparte gave to Georgiana is placed in the chapel of Notre Dame in Paris. It is said to be made of coral, gold and silver.

Today's nautical charts use circles and circles to mark the terrain under the sea, especially to mark the reefs.

They look like ripples from a stone thrown into a pond, spreading around and around.

Because the TV news was broadcast on a rolling basis, people soon learned that the source of this submarine earthquake was in the fault zone north of Sumatra.

In addition to mourning the lives lost, coral reefs serve as breakwaters, even if they are disappearing due to tourism or other reasons. After the natural breakwaters are lost, artificial breakwaters and early warning systems need to be built.

Sumatra is rich in betel nut. Although Europeans themselves do not have the habit of eating betel nut, some states in India regard eating betel nut as a courtesy for hospitality.

Georgiana saw this from a book in Oostende. Judging from the handwriting, it should have been written by a woman. She disliked the locals' habit of spitting "red water" everywhere.

The first mouthful after chewing betel nut is red. This mouthful must be spit out because many people spit it everywhere and the streets are dyed red.

Catherine did not ask Georgiana to go shopping. They went to a charity sale hosted by a banker's wife. After all, Madame Récamier was also the wife of a banker.

Napoleon looked very angry when he showed up at the painting exhibition hosted by Matilda that day, but no one knew what he was angry about.

After looking around the scene, he suddenly pointed his finger and asked Madame Récamier to take Matilda's place, and then took Matilda away.

There are many people who want to become social stars in Paris. The theme of this auction is related to Egypt. If Georgiana didn't look like Cleopatra in the movie, no one would think that she was Cleopatra.

She looked too young and short. Katharina might be a social star in Amsterdam, but she had just come to Paris and not many people knew her, so the two of them ate and drank openly.

This would have been a very relaxing and enjoyable afternoon, were it not for the exhibit on display.

It was an onyx cup with patterns of Anubis and constellations engraved on it, exuding a vague magic power.

She asked Katharina to buy it for her and left the scene with it.

She did not take it back to the botanical garden, an intuition told her that doing so would cause quite a "commotion."

In fact, the underground of Paris has formed many holes due to years of quarrying. If you don't build too high a building, you don't have to worry about it collapsing like the Le Mait Tomb.

So she took the cup to the library.

It is actually more suitable to be placed in the temple, but Georgiana believes that if she does that, I am afraid it will cause another "ripple".

She closed her eyes and felt the "rhythm" the cup brought to her, like a metronome used by a musician.

It's monotonous, but no matter what instrument you play or what movement you play, you have to follow the instructions of the metronome.

According to the "celestial music" conjectured by Kepler, the earth is playing a movement called "pain".

But she didn't feel pain here, but a kind of lightness, as if she could fly at any time.

However, this "happiness" did not last long. A heavy energy behind her made her feel pain again. She slowly opened her eyes and saw Julian Uffral.

He no longer had his usual silly smile, his brows were furrowed, his teeth were clenched, and he said nothing.

"Who is that kid?" Julian asked after a moment, his tone was extremely sinister.

"Who is that boy?" Georgiana asked with a smile.

"Stop pretending to be stupid, didn't you just say that? They are going to give you a handsome husband." Julian said.

She didn't want to give him an answer so quickly, because this man was too strange, and he had confessed to her before.

But he knew that she was a white deer raised by Caesar, so he still showed his kindness to her, and Bonaparte still trusted him so much that he let him be his agent.

"What are you thinking about making up a story?" Julian asked, looking like a majestic judge.

"Can you tell me what you want?" Georgiana asked.


"I can't give you anything back, my love is not that much, and you don't care that much about the position of director of the ceramics factory." Georgiana said.

"I wanted that position just to be close to you," Julian said.

"Why are you approaching me? To admire beautiful beauties?" She sarcastically said, "Have you ever seen a stunner with such a bad figure?"

Julian laughed, then turned serious again.

"Seeing you, I feel that knowledge is still useful. It can really change the world." Julian said slowly.

"I don't think anything has changed," she said pessimistically, Chateaubriand-like.

If you open Pandora's box again, what will be released will not be hope.

"Even if there is no good result in the end, I still enjoy the process. It is much better than being tricked into going on a blind date." Julian sighed. "It's not like we have to squeeze into Noah's Ark. Everything has to be a male and a female."

"What about gay people?" Georgiana asked.

It was as if Julian had eaten some strange flavor of Bibi's all-flavored beans.

Georgiana shook her head, "I really don't understand people like you."

"Who is that handsome boy?" Julian asked, as if he was carrying out punishment on someone's behalf.

"Earl of Aberdeen." Georgiana finally decided not to play tricks on him.

Julian was stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly.

"You have a strange British sense of humour."

"You don't mind?" she asked with interest.

Julian was silent for a long time.

"I hope you can make it, I mean you and..."

"He has Josephine." Georgiana interrupted him. "Someone told their fortunes. She is his lilac crown."

Julian didn't understand what she was talking about?

"If he becomes emperor one day, will you continue to follow him?" Georgiana asked Julian.

"What about you?" Julian asked.

"After Justinian died, his empire and everything he had carefully designed fell apart. Only his marriage and family system remained." Georgiana said, "I still yearn for a monogamous family life."

"You want to go back to England and find William Pitt Jr.?" Julian asked.

Georgiana shook her head.

"Two marriages are enough for me, so let's not get married a third time." She smiled bitterly, "That's really asking for trouble."

"you know……"

"I know!" She interrupted Julian before he could finish.

Julian stopped talking.

"But don't you always love your wife more than your wife?" She sneered. "One day, you will be cursed by the God of Love."

"So love can turn into hate?" Julian asked curiously.

She sighed.

"Read more of Racine, your honor," Georgiana said ruthlessly. "Everything will turn into murder in the end."

Then she left the room.


She yelled the word down the hallway, and the echoes continued to echo through the hallway.

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