Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3264 new castle (6)

Paulette's residence, Salos Mansion, is very luxurious. It is said that it was once the palace of a certain prince and has a vast garden.

Despite the period of mourning and closed doors, there are still many staff here, including secretaries, stewards and maids.

When Georgiana appeared in the palace holding Delmid's hand, those curious glances made her very annoyed, so she simply took Delmid to the Elysee Palace Gardens not far away.

Although the security in the west city is much better than that in the east city, there is still a group of guards guarding them. This leads to the fact that even if some citizens come out to play with their children, they do not dare to approach Delmid after seeing this formation. What's more, not many people come to the Elysee Park for a walk. It has never been a fashionable place to play. There are no playmates, and the garden only has lawns and no toys such as slides. Delmid doesn't know what to do with her. .

Georgiana was wondering if she could use magic to create a hedge maze for him. It didn't need to be too complicated, but it would require magic.

Labyrinth and maze can both refer to labyrinth, where labyrinth is carved out of the rock. It is just an intricate, looping passage, a bit like the pattern of a fingerprint or the structure of the human brain. Maze appeared on a coin from Crete, with the Minotaur on the other side.

Paulette's reputation was indeed not very good. She never wore the same clothes and was always glamorous. This also led Napoleon to set strict rules for her. As she said herself, she even had her own carriage. No.

Without a carriage, she couldn't walk in the streets of Paris wearing silk shoes, but cloak merchants would come to her door. Her level of luxury was no different from Caroline's.

The first time Georgiana entertained them, they undressed and took off their belts in front of the tailor, which really shocked Georgiana.

The women in this family even held her hand and asked her to perform magic for them, not afraid that she was a witch who could cast a curse.

Napoleon hoped that she could control them, but could she control them?

While Leclerc was stationed abroad, Paulina had many lovers, and although scandals abounded about her, at least Georgiana heard that she had invited a handsome French comedian to her home to correct her manners.

For a while, she went to other provinces to recuperate and met a Provence nobleman. She was quickly attracted by his melancholy temperament, and the two fell in love passionately.

Georgiana didn't like any of this.

But now she stood in this paradise of the underworld, said to be a peaceful plain where those who had crossed the River Styx awaited judgment.

A poet named Gayam wrote:

My soul travels through the invisible city,

Words that spell out another world.

The soul slowly returns to me,

Declaring "I myself am heaven and hell."

How can people who commit heinous crimes live happily? They should live in extreme pain and be punished by their conscience all day long.

When Pomona saw the "vomit" club that Hermione organized in school, Hermione was also very lonely. No one around her understood her efforts for the liberation of house elves. Even Harry and Ron watched. Support her as a friend.

But this school is actually run by house elves, and Albus is paying Dobby, which is actually meaningless.

Even if Albus died, the school would continue to function, and Pomona was the one responsible for keeping it running.

Hogwarts is like a Garden of Eden and a utopia. No one who has been here wants to leave. Salazar Slytherin prevents Muggles from entering the school...

A red light appeared before her eyes, then Peter Pedro's face, and the pain from the Cruciatus Curse hit her, and she couldn't stand any longer...and fell to the floor.

She had tried to concentrate, to pick up her wand and resist, but she was so weak, as if her pregnancy had robbed her of her strength.

It is said that people will have some hallucinations when they are dying, such as the soul flying out of the body, or traveling through tunnels, some are vortex-shaped, and sometimes are linear.

The grasses on the Corinthian capitals originally grew in the flower baskets placed in front of tombs, and some of them were swirl-shaped.

She felt herself being lifted up, and then smelled the pungent scent of smelling salts.

She "came back to life", but she didn't feel at all relieved.

The person who saved her was not a guard, but a stranger. He was panting, as if he had run over from a distance.

"Nice to meet you, Madame Sèvres," the stranger said in English.

"Who are you?" Georgiana asked subconsciously.

"Granville Sharp, I am the head of the Sierra Leone Trading Company." Sharp shook hands with Georgiana. "I have long admired your name."

This man was quite handsome, but it was not his face that concerned Georgiana.

"Did you happen to be here?" asked Georgiana.

"I've been looking for opportunities." Sharp said. "You have done enough to abolish slavery."

She looked at him expressionlessly.

"I've been doing this since 1783. Believe me, it's not that simple to deal with those bastards." Sharp said calmly.

"Are you alone?" Georgiana asked.

"No, I just want to tell you that you are not alone." Sharp said in a firm tone, and then helped her up.

After a while, the guard came over, and Sharp took a step back and left the lawn like a helpful passerby.

"Mother, who is he?" Delmid asked, holding Georgiana's hand.

She wanted to say to Delmid "I'm not your mother."

But if Polina remarries and she happens to be in love, who will take care of the child?

So she knelt down and looked into Delmid's eyes.

"You can't call me that in front of your real mother, and your father will always be Leclerc." Georgiana said cautiously, "Remember?"

Delmid hugged her like a little monkey.

After a while, she felt someone approaching and found out that it was her guardian Bougainville.

"The First Consul summons you, madam," said Bougainville.

The word "summons" was used really strongly, as if she had committed something unforgivable.

"I'll send Delmid back first." Georgiana stood up slowly.

"They will send him back." Bougainville said, looking at the guards around him.

As soon as Georgiana let go, Delmid squeezed her hand.

"I'll be back," she said softly to the dark-haired child, who had not inherited his father's blond hair.

"You swear," Delmid said.

She ruffled his hair, ignored the child's request, and followed Bougainville into the waiting carriage.

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