Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3265 new castle (7)

Sierra Leone means "Lion Rock" in Portuguese. Talleyrand usually calls Napoleon an eagle, but this time the letter he asked Joseph to deliver used a lion. After all, no matter how loud the eagle screams, it is not as good as the lion. The sound of the lion's roar is terrifying.

"How is he feeling?" Georgiana asked Bougainville after getting into the carriage.

"You take a look at this first." Bougainville handed a map to Georgiana.

She opened it subconsciously.

This is a map of the world, but the key is that it is elliptical.

"One of the scientific objectives of my last circumnavigation mission was to measure the oblateness of the Earth. In 1672, several physicists were sent to Cayenne. They confirmed this understanding, which was then confirmed by Newton. ." Bougainville said, "The king also sent immigrants to Cayenne, rather than just exiled people, and he tried in various ways to make up for the long-term losses caused by neglect of the sea."

Georgiana put the map down.

Bougainville rubbed his hands.

"Last time I mentioned the new governor of Gibraltar. His name is Charles Bennett. In the past, French officers were all nobles, and almost all of them were dignified. He is the same."

"Besides appearance, what else is he good at?" Georgiana asked.

"He's a musician," Bougainville said.

"Musician?" Georgiana asked in surprise.

"The morale of the Gibraltar garrison is low. The Duke of York believes that he can improve morale. In addition, he is an honest man and can assist the Admiralty in reorganizing Gibraltar's defense." Bougainville said, "The previous governor resold a lot of supplies..."

"I know, he paid off his gambling debts." Georgiana rolled up the map.

"The Spanish intend to take this opportunity to take back Gibraltar." Bougainville said.

Georgiana looked at him.

"Aren't you afraid that I will tell the British this information?" Georgiana asked after a long time.

"Do you think this is possible?" Bougainville asked.

Georgiana unfolded the rolled-up map again.

The Strait of Gibraltar has two corners. The British occupied one on Spanish territory, and the other side of the strait belonged to Morocco. That area also has a name, Maghreb, which means "the land of the sunset." For a long time it was thought to be the end of the world.

"It's so interesting that two empires where the sun never sets are at war in the Land of the Sunset." Georgiana sneered, "Who came up with such a creative idea?"

"What do you think?" Bougainville asked.

Georgiana didn't think Spain would listen to Napoleon and really take Gibraltar, even if its current governor was an idiot.

So if she tells the British that the Spanish have this plan and takes action based on this information, then the Spanish who have no idea will think that the British are up to something, such as the Duke of Alba with Stuart in his surname. .

Sardinia has not always had the sovereignty of Piedmont, but the Savoy Dynasty established an Italian kingdom that almost unified the Apennine Peninsula according to the Treaty of London. The king was not a Latin noble, but a migrating Burgundian. .

The Spanish lost Gibraltar because of the treaty, which they abided by, unlike the British, who signed the Treaty of Amiens but did not withdraw from Malta.

"He's going to be furious," Georgiana whispered.

But Bougainville laughed.

"What's so funny?" she asked angrily.

But before she could finish her words, the carriage had already stopped at the entrance of the Navy Mansion.

"We're here." Bougainville said easily, opened the door and got out of the car.

It was a rococo-style building. When Bougainville appeared, the navies "passing by" stared at them and did not even do what they were doing.

She glared at one of them, then quickened her pace and followed Bougainville up to the second floor.

In a conference room, Bonaparte was smoking a pipe alone, his expression as gloomy as the coming storm.

"Miss Georgiana is here, Führer," Bougainville said at the door.

"Do you want me to invite her in?" Bonaparte asked provocatively.

Bougainville stepped aside half a step, pushed Georgiana forward, then left and closed the door.

Then Bonaparte stood up.

She didn't notice it in the hotel before, but now she saw that he was indeed in mourning and the coat he was wearing was black.

He was originally not tall, but because he was standing with a backlight, his shadow was particularly tall, as if he had suddenly grown several inches taller.

"What do you mean?" he demanded.

"What do you mean?" Georgiana asked.

"Julian Ouvral, what did you tell him?" he asked "patiently".

"Have you asked him?" asked Georgiana.

He didn't speak, and silently blew out a puff of smoke, looking like a dragon about to spit out fire.

"Epicurus said that any form of enjoyment itself is never evil, but the subsequent pain it brings is much stronger than the pleasure enjoyed, and such enjoyment is evil." She looked into his eyes, "Do you regret it?" "

"What do you regret?" he said calmly.

"Meet a woman like me." She said with a cold face, "Besides my beauty, what else do you like in me?"

He sneered.

"Don't change the subject, explain yourself clearly."

"I made a bet with him that he would add water to the wine like you did. He didn't want to, so I gave him a reason why he couldn't refuse." Georgiana walked to a chair and sat down. "So we talked about St. Louis. , and the Dionysian rules.”

He took a drag on his cigarette and then sat down too.

"Why do you want him to learn from me?" asked Bonaparte.

"Before I answer your question, tell me, what were you suspecting before?" Georgiana asked, "I just slept with you at noon, and then turned around and found someone else? Who do you think I am?" Woolen cloth?"

He was speechless and no longer had the terrifying aura he had just now.

"I thank you for your generosity, Leon, but if you ask me to preside over Vulcan, you will definitely hear similar things often. I don't want to be suspected all the time, and I don't want you not to doubt, because cry wolf!" A wolf is really coming. If you shout again, no one will believe you." She sat with one leg crossed and said, "How about letting Polina host it after we come back from Italy?"

"As you wish." He said coldly.

"I'm not rejecting your kindness, but things like the human heart can't stand experiments. Severus gave me freedom before, and he thought it was what I wanted, but the kind of thing that everyone wants may not be What I want." Georgiana looked at Bonaparte with a challenge, "I will add water to the wine in the future, you bumpkin."

He didn't jump up and fight like he did when he was studying. Instead, he quietly observed her.

"Because of the frugality of St. Louis and the temperance of Dionysus, if someone laughs at you again, you tell him so. I'm sure he hasn't read as many books as you." Georgiana said.

He laughed and waved to her.

"come over."

She shook her head.

"I can stand being laughed at with you, but I can't stand slavery. I made amulets for those soldiers because I thought they were going to recover the lost territory. No one told me to restore slavery."

The smile disappeared from his face.

"I will not live with a slave owner, no matter how charming he is." Georgiana stood up. "As a family, we should tolerate each other, but I have a friend who chose to run away from home, and he was found outside. family."

"You don't need to go out to find your family. I understand what you mean." He said calmly, "You and Paulette should be safe this time when you go out to play. I will send the Chasseur to protect you."

"Where are the Mamluks?" Georgiana asked.

"They didn't dare, thinking I was going to send them back to Egypt."

She didn't know what to say.

"Life is not all happiness and victory, but also full of bitterness and tears. Instead of worrying about whether I will have a hangover and a headache if I drink too much, I am more afraid that I will not have the courage to drink. Even if it is bitter wine, I will drink it. Coward," he said teasingly, as if seeking revenge for her calling him a "bumpkin."

She made a face at him and left.

But when she opened the door, there were people eavesdropping outside.

"We are not afraid that what we are talking about is military secrets." Georgiana said to them angrily.

There were cheers and whistles all around.

She took Bougainville's arm and left, and he was all smiles.

"Where are we going next? Back?" Bougainville asked.

"No, I want to find someone." Georgiana said with a cold face.


"Joseph Fouche, is he at the police station today?"

Bougainville grew serious.

"You don't know where he is, but you still don't dare to look for him?" Georgiana sneered, "Captain?"

"Don't question your captain, sailor." Bougainville said with a smile. "Let's go, I just saw him."

Then he took Georgiana and left the Admiralty, but did not get into the carriage, but walked towards the Louvre.

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