Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 343 The Emperor's Garden

For the vast majority of human beings, the age of forty has already begun to pass through the prime of life and enter the next stage of life.

Aging is a natural law, and they have left the most beautiful stage of life to this school from youth to middle age.

She couldn't feed her own child, but raised other people's children with all her heart, for what reason?

Being a saint is hard, she couldn't be perfect, so she quit.

She just came back to fulfill the responsibility of an adult, and gave her survival experience to the underage children, especially Lavender Brown, she had to learn to hide.

Pomona had just received a very hot love letter, and Severus had given her his acceptance letter.

Without this letter, he would not have learned to summon the Guardian, nor would he have had a Patronus, let alone a Potions Master or a Slytherin Head.

He gave her such an important gift, so she has to take his birthday seriously tomorrow, just like his name, seriously, his first social meeting was brought by Lucius Malfoy, this time they participated in Muggle The social interaction in the future should be more grand, at least not as sloppy as the wedding.

Now they are Mrs. Sprout and Mr. Sprout. Justin is still a little short, and it would be better if he could use Mrs. Prince and Mr. Prince.

When the old king dies, the prince will become the new king. Old Dumbledore is the half-blood prince who passed the throne to. He can enter the headmaster's office, which Umbridge, a senior official of the Ministry of Magic, cannot do.

Ministry appointments are useless, then that castle is not Ministry property.

The Gaunt family was not a British native nobleman before. In the 1790s, the French Revolution broke out. From September 5, 1793 to July 28, 1794, this period was called the period of terror, and a large number of revolutionaries executed French soldiers. Nobles, many of these people are wizards.

The Duke of Vincent de Teflepic was one of the nobles to be executed. He cast an invisibility spell on his neck on the guillotine to escape the fate of execution.

Of course, they couldn’t take care of so much when fleeing for their lives. At the end of the 18th century, the Gaunt family was still rich when they fled to England, but it became more and more difficult as they went forward. When there is no money.

When Phileas Black was the headmaster in the 19th century, it was the best time to bring Hogwarts Castle into the Black family's pocket, but he obviously didn't do that, which means that Sirius became the master of Filch only because other reasons.

Severus was deeply influenced by Hayes Pastaki, who specialized in the moon's effect on potion making. On a full moon night, not only werewolves will transform, but magic plants will also be different, especially for psychotropic drugs. Pomona conducted an investigation on this. The Chinese calendar is based on the phases of the moon. Every year on August 15th, there will be tidal phenomena along the Qiantang River.

As the closest star to the earth, the moon has obvious influence on the earth. Other masters of potions don't care much about the influence of the moon on potions, but Severus takes it into consideration, especially the veritaserum. Psychic potions.

Its main ingredient is scopolamine, which is a herbal medicine produced in Asia. In 1920, Robert House noticed that after injecting the anesthetic scopolamine, the patient entered a special sedative state and could answer questions accurately in an unconscious state. . From this, House ventured to speculate that scopolamine or other anesthetics might allow people to answer questions truthfully, and perhaps use this to interrogate prisoners. He called drugs with such effects "truth truth potions."

Nymphadora Tonks was born in 1973, which was discovered by Pomona on the tombstone just now. The ability of Yirongmagus is not the strength of the Black family. Her father, Ted Tonks, is a Muggle Wizard of birth.

Filch is certainly not the kind of servant who is loyal at first glance, but it would make more sense if he and Mrs. Figg were protected by Dumbledore because of their participation in a certain plan.

Three drops of Veritaserum, any secret can be concealed, and black vine water can destroy a person against a wizard with Occlumency. Nine-jointed vine is a plant native to South America. What prohibited item was imported through George?

The man who'd shared her sordid daydream just temporarily opened his mind maze, and she saw some of his actions this morning, those prisoners in Azkaban who didn't have dementors looking like they were On vacation, he will use the dark wizard method to deal with those prisoners who should be sentenced to death but give up because of "humanity".

He will offend many people by doing so.

Pomona had no choice but to think that the American Magic Association used potions to execute executions. Newt's wife Tina almost fell into the death potion. It was also a spiritual potion, and she didn't want him to provoke too many enemies.

Napoleon Panama used to be the emperor of France, but he ended up in a bleak end. Kingsley was a weak good guy, and Severus was the bad guy. He was committing suicide.

The Tang Dynasty in China had a similar situation. Wu Zetian's husband, Li Zhi, appeared to be a weak and incompetent emperor, but in fact he opened up the largest territory in China's history. There are no nobles in China anymore. The ancient nobles in the past, that is, the "family clan" in the mouth of Chinese scholars, were almost wiped out by Wu Zetian. Li Zhi pretended to be a weak and incompetent emperor and hid behind her. The hatred was concentrated on Wu Zetian, a woman. body.

Hufflepuff's way of dealing with things was very similar to the "moderate" in the East, and he was not in the limelight. Pomona hoped that Severus would not be as stupid as he was in school, always doing thankless things.

Lupine the werewolf didn't want to be recognized as a werewolf, so he allowed the children not to hand in the two rolls of parchment homework. Only Hermione handed it in, and she recognized Lupine as a werewolf, and the others will learn The time is devoted to Quidditch and small talk, and this is how the gap between the top students and the poor students comes out.

The consequences of being bitten by a werewolf, if it is not the night of the full moon, you will not become a complete werewolf, but there are not only one types of werewolves, wetland werewolves can also use black magic, if you don’t know how to deal with them When a werewolf is bitten, it can be life-threatening, or become the same werewolf, and it can be more enjoyable after death. The pain once a month is a hundred times more painful than a woman's menstrual cycle. Transformation once is on the premise of not eating human flesh. It will take a few days to recuperate, Lupine is the same age as Severus, and his gray hair is starting to grow, so it's not really understandable just by saying "I can understand".

The werewolf who likes to bite people, especially children, must be eliminated. If Kingsley can't accept hanging and beheading, then use drugs. There will be a lot of demand for chamaejasma aconitum, which will slowly stop the beating heart. Just like having a sweet dream, sleep forever in a sweet dream.

Her dream is to have a greenhouse full of flowers, but her daydream is a sea of ​​chamaejasma aconitum like a dancing blue flame. Fear has a suffocating beauty.

If Lily is a pure lily, then Pomona is to him mead mixed with poison, which is poisonous but delicious to drink. This kind of slow poison will kill him sooner or later. shared.

"You're an idiot, Severus." She carefully placed the letter into a wooden box lined with black velvet, and put it in a velvet bag.

After drinking Polyjuice Potion and being pudgy again, she walked into the fireplace, yelled Hogsmeade, and came to the Three Broomsticks.

As she stepped out of the fireplace a stench wafted from a nearby guest.

He felt uncomfortable as if squeezed into ill-fitting clothes, his face was pale and weak, the coat on his upper body was very new, but his shoes were dirty and old, as if he had walked around the forest.

"What are you looking at?" The man with dark chestnut hair looked at her with unruly eyes. His eyes didn't turn green like Lavender's, but they looked very fierce, like a wolf in human skin.

She looked at the unsuspecting students in the bar, not knowing what to do.

Far away, at the door stood a man wearing an ugly round hat. He raised his finger towards her and put it to his lips, making a gesture of silence. Looking at him, Pomona thought of Frank Barton, A clever and quick-witted Auror.

"Dean!" Pomona was in a daze when a blond young man embraced her with open arms.

"Ernie?" Pomona was stunned. "You're here?"

"I came here after I heard Hannah said something interesting." He took her hand and walked out of the Three Broomsticks bar as if he didn't notice, "We haven't met for several years, we must have a good chat this time. "

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