Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 344: The King Does Not Die

The Tang Dynasty was another close cooperation between Chinese wizards and Muggle emperors after the Han Dynasty.

Different from the previous dynasties, the Li family paid more attention to the ability of wizards in prophecy and medicine.

In the Chocolate Frog Card, there is Zou Yan, an alchemist in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. He is a representative of the Onmyoji School and the Five Elements Theory.

There were several Chinese wizards briefly appearing in Chocolate Frog Cards. Zhang Guolao was a well-known wizard in the East. The wizard gradually disappeared, and only Zou Yan's pictures can still be collected occasionally.

Zhang Guolao is very interesting. He likes to ride his donkey upside down and sing while riding it. The donkey is made from a piece of paper.

Sun Simiao, on the other hand, strictly abided by the commandment that wizards should not participate in Muggle society at will, and refused to become an official in the court under the generous invitation and generous invitation of the emperor's high-ranking officials. Li Chunfeng is the complete opposite. He often divination and prophecy for the emperor and the royal family, the most famous of which is that he predicted the empress Wu Zetian. At that time, the emperor Tian Khan was very afraid of her appearance, so he searched and arrested women surnamed Wu all over the world, and killed them all, even babies. Later, because of Li Chunfeng's protection, Wu Zetian escaped unharmed.

Her father, Samurai Xun, was a timber merchant. He became a nobleman because he supported the Li family usurping the throne. Samurai Xun had two sons with his ex-wife. After he succeeded, he abandoned her and married a woman from an aristocratic family. Two daughters were born to him.

In that country that favors sons over daughters, even a noble lady who has two daughters has no status in the family. Wu Zetian was bullied by her half-brother when she was young. After the rumor spread, her father and brother were afraid She was implicated and drove her out of the house. How could a 14-year-old girl live in the war-torn era? Fortunately, her father found out with conscience and arranged her in the emperor's harem. The girl finally became Tian Khan's concubine with her own intelligence, and later she had entanglements with the emperor's son Li Zhi. According to the rules of the Tang Dynasty in China, the women of the old emperor had to go to a place like a monastery to become a monk. It was Tian Khan's son who picked up Wu Meiniang from that place, and she eventually became a queen as predicted.

Women always want to rely on men. Wu Zetian's father and elder brother were unreliable. One of the husbands who changed her life later died, and the other had an affair with Wu Zetian's sister and niece. Her husband was also unreliable. The only thing she had left was It is to rely on the son.

But her eldest son Li Hong, although kind-hearted, was too naive and sickly, and died very young. In order to save him, Wu Zetian also tried everything, including "Chongxi", the woman from the Pei family who was a widow. Later, because Li Hong had no heirs, Wu Zetian ordered the king of Chu to be his heir. This king of Chu was the later Tang Minghuang Li Longji.

After Wu Zetian came to power, he killed many offshoots of the Li family's royal family. Although Li Longji escaped the massacre by luck, he was still imprisoned in the palace for many years.

Li Chunfeng said to Tian Khan that since God sent such a person to succeed Tang Chao, he should protect her and not kill her lightly, otherwise this matter would bring disaster to many innocent people. Taking a step back, even if you kill her, if God’s intentions remain unchanged, he will send another person. This time it’s a woman, and the next time it’s a man. If it’s a woman, the Li family still has a chance to make a comeback If it is a man, the Li family will have no chance to stand up again.

What women desire most is love, while men don't value love so much. Men's ambition and ambition are much stronger than women's. This is the nature of men and women.

The reason why the Tang Dynasty lasted for two to three hundred years was thanks to the fact that Wu Zetian was a woman. If she was a man, she would launch an armed uprising, just like countless times when the dynasty changed. Large-scale wars broke out.

Many of today's pure-blood nobles landed in England with the Anglo-Saxons and Normans. The McMillan family and the Shaker family are descendants of the Celtics. Compared with remote Scotland and Ireland, of course they are The land is better in these parts of Wales.

Ernie and Hannah always try their best to collect chocolate frog pictures that no one else has. She promised Hannah that this spider removal operation won her a rare chocolate frog picture. But now Ernie doesn't seem to be the boy who is serious with Hannah for the chocolate frog picture.

In the fifth grade, Ernie publicly expressed his support for Harry Potter as the Hufflepuff male prefect, and became a member of the "Dumbledore's Army". The McMillan family bet right in the Second Wizarding War. They are winners.

Almost all the members who participated in DA had Auror experience, and even Neville stayed for a while, but later he accepted the passing of the herbal medicine professor and left the Auror office, Ernie stayed behind, and he took Harry Porter became his own competitor.

Many people think Hufflepuff is a trash academy where idiots eat and die. If so, it wouldn't be Hufflepuff's Cedric Diggory representing Hogwarts in the Triwizard Tournament.

Hufflepuff's internal competition is fierce, and the position of prefect is contested by three boys, Ernie, Zacharias and Justin, each of whom has a prominent family background and has a lot of means.

It is very difficult to meet the son of a councilor in a Muggle school. If there is one, he will walk sideways in the school. However, Justin does not have an advantage in the competition for prefects. The rules of this world are different from the world of ordinary people. of.

Draco is so cute, he made his dad buy the best broomsticks for the whole team in order to join the Quidditch team.

Justin didn't plan to use a penny of his family's money for this spider removal operation. He looked for sponsors everywhere, so "old friend" Ernie came.

"Have you left the Auror office?" After reminiscing about the past, Pomona began to talk about the current situation. Pomona didn't expect Ernie to resign.

"The current Auror office belongs to Calvin Barozi, and I don't want to get into trouble." Ernie ate the chocolate frog while putting the newly collected pictures into his jacket pocket, "Aurors are becoming more and more like the army now." .”

"Oh, poor Kingsley." Pomona expressed deep sympathy for the Minister of Magic.

Fudge suspects that Dumbledore is an idiot for his ambitions for the position of Minister of Magic. Dumbledore is also the president of the International Federation of Wizards and the hero who defeated Grindelwald. He will not be interested in the position of Minister of Magic. .

That Dumbledore's Army was conceived by him to overthrow him, and Calvin really intended to launch a coup d'etat, especially in this era when the war against werewolves requires strong men, Kingsley's "humanity" made him lose After losing supporters, Calvin saw an opportunity to take advantage of it, so he began to brew.

"The Minister for Magic is doing the right thing. MI5 has had a great time working with us. The Home Secretary and the Minister are formerly good friends. They met when the Minister was Secretary to the Prime Minister."

MI5 Pomona heard that they are the national security department of the Muggle government, responsible for combating serious crimes, military separatism, and espionage in the country, and have saved Britain from danger several times since its establishment.

"Are you married, Ernie?" Pomona asked, raising her voice.

"No, what about you, Professor?"

Pomona looked at this tall young man who had lost a lot of weight.

Although he is not as handsome as Cedric, he is definitely a golden bachelor in the eyes of women. Hannah Albert didn't like him. What's wrong with her eyes?

"I'm married," said Pomona listlessly.

"Who's that lucky guy?" Ernie asked cheerfully.

"Are you coming back to fight this time?" Pomona changed the subject.

Ernie's blond hair looked stunning and reminded Pomona of the sun god.

In Celtic mythology, Cu Chulainn is the son of the sun god. The wild boar is the most dangerous animal in the forest. Ernie’s patron saint is a boar. Are Justin and Neville his opponents?

"Sounds like a big party, why not?" Ernie shrugged.

"Don't think of it as a sports meeting," said Pomona sternly.

"I heard that the winner can get a ticket to the top box of the Quidditch World Cup." Ernie stared at Pomona and said somewhat pretentiously, "I'm really sorry Dean, I must win this competition."

Pomona looked at him and shook her head.

That pudgy boy had become a pompous man too.

Why can't they never grow up?

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