Lucius' apartment in South Kensington had an anti-apparition spell on the top floor, but not in the apartment next door, and after the whirling flight she was pressed against the wall of the luxury apartment, in the dark like a A giant python came to bite her, and the crazy hiss echoed in her ears, every kiss of the snake was like a strong impact.

Terrified, she trembled and tried to block the attack with her hands, but found it futile.

February 13th is Sunday and February 14th is Monday. Some people celebrate Valentine's Day one day earlier. Not everyone can spare time on the day of the festival.

There's more to Valentine's Day than flowers and chocolates, and she's unbuttoning his belt as he reaches for and fumbles to undress her, the only two of them audible in the spacious apartment gasps.

For a moment, she wondered if Lucius and his mistress had done the same thing in this place as they were doing now, but the thought soon faded away.

Lily is always a pure lily in his heart. When he was looked down upon by others in the Muggle school and thought he was weird, Lily, the same kind, accompanied him through that lonely childhood.

And Pomona is the object of his fantasies. Before being "reasonable", boys' fantasies are mainly sports and adventures, while girls start to fall in love and start a family.

Many people's fantasy is to become Cinderella, who was ordinary at first, and after wearing a beautiful dress, she went to the ball to charm the prince, and then the ordinary life became no longer ordinary, and they lived a happy life ever since.

That is a story that only happened in fairy tales, and reality is often different from fairy tales. The "Price" in front of Pomona is different from the British crown princes in the palace next door. He is dressed in black and is not handsome. There is no comparison with the school prince Sirius.

People in a sane state would not fall in love with this thug, but good girls are easily attracted to bad boys. The male teacher who always caught boys and girls in school was a villain when he was young. Balance, I don't see other people being able to make out, so I keep disturbing other people's good things.

Later, he had good things to do himself, so he stopped arresting those students, and he could realize all the plots he fantasized in his mind before.

Imagination is the basis for creating all things, and this kind of fantasy can only be realized in the tangible body, which cannot be realized by ghosts and spirits. What I experience at this moment is the so-called feeling of being alive.

Every freshman banquet, ghosts fly over the food, they can't smell or taste anything.

They can't feel these funs, even if they can still talk to humans, what's the use?

There will be pain in life, but there will also be enjoyment, but the pain will make people distorted, and always enjoying enjoyment will make people live comfortably and not think about making progress. Only when you are suffering while being happy can you achieve balance and walk well on the road of life.

The pursuit of happiness just proves that there is more suffering than happiness, and growing up means accepting all the harm that this world brings.

Wood needs to be processed by a carpenter before it can be turned into a tool. Many tools are used in this process. These tools damage the wood and change its nature, which is different from its natural state. But in human life, it is necessary to use it. It is precisely because of the use of tools that people do not have to evolve their hands, feet and teeth like animals, grow claws like tigers, and become top predators.

She slid down against the wall, but he wouldn't let her slide down, and she was hit by an upward thrust, staring at her eyes and almost fainting. Hugging in such a warm way to a person who has been in a coma for more than ten days, she felt that she was about to die. Everything around her was shaking violently, and the siren of the ambulance seemed so far away. The cold heart was warmed up, and the dream about Lily and the secret room disappeared. Because the red-haired girl is a ghost now, and she can do nothing but watch the boy she likes get entangled with other women.

You're a bad girl, very, very bad.

During the Triwizard Tournament, that double agent always said that about her. At first she felt wronged, but now she doesn't feel that way.

She is really not a good person, because she is a witch.

It was a psychological shift from passive defense to active attack, and it was not because of the usual style of Albus, who was old and lacked energy, and was proficient in defense and plotting.

She had been wondering how Severus had found out the exact date Harry left Privet Drive, where he had lived for seventeen years. He's always been a spy, she never thought of him as a mastermind, Polyjuice Potion is his specialty, if Severus planned the Seven Potters plan, then it's no wonder he knows when to act .

He controlled someone in the Order of the Phoenix, using the Imperius Curse or the Confusion Curse, and asked him to tell the other members of the Order of the Phoenix about this plan. This is better than having no choice but to evacuate passively on July 31. too much.

The whole plan, both the Death Eaters and the Order of the Phoenix, is under his control. The only thing he can't control is what happened at that dark dining table. Voldemort's Avada Kedavra, whose body was eaten by Nagini.

Before she died, she called Severus for help. He was terrified at the time, and had a long nightmare after the war, and Pomona needed to use her strength to help him forget.

A veela is a beautiful young woman who dances under the moonlight on a midsummer night in tulle, making a man infatuated with her forget everything in the world, especially painful memories.

While gaining happiness, bad luck will always follow that person. They do no harm to other species, only to human males.

Slytherin not only rejects Muggle-born wizards, but even the descendants of Veela are prohibited from enrolling. There are countless examples in history of men who are weak-willed in the face of beauty, and finally die in the country. A wizard must know how to control himself, and the school teaches how to control his own power. However, Albus not only let the werewolf enter the school, but also let the mixed-race Veela enter the magic school full of adolescent boys.

"If you die." After the sound of the beating heart returned to normal, Severus whispered in her ear, the tone was the same as when he was a child, "My heart is so cold, I can't feel anything , even if I almost killed that kid."

She should have said: Well done, Severus, didn't you kill a Muggle boy with the Avada Kedavra?

The Cruciatus Curse is also an unforgivable curse, but it doesn't cause instant death, but it is still unforgivable.

Ivan and Valentina's misunderstanding and fear of wizards will continue, and the desire for peaceful coexistence between wizards and Muggles is even more out of reach.

It is precisely because of the law of secrecy that Hogwarts is not known to most ordinary people. Justin's family is an upper-class society. Lucius, a poisonous snake who puts interests first, may often come into contact with them, so he does not necessarily need to learn brains Occlusion, as long as you can hide and keep your mouth shut, you can still keep secrets.

"Do you know how Albus induced Harry Potter? He said that Merope gave up his life because he endured a long time of suffering and didn't have the courage of Lily. What does dystocia have to do with courage?" West Fleurs hugged her tightly and whispered as he kissed the main artery in her neck, "Harry Potter asked him if that woman didn't even want to live for her own son? You know what Dumbledore answered ?”

"How do you know this?" She asked vaguely, and now her mind was still dazed, as if she had been knocked out by a combo punch.

"Philias and I are both unpopular principals, and I think we'll have a lot in common," he said briskly, and began to kiss her, his tongue almost as flexible as an orator.

He's running amok and doing whatever he wants, he's not the boy who fantasizes about adventure and sports.

She struggled to get away from that provocative kiss before losing her mind completely.

"Do you think Voldemort deserves sympathy?" If she had given birth to him, she would not have died because of giving birth to him, so he always believed that his father was a wizard, so he made up a story by himself, but when he found his relatives, everything was reversed , his mother is the descendant of Slytherin, she is a wizard, why can't she save herself? In the deepest part of his heart, he also has love, he loves his mother, that's why he hates her so much. Obsessed with a person's appearance, he can't find where her tomb is, so his resurrection potion can only use his father's bones. When she was buried, there was no cemetery. Even if there was, she should have been cremated. He would Ask me why she doesn't try to live? Do you understand why he asked me that?"

"What did Albus ask Harry?" Pomona asked rhetorically.

He sneered, "He said to Harry Potter, 'You don't sympathize with Voldemort, do you?', Harry Potter immediately replied that he did not sympathize with Voldemort, and his sense of right and wrong was distorted from here, it was Albus Dumbledore used his students to deal with his old lover, he didn't spend his time teaching Tom Riddle at all, do you think he is a qualified teacher?"

"He can be a good teacher if he spends his time doing it."

"He could be a good brother too, as long as he spends his time with Arianna and Aberforth." Severus said coldly. "Unrequited love drains a man, and he understands that, so He thought my love for Lily was over, after all I was a human and she was a ghost, but I surprised him, just like the Dark Lord came back from the dead, all the common sense he once believed in was subverted, he disgusted me, 'Always'." He laughed maniacally "He wanted me to die, like Harry Potter, he said to the troll, Merope didn't have the courage of Lily, you think what Lily did was courageous behavior?"

"She sacrificed herself to protect Harry," Pomona said wearily. "Are you denying her even that? Severus, it wasn't just money that she chose James over you."

"She sacrificed herself like a lamb, and then let that protective spell work on the great, famous savior whose mother gave her life for her life, and that stupid kid gave it up so easily. I know him and many Celebrities have correspondence, but I never knew he had contacts with the Chinese, they are good at dealing with ghosts, that kid was instigated to die by a group of ghosts." Severus said with disdain, "Voldemort can curse up and down the ring , Albus can cast spells too, that's a trap, he fell for it, I want you to try to live, I know it's tiring, but I hope you can live for me, I don't believe that death requires courage, live It takes more courage than death."

"It's hard to understand." She complained, "What do you want me to do?"

"Resist him, as Harry did in the Battle of the Ministry of Magic, and don't let him control you." Severus held her face in his hands. "We live together."

"We can't go on being so selfish forever." She said sadly, "The child who was parasitized silently, if we hadn't lived in seclusion..."

"This is fate." Severus interrupted her, "The Goddess of Fate favors courageous people, that boy's mother dare not take risks, she ruined her son's life, even if we try to persuade her, she will doubt us Take care, don't block the fault on yourself."

"How can you speak so confidently of being irresponsible?"

"I'm not a white wizard, I can't afford such a big responsibility, just you and Draco are enough for me." He lowered his eyelids and looked at her lips "A man who doesn't even take care of his family is not a man at all , You said that I, like Arthur, are family-oriented people, and people outside have nothing to do with me."

She hooked his neck and kissed him actively.

He talks too much, it's time to shut up.

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