Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 457 Special Medicine

This world used to be full of all kinds of magical beings, but now it belongs to Muggles, and those magical things are hard to find. Werewolves, vampires, and wizards are hidden in the crowd, and they look no different from ordinary people.

Among the wizards, there are the sage Merlin, and there are also lunatics who cause chaos and killing. Hateful people have their own pitiful things, and poor people also have hateful things. The heart knot of Voldemort, the source of all evil, is actually in this place. His mother Why did you die because of dystocia?

If she could go back, she would tell him: baby, childbirth is a risk a woman must take, because only this can bring hope to this hopeless world, your mother loves you very much, she hopes you can grow up Like Dad, you will live a lot easier.

It's a pity that if there is no Voldemort, then the believers loyal to Grindelwald will find a way to rescue him from prison, and continue to lead the pure-bloods to dream of the arrogant and illusory dream of wizards ruling Muggles.

Compared with Grindelwald, who is good at manipulating people's hearts, Voldemort is much easier to deal with. When Voldemort died, so did Grindelwald, provided that it was really Grindelwald who was imprisoned in Nurmengard.

He is very good at escaping from prison. He has escaped from prison in New York once. The one who is locked in the prison is his substitute. He is like Voldemort who made the Horcrux, just like Hydra, the nine-headed sea monster. He cut off one head and the other. It grows out again, seemingly endlessly.

Negligence will cause unpredictable consequences. The Lantern Festival is getting closer and closer. After the Spring Festival, human beings will become fat due to gatherings and banquets. This is the perfect time to hunt.

Pomona promised Minerva that she would go back to school to teach transfiguration, and she would also help her with school affairs. She didn't deal with that silent matter, and she didn't follow up on the relocation of Black's old house. She was Della Co's godmother, the young man is falling out with his parents now, Lucius and Narcissa need help, Regulus needs planning, Gringotts security and rebuilding the Leaky Cauldron, she should be very busy Just be busy.

But only now she was sunning herself on the couch with the Slytherin basilisk.

The word flirting, like witch, is not a good word in people's habits and impressions. It is hard to imagine that Severus, who is serious and majestic in front of outsiders, would have such a frivolous appearance.

Kissing is not so much a way of conveying feelings to them as a game, Severus looks very happy now, he used the mood of experimentation to add candies, drinks, and desserts while kissing, See which form feels best.

She indulged his curiosity, and even allowed him to grope on her, the sense of touch can convey love, the baby crying at night is not necessarily hungry, or bed-wetting, but a feeling of security, and now Severus is from her With this on his body, he probably thought that she would die if he took off the bracelet.

The sound of the piano came from downstairs again. Although the player was not as skilled as the professional musicians in the concert hall, it made this boring afternoon romantic. After listening to it for a long time, Pomona couldn't tell whether the player was playing Chopin or Schubert, if you let Felius listen, you may be able to tell, he is always in a tuxedo, as if he is ready to conduct a symphony at any time.

Now even the person who doesn't care is busy, she really shouldn't continue to be so leisurely.

But she couldn't help it, if Pomona's daughter Lily was still alive, she would have tortured them both by now, and they wouldn't be able to move as often as they did now because they couldn't apparate with the baby.

Single life is free and easy. After having children, you have to face a lot of responsibilities. People with families will have the same scruples as Ron. Only young people like Harry who have no family will do that kind of desperado stupid thing.

If she had died then Severus would have been single again and he could do whatever he wanted.

Regardless of his mood at the time, Severus finally controlled his emotions and did not use the Avada Kedavra to take Ivan's life, causing irreparable consequences.

She didn't want him to be filled with hatred. Not everyone like Albus can let go of personal hatred for the sake of the overall situation.

Albus has enough reasons to hate Muggles, he used to fool around with Grindelwald when he was young, but as he said when he walked with her by the Black Lake: endure, and then revenge afterwards, but I believe you have forgotten by then.

He chose to let go of his hatred, be an old fool, play around with the children in that castle, and lead the next generation on the right path.

Every country is composed of countless small families, which is the one in alchemy, and a country is the sum of all ones, which is the whole in alchemy.

Helping men and women start families and make other people's families happy is like rebuilding a blood-forming function.

There won't be so many disgruntled men wanting revenge on society for causing chaos, and there won't be so many lonely women relying on pets to soothe their hearts. After having children, there will be new blood, and it won't be the same as it is now , Facing the crisis of blood severance due to the decrease in newborn births.

Genetic diversity occurs only when the population is diverse. Maintaining population diversity is a necessary condition for the stability of the ecosystem, and it is also an important factor for mutations.

The blood of Slytherin has been kept in the Gaunt family, and there is no unparalleled power. However, when a pure blood and a Muggle are combined, the child they give birth will become like Voldemort, with extremely high talents.

It is easy for Slytherin to get lost on the road of seeking power most. Power is not good or bad, it only lies in the heart. As long as it is used correctly, even black magic can do good things. The invincible sword of the king needs a scabbard, otherwise he will hurt own.

Severus had worked hard for so many years, always wanted to feel successful, and he was more at home in this luxury apartment than in the cabin.

They are neither ascetics nor Puritans. If he is forced to restrain his desires and stay in that small house, that house will be like a corset, leaving no room for him to grow, and eventually his heart will become deformed.

But he can't get out of control because of this. The history of the East is very useful for reference. Building too many gorgeous palaces will waste money and energy in useless places.

During the more than ten days when she was in a coma, he, Lucius, and other pure-blood families planned to open a potion company that manufactured Wolfsbane potion. Just because Wolfsbane Potion is expensive now doesn't mean it will be expensive in the future. Just like pepper and salt, they were originally currencies like gold. After mastering their cultivation and mining techniques, they will become worthless.

With this thing in the war against werewolves, Aurors don't have to learn the very dangerous body transformation technique of Animagus.

People can skip food and make-up, but they have to take medicine when they are sick. The huge profits of medicine are equally astonishing.

Buying people's hearts and earning money, this way of spending money is positive. Compared with spending money on luxury goods, Pomona is more willing to spend money like this. She is very happy that he still has reason , brewing the potion can keep his mind clear, and he finally didn't go crazy like Tom.

The taste of revenge is so sweet, it is very difficult to resist the "sweet" temptation, it needs a heart like a dragon.

There are trade-offs involved in looking at the big picture for the greater good. Severus likes Lily, and Lily likes Severus very much, but there are too many practical problems between them. In Chinese words, there is fate but no share. Meeting is fate, meeting is fate, and acquaintance is also Fate, some losses are doomed, and some fates will never have results.

But this way of ending should not be death. Wormtail was controlled by fear and betrayed Lily and James as a secret keeper.

Severus didn't kill Pete, and lived with him in Spinner's End. Wormtail didn't do anything serious, he just slipped his mouth and told Voldemort where Lily and James lived; Ivan didn't do anything bad, he just stole a nice-looking bracelet to give to his sister .

However, the result they caused was terrifying. Narcissa thought that Severus didn't kill Pete because he had let go of his love for Lily, but now Pomona was not sure.

Severus' heart was like a cabbage, wrapped in layers of leaves, one couldn't help but want to see what was hidden in his heart.

Pomona lived in this house that used to house mistresses as his wife. She hated this arrangement. In his mind, was he his wife or his mistress?

Unless she's willing to spend money on a new apartment or house, but that would defeat her original purpose of frugality, and the cunning Slytherin viper would plot her to death.

It is not necessary to rely on the way of giving orders to let the other party achieve their goals, and it can also be silent.

Severus wanted her to obey him, and if it was another woman, she would have been obedient, enjoying his tender affection like a pet bird, trying on a wardrobe full of luxurious clothes, and dressing up to her heart's content.

Only in this way, Pomona became the same woman as Lucius' mistress. That kind of woman was easy to deal with, and Pomona didn't forget that she wanted to hide her private money and get rid of his plan to control her financially.

When a woman has money, she can kick a man out of the house at any time. She will not be like a Victorian woman. The man indulged with his mistress outside, and she could only swallow her anger at home.

She hadn't wanted to give him access to her Gringotts vault at all, and he had threatened her to sign it.

Like squirrels, Badger also has the habit of stockpiling food, which she has saved so hard for so many years.

Pomona Sprout stole the magic plants in the school's greenhouse and sold them for money, but she grew those plants herself. She didn't work for the school, and she could make a fortune by finding a piece of land to grow by herself. It was Dumbledore And the potions masters enslaved her.

If you treat plants and animals well, they will give back to those who treat them well. Newt Scamander has protected the only pair of horned camels in the world that are still able to reproduce. The price of their horn grinding powder is very high. Scamander, who said it was hard to get, can get it just by saying hello.

The benefits that can be obtained by living in harmony are taken by force. Ravenclaw said that human wisdom is the greatest wealth of human beings. The poisonous snakes are trying to bend her by means of power, but the ugly snot is at home. Her eyes are charming.

Look at how cute he is, even if they don't work, they don't have to worry about spending money, and they can stay at home and bask in the sun on weekdays.

Hufflepuff is hardworking, while Slytherin likes to sneak, rape and play to avoid labor. She quit the housework, which was now done by Kreacher, and what the hell, she was fighting for the rights of the house-elves, and now she was an accomplice in enslaving them, and he was teaching her to be lazy!

Even if she wanted to utter a cry of justice, she couldn't help it, because her mouth was too busy kissing to speak at all.

The loser has no right to speak. Grindelwald's tongue was cut off, and he was imprisoned in a high tower. Even though he once had many listeners, after being imprisoned, no one will listen to him except rats.

She wanted to get out, get out of this apartment, or she would really be corrupted. When did it start that innocent boy turned into a bad and cunning bastard?

She was crying in her heart, like a stupid girl whose lollipop was snatched by a bad boy, how could she be so honest?

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