Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 58 Malfoy Manor

"Why did you invent such a useless potion as euphoria..."

Pomona actually heard herself say that.

"I want to make her happy," replied Snape, whose voice had changed.

"who is she?"

"Irene, my mother." He asked confusedly, "What was your tone just now?"

"It's nothing." She said sourly, because at that time she thought that "she" meant Lily.

"Damn!" There was a curse from outside the locked door, and then she heard the person outside the door read a string of characters she hadn't heard before, and then the door lock popped open.

Many students from the Muggle world think that wizards are ridiculous. To open a simple door, you have to use the Arahor hole to open the door, especially the door lock of Hogwarts. Professional thieves are also easy to pry open, and this kind of Muggle thinking mode is difficult to change all at once.

If you don’t have the magic resistance ability of giants, don’t touch things of unknown origin. There are many things in the magic world that will be cursed if you touch them. Necklaces, earrings, rings, and even glasses are all possible. Curse the door knocker to prevent people from breaking in. It was common sense, and the difficulty and effect of casting spells varied from person to person, and Pomona was sure it was not something he learned at school or from her, but probably a Death Eater trick he had learned from Voldemort.

Sure enough, after the office door was pushed open, the old bat with an exasperated face came in. When he came in, two students passed by the door. The ornaments jumped up in fright.

"What are you thinking?" He rushed over like a cloud of black smoke, put his hand on the table, and looked down at her across the desk.

"Have you received my invitation, Severus?" Pomona still had that Muggle woman's face at the moment.

"You call that an invitation?" he said incredulously.

"You're here, aren't you?" She smiled triumphantly. "Here's the antidote for the Polyjuice Potion I wanted?"

He looked at her for a while, not knowing what he was thinking, and finally he silently put a bunch of test tubes on her desk.

"So, you are worthy of this thing." She took a tube and played with it in her hand, "Then why did you say no when Dumbledore asked you?"

"He made you do this?"

"He asked me to test it out, but how to test it is up to me." She opened the cap on the test tube and drank the potion inside in one gulp.

"Aren't you afraid that I will poison you?" He watched her drink it up.

"I'm dead, do you think Dumbledore and the Order of the Phoenix will let you go?" She put down the empty test tube and waited for it to take effect with peace of mind. "Do you like the gift I gave you?"

A pair of white, lace panties with a small bow.

He is obviously out of his mind. Apart from profit, desire can also drive people to do things they don't like to do. The smell of Compound Potion on Mad-Eye Armstromoody accumulates more and more as the days go by. It was getting stronger and stronger, no matter how heavy his sweat was, he couldn't hide it.

There are also some members who can make compound potion antidote. The problem is that Dumbledore hopes that Severus Snape can leave the office for a while, so that they can check whether the "pumpkin juice" of "Moody" is from Snape. It came out of Pu's crucible, and then there is the current drama.

"You don't need to arrange the venue?"

"The main work is over, and now the students are finishing it." She felt a strong sense of vomiting, the normal compound decoction antidote has this effect?

"And what about the greenhouse?" He sneered as she watched her deform in agony, as if watching Harry Potter drink a potion that he deliberately made worse.

A moment later, she was that beautiful half-breed Veela again. The dirty, clod-filled witch's robe was too big for her and hung baggy on her shoulders. Only half of the Badger Yard was in the basement, after all. Plants were to be planted in the lounge, and the sun shone on her skin, which was a bit like pearly white. He stared intently, his Adam's apple rolled, and then looked into her eyes again.

"Neville is looking after me." She took off her shoes and rubbed her feet on his trouser legs. "I don't have classes in the afternoon, how about you?"

He showed a strange smile, and took out the wooden box wrapped in black velvet from his jacket pocket after a while.

"I'm here for an appointment." He said, and then put his hand on the table again, as if he wanted to see what tricks she was going to play.

"Come with me." She stood up from behind the desk barefoot. The wizard robes worn by the dumpy witch didn't grow much. "They come in a set."

"You can show me here." He didn't seem to want to go to her secret room.

Strict aristocratic etiquette can not only maintain the superficial demeanor, but also prevent random looking, listening, and touching, and avoid the ancient curse in the pile of old papers. The erudite Tom Riddle never imagined that Lily Potter, a housewife from the Muggle world who only stayed in Hogwarts for seven years, and whose husband was not an ancient pureblood, would actually make a backlash The curse, a careless failure, died under his own magic wand.

"You broke the door." She grabbed his hand and said with a smile, "It's not good to be bumped into."

He obeyed and followed without much resistance. This time, unlike last time, his eyes were fine, and he was not temporarily blinded by the unicorn kick, but he still obeyed her like a blindfolded donkey command to act.

"Wait." She motioned him to look at the velvet box on the table. "Bring it on, it won't be complete without it."

He smiled even more weirdly and evilly, took the box on the table and followed her. At this moment, he only had eyes for her, a gray-haired forest fairy, the protagonist of Midsummer Night's Dream, and he didn't know that she was in his heart. Which is more beautiful than autumn and the little daisies blooming on the shore...

It is very unnecessary to test a person's loyalty, because even if he is loyal at the beginning, the party being tested will feel dissatisfied when he knows that he is suspected, and finally embark on the road of betrayal.

But you still can't help but wonder who he really is thinking about.

You want his loyalty very much. He gave it to you at first, but then he gave it to someone else. Such behavior is disloyal, and he becomes a half-hearted man.

The temptation of a man to a beautiful woman is very fragile, especially the kind that is delivered to the door by herself. Once when she passed by a Muggle's home, she found many books on World War I and World War II on the bookcase, including many espionage In war, women are not necessarily victims of war. There are many wars and battles that are reversed because of the intelligence of spies. She is fascinated by such stories.

Dumbledore suspected that Snape was a double agent. It was really hard not to be curious about him when she was so close to a real spy, and he was also different from those spies hiding under various identities. He played the role of he himself. In the deepest dark corner of her heart, she even found it very exciting, Lily married Potter, Severus was still "seriously in love with her", she was seducing a loyal man to fall, maybe her heart Not as pure as it looks in the mirror.

"You're a bad girl, Pomona, very, very bad."

Snape obviously enjoyed playing this game too, if once or twice it was because of a fever or a disorientation, what happened later would be different.

He was just like Bella in her bedroom, enjoying freedom and indulgence.

"Then do you want to stay in my hall, professor?" She was petite, wearing a Hogwarts school uniform, no different from a student who was still in school.

Snape, who was lying on top of her like Voldebat looking for a place to attack, froze, and then began to fight back.

"You're a wicked witch!" he cursed through gritted teeth, just like those Muggles who clamored to burn witches to death.

"You're no better off, Death Eater."

And then they rolled deeper and deeper in that hell, until Dumbledore found out, to her surprise, that it was Cedric who had informed her.

Men are very good at lying, and the house has memory. She just thought that the euphoria was prepared for herself, which was an illusion. The first person to drink the euphoria was Irene. Her son protected her, but she couldn't be happy, because her husband was killed by her son, her heart was broken, she suffered from aphasia, and the symptoms were similar to Pomona's now, in order to make her happy Snape made that medicine, but her singing was just a side effect, and she remained the same after the medicine took effect.

That look might as well make him feel better by not smiling in the first place.

Even if he is a potion genius, it is still too early to invent a new type of potion by himself in the fifth grade. All he can do is to improve it. It just so happens that Lily became good friends with him at this time, and James Potter likes Lily again, so that It happened in one scene.

Neither Kamikaze nor Fuchsia had the power he wanted, so he mingled with Slytherin's Death Eaters without hesitation.

She seems to have really forgotten a lot of things, maybe people's brains will become dull after staying in a house for a long time, and she really almost became a housewife.

With two "pops", the house elves took her to apparate, and the place where she reappeared was the Malfoy Manor that had been searched countless times by the Ministry of Magic and was full of peacocks and flowers in the past.

Because no one took care of it, it looked a little dilapidated, but it was not as charming as the old house of the Black family, but it was deserted and unpopular.

When the Black family was in decline and the Malfoy family was in its heyday, I heard that dances were often held here, and there were well-dressed people everywhere, but now there is not even a house-elf in it, the peacocks are gone, the flowers are replaced by dead branches and leaves, and there are no animals everywhere. man-tended bushes.

"Ding dong." Honey rang the doorbell. Oh, Malfoy's house actually installed this kind of Muggle access control. This is their stance. Who told Tom to use this place as his lair.

"Who's out there?" Narcissa Malfoy's voice came over the intercom.

"My dear lady, Honey is a house-elf of the Prince family." Honey said in a shrill voice.

"Prince?" Narcissa asked suspiciously.

"Let them in, I know who they are, Mom." Draco's voice came from behind, "I'll take care of the rest."

Oh, that little naughty Draco, how did he become so mature?

She felt very distressed, and she wished he would always be that smooth-haired Master Malfoy.

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