Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 59 Sequelae

Lucius, Narcissa, and Draco lived in Malfoy's ancestral manor. It was too deserted to live in such a big manor with only three people.

In the summer of 1992, the Ministry of Magic raided his house several times to search for black magic items. Lucius sold some of the "not so legal" items to Bojinbok in order to avoid trouble. The Lay family and Harry Potter.

Tom once gave a diary to Malfoy's family. Pomona didn't know whether Lucius was under the Imperius Curse or was controlled by a Horcrux. She actually stuffed the diary into Ginny Weasley's bucket. Then that school year everyone was tossed about by the basilisk.

As long as there is no Parseltongue command, the basilisk is a snake that can only eat mice. Although it almost killed Filch, but those who serve in Hogwarts are not prepared to die at any time, just poor Mrs. Norris, it just went to catch a mouse and got petrified.

If you don't have enough strength, don't spend the summer at Hogwarts. The habit of snakes is that they are particularly active in summer. When Draco was being chased by the blood man Barrow, he almost ran into a basilisk. His godfather took him by the collar and handed him to Dobby. The house-elf in search of freedom.

In short, it is crazy, the summer of Hogwarts is "freedom", its spirit is "infected", how many rebel wizards in human history under the banner of "freedom" have been heard, no matter how closed, in order to ensure it He will not incite the house-elf to rebellion. The same war happened thousands of years ago. This house-elf needs to be strictly guarded. Under the pressure of many parties, Lucius beat Draco for the first time in his life.

The taste of freedom is beautiful, and Harry also wants to be free, not to live with Petunia, but the protective spell Lily cast is related to blood, Lily is dead, and Harry can't hand it over to Lily's parents whose memory has been erased There, Penny's house became the only choice at that time.

After Lily decided to stay in the wizarding world, she severed her relationship with the Muggle world. Petunia and Lily were not as close as before. Suddenly, a strange old man knocked on the door, saying that your sister is dead, and her child is bothering you Come to raise, at that time Penny's expression was as if struck by lightning.

She has a son herself, and the sound of two babies crying at the same time is like a nightmare, and Harry Potter reminds her of her bad memories. She once wrote to Dumbledore, hoping that she could be like Lily She went to a magic school, but she didn't have that talent. Later, she learned that the person who came to the door with Harry Potter in his arms was the person she had written to him, so she naturally didn't care as much about Harry as her own son.

When seeing a person, although he is not his direct enemy, when he thinks of all bad memories, it is difficult for him to arouse love. The negative emotions left in Malfoy Manor remind her of all bad memories The memories of him, especially when he thought that he was floating in mid-air like Kerry Dibbaji, the feeling of flying to death like a sacrifice became stronger.

Sending her to Malfoy Manor was a bad idea, a very, very bad idea, people in good health can't feel ghost emotions, and now she can feel that there are a lot of people dead in Malfoy Manor, there are wizards and Muggles, they is howling.

Peeves is afraid of Barrow the Bloody Man because he can touch "matter" like it. Ordinary ghosts pass through walls, and they can't pick up chalk and water bombs like Peeves to play tricks on people. Skin ghosts are not afraid of them either. After the blood man Barrow regains his "freedom", he can pick up the sword of the material world, and then he can hunt and kill him.

The teachers in the school are all single, and no one brings a family to work, because "sex" can call ghosts in some ancient summoning rituals.

The ancient Egyptians believed that the body is the container of the soul. Those who have only a body but no soul are ghosts, and those who have only a soul but no body are ghosts. If the soul is put back into the body, it will be resurrected. The pharaohs of ancient Egypt kept the corpse for resurrection. , It uses his own body to revive, which is different from the body effect created by Tom Riddle using potions and Harry's blood. This involves another forbidden technique, human body refining.

Normal men will lose interest when they see Pomona Sprout's figure and appearance, but when they see Veela and mermaids, they will continue to look for them even if they know they will die. This is how people judge people by their appearance.

Tom is obsessed by so many people because of his handsome appearance, but the body Wormtail made for him is a scorpion, without the ability of "charm", he can only rule with terror, not so much that he is This beautiful snake is more like an eight-eyed spider. His suspicion is so serious that he becomes overwhelmed with gains and losses. No one but Bella can gain his full trust. I loathe this servant in my heart.

The appearance in the mirror reminded him of his ugly Gaunt family, where his mother was desperate for the beauty of his Muggle father and used magic and potions. He killed his uncle, and his body became like this and he couldn't continue his offspring. The Gaunt family became extinct in his generation. This is the most terrifying thing for a pure-blood family. Let Nagini eat the Kerry Dibbaji thing.

He has no scruples anymore, there is nothing he can't do.

I'm afraid no one will have an appetite at the cannibal table, but it has not been removed, it is still there, but sitting at the head is Lucius who looks haggard, he has long lost the appearance of a platinum noble , with stubble all over his face, sitting alone in a daze, on the contrary, Draco looked handsome, but there was no such arrogant and complacent smile on his face.

"Put her down, over there on the couch," Draco said.

The two elves did as they said, and she was relieved when Pomona felt the soft cloth again, and she didn't call out the phrase "Severus, save me" like Kerry Dibbaji.

Just now, she experienced the desperate situation where Nancy Poitiers was locked in the girls' wash room but no one answered her. She almost suffocated.

Narcissa's high-heeled shoes were harsh on the marble floor. She seemed to wait until Pomona was put down on purpose to come out. There was still a smell of perfume on her body. Pomona was relieved. Relying on the point of selling property.

"Is she Prince? A relative of Severus?" Narcissa said coldly and distantly, her attitude was still reserved with aristocrats.

"No, it's his wife." Draco whispered, as if he had been bullied miserably, and he no longer had the arrogance he had when he was studying. "Dad, I put her in the guest room."

Lucius remained silent from beginning to end, as if everything around him had nothing to do with him.

"What's wrong with her?" Narcissa covered her heart with more concern in her tone.

"The Cruciatus Curse, the same as Longbottom." Draco didn't seem to want to say more, and turned to leave.

"Robby and Honey are at your service, ma'am." The two house elves said in unison, their voices were full of vigor, making this luxurious and empty hall "popular", even Lucius Malfoy looked at him there.

Suddenly, Narcissa's eyes were filled with tears, and she wiped them gently while covering her face.

"Go and take out the garbage in the kitchen," Narcissa said.

"Yes, ma'am, will Honey and Robbie live in the kitchen from now on?"


"I bet the kitchen here is as big as Hogwarts," Robbie said to Honey, and the two elves Apparated together.

"The Godfather said that the darkness will return again, but in a different way." Draco looked at Lucius and said, his voice trembling slightly. "He told us not to give up hope."

Lucius looked away, drank the wine from the silver jug, but still didn't say anything.

"She's so beautiful." Narcissa looked carefully at the Sleeping Beauty lying on the sofa, "It's like a descending angel."

"She is Dumbledore's treasure, and the godfather stole her out." Draco said here, and suddenly showed that kind of smug smile, "That old fool missed a trick, and we still have hope of turning things around. "

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