Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 879 Real Sword

You can often see photos like this in travel magazines.

A girl in a beautiful kimono, pearl flowers on her head, and white powder on her face is walking in the streets and alleys of Kyoto.

A girl's occupation is called a geisha, and Qiao Qiaosang in Madame Butterfly is also a geisha. In musicals, European and American women usually play this role.

The three-dimensional facial features of Europeans and Americans look like they were chiseled out by sculptors with sharp edges and corners.

Oriental facial features are gentle, although she doesn't know why Xu Zhimo is so famous, but one of his poems is very vivid: the most is the gentleness of bowing his head, like a water lotus flower that can't bear the cool breeze.

The oriental girl in her heart is like this, and Qiu Zhang is also very gentle, but she is really too young, thinking that Dumbledore's Army is a make-up class, and she will not disfigure a girl for leaking secrets.

Neither inner nor outer is useless. This world has a lot of demands on girls, and everyone hopes that they will always make the right choice, or in other words, choose their own.

But the soul often can't keep up with the growth rate of the body. In Kyoto, there is a flower street called Shimabara, which used to be a man's paradise, but it may not be a kind of luck for the women living in it.

Whether it's learning to dance or playing the shamisen, it's all about pleasing the guests.

The feeling of laughing to make others happy when you obviously don't want to laugh is extremely uncomfortable. People in the East call this industry "selling laughter".

It's bad enough for an artist to be reduced to selling jokes, but if someone can't even give the money to sell jokes, they will be kicked out by Shimabara's thugs.

Don't "buy laughs" if you don't have money. The problem is that in the last years of the shogunate, after the attack of the black ships, many middle and low-level samurai became ronin.

Without any source of income, they lead a life of nowhere, and in short, they have nothing to lose but their life.

Drinking flowers and wine is also to find comfort, but the comfort is not found but met with discrimination and ridicule.

Men are the most unbearable to be looked down upon by women, let alone the ridicule of prostitutes. Japan at that time had not abolished swords, and the decline of the samurai class also made "miao characters with swords" useless. Not only ronin, even businessmen can bring Knives, which caused a lot of security problems, and bloody incidents often occurred in Huajie.

In addition, at that time, the "respecting the king and fighting the barbarians" movement rose, and after the change of Sakurada Gate, assassination became a way for lower-level samurai to express their political demands, and the people with lofty ideals gradually showed a tendency to unite. They continued to attack and burn foreign embassies, assassinate embassy personnel and businessmen , Threatened and beheaded Japanese businessmen who communicated with foreign countries, which brought the movement of respecting the king and fighting against barbarians to its climax during the Wenjiu period.

When Tokugawa Iemo, the Edo shogunate general, went to Beijing in the second year of Bunjiu, Hachiro Kiyawa proposed to recruit ronshi to form the shogun's guard, which was adopted by the shogunate. The Edo shogunate adopted a gentle policy to control ronin, and specially organized the ronin group to maintain law and order in the same way that ronin dealt with ronin.

Edo was still in the countryside at that time, and those ronin who came from the countryside were placed in Mibu village, so they were called "Mibu ronin group" by the people of Kyoto, and the guardian of Kyoto, Matsudaira Yunho, appointed them to maintain the law and order of Shimabara, Kyoto.

This group of people is the Shinsengumi who set off a bloodbath in Kyoto in the future. Because of their fierce attack, they are called Mibu wolves by the people of Kyoto and the Ronin of the Banbai faction. Their first team uniform is the light green haori designed by Serizawa Kamo .

They are ruthless towards ronin, and they are not soft on their own people. Since the establishment of the system, they have often expanded their enrollment and often "cleaned up". Mibu Village gradually cannot accommodate them, so the Shinsengumi moved from Mibu Village to Nishi Honganji Temple.

Buddhist temples are as gorgeous as churches, but women are not allowed in monk temples.

Senior officials such as Isamu Kondo, Takataka Yamanan, and Toshizo Hijikata can be placed in the outer room, captains such as Okita Souji and Saitoichi can go to Shimabara to stay overnight, and lower-level team members can only stay in the garrison.

If you want to climb up, you need to build military merits. The Shinsengumi was established because it participated in the August 18th coup to protect the Imperial Garden. In order to live better, you have to kill more "reformers". Although the Ikedaya incident delayed the end of the war, But it also triggered the change of the forbidden door.

At the meeting in the Ikeda House, it was discussed that it was the radicals of the Zunlan faction who burned Kyoto. If a city is reduced to ruins, is there any value in occupying it?

The Shinsengumi launched the Ikedaya Incident, and the Kyoto Saoji only learned about it later. The envoys sent by Isamu Kondo were to ask for reinforcements from the Aizu Domain and the Sosidai Kuwana Domain, the guardians of Kyoto. Whether Kuwana or the Aizu faction sent people, the Shinsengumi was determined Let's do it, Gui Xiaowulang, the giant of Changzhou feudal lord's faction, didn't plan to attend the party at all, but when he got the news halfway, he immediately returned to the feudal mansion. Soon Yoshida Minoru sent an urgent letter for help, and Gui also closed the door and refused.

There are many radicals in the Zunran faction, and there are many respected figures in the Ikeda house. The Ikeda house has intensified the conflict, and everyone has no way out.

Some plans, conceived very arrogantly, have no possibility of implementation. The Shinsengumi extinguished the fire of delusion with blood, but let the real fire burn more than half of Kyoto.

Practice kendo usually starts with a bamboo sword, but the natural Lixin flow uses a wooden sword.

At the age of nine, Souji Okita joined the natural Lixin stream, showing extraordinary talent in swordsmanship, and became a master of martial arts at a very young age.

However, the "sport" that he found very interesting when he was a child is actually a skill of killing people. From the time he picked up Kaga Qingguang and Juyi Monarch, he can no longer be a pure "swordsman genius".

"Why is there a shot put here?" Pomona asked the hostess as she passed an area displaying Japanese armor and knives.

"That's in my husband's collection." The female boss said, "It's the shot put used in the Olympics."

Pomona still didn't understand.

"My husband said that a real craftsman can use his hands to make products that are more precise than a machine. If an athlete wants to get good results, he will choose a shot put with a good center of gravity. Before that Japanese manufacturer joined, the shot put was made with a turntable. , the center of gravity is not at the center of the shot put. Even an error of one millimeter will affect the throwing distance of the shot put. To Japanese craftsmen, these lead shots seem to be alive. Different, the density of the shot put will be different. It needs to be cooled for one day in winter and two days in summer. The humidity will also change during the rainy season. The shot puts produced also need to be adjusted. You see, they also engraved lines on the surface of the shot put. , This will make it easier for the players to hold. During the Barcelona Olympics, because these shot puts were made too perfectly, they were all stolen. The center of gravity of a good knife also needs to be adjusted. A knife with a reasonable center of gravity can be used smoothly. What do you think of that parrot tea knife?"

Pomona weighed the knife in her hand, perhaps because it was made of copper, which was much heavier than iron, so it was very easy to hold.

"Very nice," she said.

"It was produced by the Longquan Sword Factory. There are many 'Longquan Swords' now, but there is only one authentic one. It is purely handmade. It is said that they are restoring Ou Yezi's technology."

"Ou Yezi?"

"You don't know who he is?"

"No, I know who Ou Yezi is, but it's impossible for me to restore his craftsmanship."

"The Arabs are also trying to restore Damascus knives, but the Utz steel is gone, and the knives they imitate are still not perfect." The female boss pouted and said, "As long as Ou Yezi doesn't use that extinct material, it is possible. "

"You seem familiar with knives," Severus asked.

"I don't like these things, but my husband does." The female boss shrugged. "He refers to 'wootz steel' as a magic metal. Oh, did you know that 'Tang Dao' is also forged from wootz steel?"

"What's that?" Severus asked, because the female boss said something in Chinese just now.

"The knives used by the samurai in the Tang Empire are very similar to katana swords, but they are straight and much tougher. Japanese knives are said to be made in imitation of 'Tang swords'. They are very sharp, but they are easy to break." The female boss Said, "But it's strange that none of the Tang knives have been handed down, as if they disappeared out of thin air. Only Japanese museums still have collections. They have preserved those knives very well, and they have not rusted for a thousand years."

"Where's your husband?" Severus asked.

"A better place." The female boss smiled and said, "I will go to him sooner or later."

"Teritaserum down?" Pomona asked Severus.

Severus gave her a cold look, but ignored her at all.

Craftsman is a way of saying in Asia. Pomona "Wang Wei" said that if a craftsman makes a utensil with a pious attitude, he will endow it with a soul, and the soul of the craftsman will live forever in the utensil.

An outstanding swordsman not only needs to have superior skills, but also needs to be supported by a good craftsman.

As with track and field athletes and shot put, only a shot put with the right center of gravity will allow athletes to set new world records.

Not to mention one or two meters, even ten centimeters is a kind of transcendence, because it means breaking through the limits of human beings.

Human potential is huge, but it is usually controlled. There is a legend that in order to save her child, a mother caught a baby who fell from downstairs at a speed exceeding a 100-meter sprinter.

That's her subconscious behavior, and it's the same with people possessed by demons. Their power will become great, and a little girl needs to be controlled by several adults. At that time, it is no longer herself who controls her body.

So Pomona believes in what the female boss said, that the human body can create products that are more sophisticated than machines.

The ingenuity that produces this "human touch" is rather stubborn perseverance.

If a craftsman wants to please customers, he will make compromises, change his craft, pursue cost performance excessively, and use cheap materials for shoddy work, so that he cannot make a "perfect" shot put.

"Why are there coins here?" Pomona said, picking up a bracelet strung with colored strings on the shelf, and there were many "five yen" coins on it.

"In Japan, Yen and Yuan are pronounced very similarly. They are used when making wishes in shrines. 23 five-yen coins are 115 yen. The Japanese pronunciation is 'wish for a good relationship'." The female boss took it from Pomona's hand very much Passed the bracelet and said, "This is what we brought back from Fushimi Inari Taisha Shrine."

"Does that mean anything else?" she asked again.

"The 15 five yen represent a curse, which will make people cry bitterly."

"Oh," said Pomona in disgust.

"When did this claim come about?" Severus asked.

"After World War II, there were no five-yen coins in the past." The female boss said blankly, as if the veritaserum potion hadn't expired yet.

All good filial piety is the first, regardless of deeds, regardless of deeds, there is no filial son from a poor family; all evil and adultery are first, regardless of deeds, no one is perfect in the world.

Just thinking about the life of three wives and four concubines is like a dream, it is a kind of compensation, this kind of thing is impossible to happen in reality, just like Ikedaya's respectful faction set fire to Kyoto, hijacked the emperor and the princes, and finally became This is probably because of Toshizo Hijikata, the "Deputy Chief of Demons".

He wanted those samurai from the countryside to make a name for themselves in Kyoto, but the end result was not ideal.

The wealth gained by killing quickly disappears. People often say that when life is dying, it will look back on its past like a revolving lantern. Does Hijikata Toshizo miss the joyful practice of kendo with everyone in the gymnasium in Edo? time?

That would be much more enjoyable than catching monsters like "Human Zhan" in the dark and maze-like alleys of Kyoto.

A sword is a murder weapon, and sword skills are a tactic to kill people. No matter how beautiful words are used to cover it up, it is always the truth.

"Mencius" said: "Whoever loves others, people will always love them; whoever respects others, people will always respect them."

People who kill people will always kill them.

Things such as karma and retribution are really unreliable, so people are required to act on behalf of the sky.

The Yamato people may have their excellence, but they have crossed that bottom line. Some crimes cannot be forgiven by atonement, not to mention that they don't really want to repent.

The scene of the atomic bomb explosion predicted by Grindelwald finally came true on that island country.

Every time in the Quidditch World Cup, the Japanese team burned their brooms when they lost. What did the broom do wrong?

She really doesn't know this people. Although their handicrafts are beautiful and many Westerners like them, she always thinks of Madame Butterfly who drew her sword and killed herself.

It is a nation like cherry blossoms, which always wither when they are in full bloom, and that is still in the warm spring.

In contrast, she prefers plum blossoms that bloom in winter, although many businessmen use it as a homonym for the unlucky "mildew".

This may be the reason why it is difficult to find a gentleman in the business field.

Can cabbage sprayed with paraquat be eaten?

I really like what the queen said in A Song of Ice and Fire. The reason why a girl is a girl is because when a boy learns to sword, she has to learn to smile. What does she get in the end by flattering the king so much?

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