Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 896 Beautiful Face

Next to Torceno Island, there is Mazobeto Island, which has a monastery. Veronica followed Father Constantine and came to this island by water bus in the cold rain.

This is a charity like a nursing home, because it is non-profit, and the conditions are not as good as those high-end nursing homes, but Veronica doesn't understand why she wants to come here.

Her young and immature face was full of confusion, but she followed Father Constantine without saying a word.

Although the inside looked very warm, filled with a thick buttery aroma, it still couldn't cover up the unique smell of death and aging on the old man.

There are old people sitting in wheelchairs everywhere, and many people's eyes are dull. This is a place waiting to die.

Veronica subconsciously grasped the cross on her chest, and only then remembered that she should return it to Father Constantine. At this moment, he suddenly stood still in front of a closed door.

"Before I open the door, I want to tell you one thing. Do you know that an assassin once assassinated the Pope?"

"Yes." Veronica said.

"Then do you know what happened to that assassin?"

"I heard that he was going to be executed, but the Holy See interceded for him."

"When the Pope was assassinated, he was lying in a pool of blood, and the first thing he said after he regained consciousness was 'forgive the brother who shot me', and he called the assassin who almost killed him brother, I think it was pretending. He was also very courageous. Later, the Pope not only did not take revenge on the assassin, but also prayed for him. In 2000, the Pope asked the president for amnesty. The assassin was released and reunited with his family. The Turkish killer finally converted to Catholicism .Prayer and tolerance are the most beautiful face of the church, my child, in St. Paul's letter to the Romans, it is written, 'You must not be overcome by evil, but react with good to overcome evil'. , and be overcome by evil.”

"I know, this is the Pope's speech on Peace Day," Veronica said.

"Peace needs to be maintained by actions and decisions inspired by goodness, whether it is for individuals, families, countries, or all mankind." Constantine paused. "The person behind the door is a person who is related to you by blood. Time is running out, but he feels that he is not qualified to go back to see you, and others may not forgive him, are you willing to go in and see him?"

"Who is he?" Veronica asked.

"Your grandfather, the gambler who was kicked out by your uncle Fabio."

Veronica's eyes widened.

"Because of his gambling habit, he made your grandmother and your parents suffer. You are not a saint. You don't need to forgive everyone. The evil that tortures people comes from people refusing to love. There are countless people. Every choice has a certain moral dimension, I hope you can recognize yourself through this matter, and how deep the evil thoughts in your heart are."

Veronica was utterly confused, the question was too difficult for a 16-year-old girl.

"At this time, he should have taken painkillers and is sleeping." Constantine said, "Do you want to go in and take a look?"

"No." Veronica flatly refused, and then she left the nursing home wiping her tears.

But she didn't go far, but came to the steps of the nursing home and sat with her knees hugged.

She has never met her grandfather, he is like a taboo in the family, and no one mentions him at family gatherings.

But without him, there would be no big family later. Grandma Rosa was very sad when she mentioned him. He just hoped that the family could live a happier life.

At first he did win a lot of money, but then his luck got worse and worse, and Uncle Fabio started to earn money to support his family at a very young age, and he had to pay off his debts.

She felt that she didn't have the tolerance to forgive such a person, just like she couldn't forgive her own father.

Veronica looked at the giant ship in the distance. The ship was called the Divine Comedy.

Sometimes, she really envies the carefree tourists who can grab the camera to capture the amazing scenery of this floating city, and enjoy the food and wine here.

She sometimes wants to live such a luxurious life.

Just as she was staring at the giant ship in the distance, Father Constantine appeared. He sat down beside her and handed her a glass of wine.

"Abbey beer, brewed by nuns, take a sip."

"I'm not old enough to drink," Veronica said.

"You're only 16 years old, don't be so young, look at those nuns." Father Constantine motioned Veronica to look at those nuns, some of them were teaching old people to dance, and some were baking butter cookies, Now there are some freshly baked on the plate on the steps.

"I want you to learn to enjoy life. I don't want you to be the strict nun that kids fear."

Veronica's brows were furrowed tightly at first, and then she gradually relaxed. She ate butter cookies with abbey beer, and there was a toffee-like feeling in her mouth.

After a long time, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"He knows I'm here?"

"Not yet." Father Constantine took a sip of beer and said, "Do you want to practice here for a while?"

"How was he doing after that?" Veronica asked.

"If you live well, you won't come here to retire." Constantine smiled wryly. "Maybe I will live here one day."

"You are different from him!" Veronica said quickly.

"It's not the same, child. We all chose 'freedom', but what we pursue is different." Father Constantine sighed, "Have you participated in the World Youth Day?"

"I was 11 years old in 2000."

"Youth Day was created to turn young people of the Catholic faith away from the church, and now you feel it too, the life of a nun is boring..."

"I will not stay away from the church." Veronica said firmly.

She is really young, the childishness on her face is still there, but she has a pair of very clean eyes, like a lake on a high mountain, reflecting the blue sky and white clouds.

"Maybe, you should try to fall in love with a boy." Father Constantine said, "Many nuns have talked about it. It is a precious life experience."

"Have you ever been in love, Father?"

Father Constantine smiled awkwardly.

"After two years, I'll talk to you about this topic when you're an adult." He stroked Veronica's hair like a father.

"If you think I don't understand anything, I went to that party two days ago, and I know what they are doing." Veronica said angrily.

"Do you find it interesting?"

"No!" Veronica took a sip of beer.

"There are many differences between us and the world, but we can't break away from the world, just like the hymn sings, darkness is our old friend, and we will often meet."

At this moment, Father Constantine's Blackberry phone rang. He opened the email inside and began to read it quickly.

Veronica didn't ask, although she was very curious about what was written in the letter.

"Let's go, let's say hello to the dean and prepare for tomorrow's mass." Constantine stood up.

"I want to pray for the Pope." Veronica sat on the steps and looked up at Constantine, "I hope he recovers soon."

"For an 84-year-old man, your prayer is a wonderful blessing." Constantine said helplessly, "It seems that you still have a new task here. You must learn to view death correctly."

I don’t believe in religion, it’s just that I’m a little dumbfounded after reading too many books, laughing and crying

From the beginning to here, it is finally an explanation. Do you still remember what the old fool said when he was walking by the black lake?

Dumbledore forgave the Muggles who ruined his family, but it's normal to choose revenge.

What kind of person we become is not a matter of ability, but of our own choice.

The Millennium Proclamation is about spreading the Gospel of Hope, everyone has their own opinion about John Paul II

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