"When will you come? It's urgent, I need you!"

After sending the message via BlackBerry, Detroit's pastoral deputies put down their phones.

Outside the window, there are crowds parading with signs, and police officers with lights on and armed with live ammunition.

Detroit used to be a successful city, where General Motors, Ford and Chrysler were headquartered. The prosperity of the auto industry and the high welfare of auto workers made Detroit the industrial center of the north-central region of the United States for a long time, as well as the place where workers in the south of the United States lived. Longing for the Holy Land.

The auto industry brought a large number of black workers. However, as white people fled in large numbers, the city began to slump. Even in downtown Detroit today, the majority of the population is black.

The high welfare of auto workers is the glory and tradition of the American auto industry, which opened the "Automobile Age" in the United States, but it is also a heavy burden for sustainable development.

In order to save money, street lights in many places in Detroit were turned off, which worsened public security. The poor environment deterred potential investors. Without investment, tax collections became less and less, let alone fostering any other industries.

On the desk of the agent is a promotional material of WAVE travel company:

It doesn't matter whether you become a successful person, what matters is whether you are working hard for your dreams.

Join us!

Below this slogan is a thick-haired white man with his thumbs up, smiling and showing eight white teeth, his hair looks fake.

The agent didn’t know what a travel loan was until after this incident happened. There are many so-called direct selling companies in the United States, which are actually “pyramid marketing.” Nancy Jones, who claimed that she was racially discriminated against, was one of the victims.

"WAVE Dream Journey" has attracted a large number of people at the bottom of society.

The first step is to ask everyone: Do you like to travel? Do you like to travel to 1-2 countries for free every year?

The second step is to ask: Can you still make money when you like to travel?

"WAVE Fantasy Journey" is not just a tourism product, the key is that it is also a very good investment project. Participants can not only enjoy high-quality travel life, but also make a lot of money while playing. The membership fee for gold members is about 361 US dollars, pay a membership fee of about US$50 per month, so that you can enjoy various packages launched by the travel club at a low price.

These travel packages also sound very tempting. For example, take parents or children to ride a hot air balloon, go diving with a couple, or take the whole family to the seaside for vacation, while the five-star hotel price that platinum members need to pay is only equivalent to the price of a two- or three-star hotel, and enjoy the airport pick-up service and hotel Free suite upgrade service and more.

These package fees are charged separately. Nancy applied for a travel loan with a mortgage loan. She has already paid off the house loan. However, this travel loan may cause her to lose her house. The bank broke down in the name of "property preservation" Then, he snatched her husband's urn and sent her a notice of breach of contract.

The operating model of this travel direct sales company is that after Nancy goes to play, she feels good and will recommend it to her friends. If she successfully recommends it to 4 people, the monthly fee will be waived, and there will be a steady stream of money sent to her every month. on the card. Refer one person for $20, and if you refer 6 people in two months, you can get $570. So it is actually a free tour, and it is very easy to recommend 6 people.

Registration can be completed by providing a frontal photo of an ID card, a photo of a dual-currency credit card, and a mobile phone number, and then transferring and paying $511.

Black families tended to have many relatives, and Nancy quickly gathered enough numbers to enjoy life.

She has been to many countries. Although she will not fulfill her dream of traveling around the world, she has almost visited Europe.

Tourism is a high-spending behavior, and the pensions of Nancy and her sisters are not enough to maintain it.

"Why do you want to apply for a real estate mortgage loan, Nancy! Why!" the agent covered his head and growled angrily.

The huge profits in real estate are so high that auto finance institutions that provide car loans can't help but come in to get a piece of the action.

The most notable features of American cars are their large body and strong power. Of course, their fuel consumption is astonishing. High fuel prices make Americans more and more inclined to buy more fuel-efficient and compact Japanese cars.

Auto finance companies only provide loans to buy new cars. The car is not worth much at first, and after two years it depreciates even more. It can’t be sold for much money in auctions and loses its own market value, but classic cars are collectible and can be sold. A lot of money, even if Nancy's "classic car" wanted to be mortgaged to the bank, no one would take it.

Nancy was an auto worker, and she wasn't going to mortgage her hard-earned home to an auto finance institution.

After a series of wrong choices, Nancy would face the problem of losing the house after paying the mortgage, but she would not be so obedient to move out, so she told her neighbors about her experience of being discriminated against—which debt collector Would you take away other people's urns?

In the suburbs of Detroit, you can still see many luxury villas abandoned by white people when they fled, with slogans "No Trespassing" painted in English and Spanish on them.

There are also many churches among them. With the downturn in the manufacturing industry, many people have left. The pastoral agent can only find a few houses after walking ten houses.

Abandoned cities gave birth to a new tourism industry - urban exploration. A group of students drove from other states to an abandoned Catholic church during spring break. One of them had a "possession" phenomenon. A high school girl suddenly Started talking to people in Latin, and she was failing Spanish a lot in school.

If a person becomes a doctor, he will understand some diseases and at the same time have a little more imagination.

Looking out the window at the "decaying" city, the pastoral agent suddenly felt slightly depressed about the future.

General Motors Financial Corporation has changed its name to Ally Bank. The automobile manufacturing industry solves many employment problems. The United States will not let them go bankrupt. The Detroit Renaissance Center is the most beautiful place in Detroit. It is on the Erie River, and the Canadian city in the north Windsor across the river.

The scenery from the office building there should be different from what he sees now.

How to revive Detroit?

Some of the collections held by the city at the Detroit Institute of Arts, including paintings by Van Gogh, are also available for sale at historic Fort Wayne. But this will only fix the problem for a while, and if it doesn't put Detroit on a sustainable trajectory, it will sink anyway.

The Chrysler Building in New York is about to be sold. As a landmark building that often appears in Hollywood blockbusters, its symbolic significance is more than actual income.

The economic strength is far lower than that of Detroit, New York. Even a landmark building like the General Motors building is not expected to sell for a high price.

WAVE is listed among the top 100 direct selling companies in the world. Its business models include travel membership, membership crowdfunding, reverse group buying, and direct sales promotion.

However, the company and business model that sounded so lofty, the only way to join is a mobile phone number.

If there was a man in the family, maybe Nancy wouldn't spend impulsively.

But that's just a possibility, and God knows if there are any other "good dads" in his parish who are encouraged by their wives and children to take out travel loans.

After a while, his phone vibrated.

The agent immediately ran over to check, and there was a line written on the mail: I am in the Vatican.

"What do you mean?" The agent whispered inexplicably.

Then came another letter: the matter might be of interest to the new heretics.

The agent typed patiently: I don't want to bring this matter to the media.

The other end quickly returned this time: Me too, I don’t want to be like the Germans, who were not only sent to court after a failed exorcism, but also ridiculed by the media.

Agent: So you don't plan to take care of it?

The other end: Is that girl your relative?

Acting: She is a believer.

The other end: Those who just physically go to church are not believers.

The deputy chief sighed, and began to write again: Show me some mercy.

The other end: I can exorcise demons by phone.

"What?" said the agent in surprise.

The other party seemed to have guessed his reaction, and immediately sent another email: Teenagers are very good at acting, and I have more important things to do.

Agent: Are you not coming?

The other end: If she doesn't believe in God, it's useless for me to come.

Agent: We are old friends.

The other end: Don't waste your chance to "call for help on the sidelines."

Then no matter what email the agent sent, the other party ignored it.

"No wonder people say you look like a big-name star." The agent said sarcastically, and then he thought for a while and started writing to another person.

The recipient's name was Constantine. There were many people with this name in his mailbox, at least a dozen, and he carefully searched for the correct name.

After all, if he sent it by mistake, others might think him crazy after seeing the contents of the letter.

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