"When we got home, the doll was sitting in the hallway, but we all remember that it was placed alone in an empty room." In the documentary, a blonde girl said in a trilling voice. "You must feel We're crazy."

"Have you ever thought that this is someone else's prank? Like someone has the keys to your apartment," says a man behind the camera.

"That's what we thought at the beginning, but we didn't find any trace of anyone coming in."

"So you guys think this doll is possessed?" says a woman behind the camera.

"Yes." The blond girl and the brunette girl nodded together, and the only boy among the three didn't say a word or nod, he looked like he was out of his mind and wasn't here at all.

"Garcia went to a psychic and she said that there was a seven-year-old girl named Annabelle Higgins who died in this apartment. She was lonely and loved my doll. She just wanted to make friends." said the brunette girl.

"We were all sad to hear this story. We are nurses and it's our job to help people, so...we allowed her to enter the doll." The blonde girl said uneasily, stirring her fingers. Regretting his momentary soft-heartedness "and then it got worse and worse."


With the help of Jim Wilson, Mills moved out the safe in the cloakroom, and then, like in the "dream", removed the partition behind the safe, and then found the tin box containing the biscuits.

Wearing a pair of white cotton gloves, he took out the dusty box and was about to open it.

"Wait!" said Jim Wilson. "I'm turning the camera on."

After speaking, he went to operate the low-temperature camera specially used to "shoot" ghosts.

In addition to exorcists like Ethan Logan who earn money, there are many "ghost hunters" similar to the Taylors, but most of them have not been recognized by the Vatican. In fact, since the 1950s, only The Taylors are the only ghost theologians recognized by the church, and they use cameras when collecting evidence.

Apart from actors in Los Angeles, the easiest thing to find is a photographer. Mills made a phone call and quickly found one. Jim Wilson was happy to help. The most important thing was that he owed Mills a favor, so Jim spent midnight Just came with the equipment.

"Ready?" Mills asked after the camera's red light came on.

Jim gave him a thumbs up.

So Mills opened the box.

There were a lot of coins in the box, but they were not ordinary coins in circulation on the market, more like ancient coins. After fiddled with those ancient coins, Mills found the shell-shaped silver box.

"Do you know what's written on it?" Mills asked Jim, holding the box.

"Yes, it says Shirakikumaru, that's a Japanese name," Jim said from behind the camera.

Because of Bruce Lee, "Kung Fu" is very popular in Hollywood. Many Hollywood filmmakers are very interested in oriental elements, and many of them know Chinese.

As soon as Jim arrived at the Mandala Hotel, he joked to Mills: "In martial arts novels, people often fall off cliffs, then get adventures, and finally practice magical skills or something. Falling from a high place is rarely blocked by branches. 90% The situation will be the same as the occupant in this room fell to his death."

"Japanese?" Mills looked at the silver box.

"It looks like an antique, maybe stolen goods," Jim said. "See if there's a diamond in the box."

"Shut up." Mills cursed with a smile, weighed the silver box, and then put it back into the biscuit box. "Come here, let's put the safe back."

"Open it up," urged Jim, "and see what's in there."

"This box can't be opened."

"how do you know?"

Mills didn't want to answer that question.

That "dream" was too weird, and what was even weirder was that he actually found the cookie box behind the safe.

"Can you look up the information about Baiju Wan?"

"No problem." Jim picked up the mobile phone and started dialing. At the same time, there was a strong scent of sandalwood and a floral scent from the biscuit box. Mills didn't distinguish it at first, but now he knows it.

It is the scent of chrysanthemums. Easterners use chrysanthemums when sweeping graves, unlike Westerners who use roses or the favorite flowers of the deceased. Asians will sweep tombs every "Qing Ming", clean tombstones, and place chrysanthemums in front of tombstones. As part of the "ceremony", sometimes they burn paper and serve food.

At the same time, this kind of flower also represents the meaning of "gentleman". Tracy is very interested in Chinese culture, and she believes that a teacher should look at things from multiple perspectives, so as to be objective enough.

David’s parents generally had prejudice and hatred towards the Japanese. When David was a policeman, he had many Asian colleagues. When we got along, we tried to avoid talking about racial issues. Not all Asians know how to “Kung Fu” like in the movie. ".

Asians are significantly lower than Africans in violent crimes, but they are higher in economic crimes. Mills is very happy not to be assigned to the economic crime investigation department. It is too difficult for him to deal with those "human beings".

"Are you sure that's the scent of chrysanthemums?" he heard Jim say.

Mills froze for a moment, he didn't tell Jim what he thought, how did he know?

When he raised his head, he found that he was surrounded by pink.

There are also cherry blossoms in Central Park in New York, and early April is the season when the cherry blossoms are in full bloom. Trish once made an appointment with him to go to Central Park for a picnic when the cherry blossoms bloom.

The scent of cherry blossoms is very light. According to the shopping guide, its scent is so light that you can’t smell its fragrance even under a cherry blossom tree in full bloom. The small bottle of cherry blossom-flavored perfume is extracted after collecting a lot of cherry blossom skateboards. of.

The bottle of perfume was too expensive for a policeman and a teacher couple, Trish didn't seem to be particularly reluctant, and like all men in the world, he felt very impatient to go shopping with women, and only hoped to go back soon.

They said time would change everything, and he could only hope so, that time would make it fade away so that when he woke up from the nightmare Tracy would still be asleep next to him.

It was a sunny Sunday and the cherry blossoms were supposed to be in bloom, perfect for a picnic.

His father warned him not to eat too many hot dogs, or David would get stomach cancer like him. The "healthy sandwich" stuffed with avocado and chicken is actually not so hard to swallow, at least it is much better for the stomach than wine .

"I failed to keep the promise." Mills heard a man cry, "What about you?"

Mills evades answering the question.

He subconsciously took a step back, but his foot almost stepped on the air. He looked back in panic, and found that there was a cliff under his feet, and the rough sea was at the bottom of the cliff.

"I'll go first." He heard the person next to him say, at first he thought it was Tracy, but after he looked carefully, he found that the other person was a black-haired Asian, who looked indistinguishable from male and female, very similar to young people nowadays The kind of "beautiful boy" I like.

Before Mills could speak, the beautiful boy in the white striped kimono jumped into the black sea, and quickly disappeared after causing ripples.

As Jim said before, the ending of jumping off a cliff is nine out of ten. Few people will be blocked by a branch like in the novel, and fall into a cave, learn the peerless magic skills, and then rule the world.

"Jump, jump quickly." He heard a voice urging.

"Why the hell am I jumping!" Mills yelled, feeling a force pushing him toward the edge of the cliff.

"This is an agreement, you failed to keep the agreement!" The voice roared hysterically.

Mills hesitated, and suddenly a bucket of ice cubes rained down on his head.

The biting cold brought Mills back to his senses, and he was still in the Datura, and Jim was looking at him, panting, with an ice cylinder in his hand that was supposed to be used for cold beer. .

"What are you thinking!" Jim yelled. "You want me to film your suicide?"

Mills was confused.

"You wanted to jump off the building just now."

"No, I don't want to," Mills said. "Somebody wanted me to 'jump overboard.'"

"The sea? Where does the sea come from?"

"How did you check it?" Mills caught a glimpse of the biscuit box not far away, the coins inside were scattered all over the floor, and the silver box with the name "Baijuwan" written on it.

"It's a Japanese monster story." Jim said, "A monk named Qinggen fell in love with a boy named Baijumaru. They used a silver box as a token of love. On the silver box in Baijumaru's hand was written Qinggen Name, the name of Baijuwan was written on Qingxuan’s box. The two of them agreed to commit suicide. Baijuwan jumped into the sea, but Qingxuan did not jump. He later became the abbot of a temple. When visiting the temple he presided over, her hand was born with a disability, and her left hand could not be opened. Her father and brother were killed by robbers. She asked Qingxuan to pray for her dead relatives, but as soon as she saw Qingxuan, she opened her left hand , what you are holding in your hand is the spice box of Baijuwan."

"You found out so quickly?"

"Thank the world for having the Internet! What were you thinking just now?" Jim asked in shock.

"This place is haunted." Mills patted Jim's shoulder calmly. "The monk wanted me to jump in just now. Thank you for the bucket of ice water."

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