The suffering given by hell does not break certain rules. For example, the suffering in the realm of hungry ghosts is that the food that is about to be eaten is turned into ashes. Unfortunately, the suffering given by life is far from that simple.

——Ryunosuke Akutagawa

Suicide in Buddhism is also going to hell, except for those Buddhists who sacrifice themselves to save the vast majority of people.

Qingxuan and Baijuwan didn't aim for such a great goal, they just wanted to die for love.

When Buddhism was first introduced to Japan, like China, it was not allowed to start a family, not to mention starting a family, and staying alone in the same room with a woman was not allowed. In the Heian period, Japanese monks did not eat meat.

It was after the Meiji Restoration that Japanese monks could marry and eat meat. This kind of abolition and destruction of Buddha was not as bloody as China’s slaughter of Buddha, but it also weakened the influence of Buddhism in Japan. After the Meiji, the "monks" in Japanese temples "It is not the identity of a traditional monk in the true sense, but the manager of a temple, and the temple can even inherit it.

These monks are called "Fangzhu" in Japan, and their wives are called "Wangshou". Except that they are richer, monks are no different from ordinary people.

Why do people have longing for eminent monks and saints? This may be because they are "supernormal". When they become like ordinary people, there is no need for worship.

He committed suicide with Baijumaru, and Qinggen, who repented at the last moment, later became the abbot of Kiyomizu Hase Temple. In the temple, there is a screen that has been handed down from the Heian period. In Hase Temple, the screen was painted by a very famous painter in Kyoto during the Heian period.

This painter does not paint Bodhisattvas or beauties, but specializes in monsters. According to legend, he has been to Chang'an and seen the mural "Hell in Disguise" painted by Wu Daozi in Anguo Temple, so the screen is called "Hell in Disguise". ".

The respected Grand Duke of Kyoto said to the painter, "If you want to paint the screen of Hell, will you go to Hell?"

The painter said, "Yes, I have seen a big fire. At that time, what I saw seemed to be the karmic fire of hell. When I painted Fudo Myoko's flame, what I saw was that flame."

In order to paint this screen, he allowed the fire to burn his most beloved only daughter sitting in the ox cart to death, and hanged himself the next day after the painting was completed. Since then, the screen has been cursed. , You can often see ghosts haunting the vicinity, the Grand Duke donated it to the temple, and then it circulated among various temples. I don’t know if it’s a coincidence or other reasons, this screen always brings misfortune.

Qingxuan kept guarding the screen very responsibly until seventeen years later, Sakurahime, the samurai daughter of the Yoshida family, came to Haseda Temple under the escort of her servant Nagaura, and in front of him, opened the screen that had never been seen since birth. Open left hand.

The Yoshida family also has an heirloom passed down from generation to generation. It is a precious sword. It is said that it is the Onikiri that Rashomon cut off the arm of Ibaraki Doji. As a woman, Sakurahime, who was born with a disability, could not inherit, so her father pinned all his hopes on her younger brother.

No one knows exactly what era the story of Qingxuan and Baijumaru took place. This monster story was originally a story, but this story spread no later than the era of Utagawa Kuniyoshi.

The American black ship arrived in Japan in 1853, and Utagawa Kuniyoshi died in 1863. At that time, it had not yet entered the end of the Edo period, and the samurai class was not as downcast as it was later, but no one can compare "Yoshida Sakuraji" and Changzhou Yoshida Matsukage of the feudal clan, and Yoshida Minoro who died in the Ikedaya incident are completely wiped out.

Miao characters with swords are the privilege of the samurai class. Commoners and businessmen are not allowed to have surnames. It was not until the end of the Tokugawa period that the Tokugawa shogunate lost control, and people secretly named themselves. In the Meiji era, in order to register household registration, everyone had to Give yourself a name, and the uneducated commoners ask the monks in the temple to give themselves a surname.

Since Yoshida Sakurahime has her own surname, she is not an ordinary commoner. There are many historical celebrities with the surname Yoshida, but few of them are as famous as Yoshida Shoin and Yoshida Minoru. Yoshida Shoin is the teacher of Yoshida Minoru. Yoshida Minoru, together with Hisaka Genzui and Takasugi Shinsaku, is known as the three masters under Shoin's sect. He himself is a man of both civil and military skills.

But all famous samurai usually have very famous swords, such as Kaga Kiyomitsu of Okita Souji, and Izumi Mori Kanesada of Hijikata Toshizo, but the sword sharpened by Yoshida Minoru disappeared after the Ikedaya incident.

Ying Ji was homeless after her family was ruined because of the sword. She begged Qingxuan to allow her to practice in the temple. Qingxuan, who thought Ying Ji was the reincarnation of Baijumaru, agreed to her request.

Ying Ji formed a hermitage near the temple to practice on her behalf. At the same time, the monk Canyue in the temple had an improper relationship with Ying Ji's servant Nagaura.

Gradually, there began to be rumors in the temple, saying that it was Yingji and the host Qingxuan who had an affair.

Qingxuan didn't try to defend the rumors, there was a tattoo on Ying Ji's hand, it turned out that Ying Ji was raped by a man on the day the house was broken, and she quietly gave birth to his child.

Unbelievably, Ying Ji could never forget that man, so she tattooed the same tattoo on her body.

One day, a thief broke into Sakurahime's hermitage. His name was Quansuke, and he had the same tattoo as the thief. Sakurahime soon committed himself to him.

Finally, one day, the matter was exposed, or it was forced to be exposed. Someone wanted the position of chairing Qingxuan. Sakurahime and Qingxuan were punished in the Inase River. They were kicked out of the monastery together.

Qingxuan, who was forced to return to vulgarity, asked Yingji to marry him, but Yingji refused, who only had power in her heart. She later became a famous prostitute "Fengling Ji", but Qingxuan never gave up her love for her. He even found Ying Ji's child to raise himself, thinking that in this way he could see Ying Ji often.

At the same time, he also took in Canyue and Changpu, and as the days went by longer, his longing grew stronger. One day, Qingxuan took out the bag containing the incense box from his bosom and hugged it tightly, as if he was holding Yingji, or It was his former lover Bai Ju Wan, and he couldn't tell the difference.

This scene happened to be seen by Canyue and Changpu. The two thought that Qingxuan's bag contained money, so they had evil thoughts in their hearts and planned to kill Qingxuan and take it away.

They fried the green lizard and forcefully poured it into Qingxuan's mouth. After drinking the poison, Qingxuan's face immediately turned purple.

Canyue strangled Qingxuan's neck, Changpu snatched the bag, but when he opened it, he found that there was only a worthless incense box inside.

The person is already dead, and the corpse is about to be destroyed. It so happens that the robber Quanzhu arrives at this time, and Canyue asks Quanzhu to help dispose of the corpse.

Just when Quanzhu had dug the hole and was about to bury Qingxuan, Ying Ji came and happened to bump into this scene. Qingxuan who was already dead suddenly sat up, and he told her the story of the incense box. At that time, he hugged Ying Ji, Ying Ji was startled by this sudden move, and immediately pushed Qing Xuan away, and Qing Xuan fell into the pit while being entangled, and was pierced through the neck by Quansuke's knife and died.

The dead Qingxuan turned into a ghost. He told Sakuraji that Quansuke was the murderer who killed her father and brother and robbed her heirloom Onikiri. Under his persuasion, Sakurahime finally woke up and one day while Quansuke was asleep , she personally killed Quansuke and Quansuke's own son, regained the heirloom Onikiri, and revived the Yoshida family again.

Mills was dumbfounded after listening to Jim's dictation.

"This is the information I found on the Internet. I don't know how much of it is true." Jim said in order to distance himself from the relationship.

"It's all fucking crazy!" Mills murmured incredulously.

"Which part do you find incredible? Sakura Hime who married a robber, or Qingxuan who waited for Sakura Hime to return? Or reincarnation?" Jim took a sip of beer, smacked his lips and said, "I heard that chastity is very important to oriental women , they will even marry men who take away their virginity."

"This story is not believable at all!" Mills glared at the cookie box like a superpower with Cyclops in the X-Men, and burned it to ashes.

"This story is enough to make a movie, and the story has to be good to be read." Jim shrugged. "You want to see what you did just now?"

"No, I want to be quiet first." Mills shook his hand.

The scent of datura flowers is poisonous, although its unique taste and charming charm, but it has hallucinogenic effects, making people unable to tell whether it is a dream or a reality.

When the flowers bloom, the reflection of the flowers on the water is like a water mirror, with Baijuwan at one end and Yingji at the other end, which one is real?

Or are they all illusions?

Qingxuan practiced for a lifetime, but at the end of his life, he couldn't see through it. As a result, his lifetime Buddha relationship was gone, and he became a monster instead.

If people who committed suicide were going to hell, why did Bai Jumaru reincarnate as Ying Ji in the human world?

There was a "ding" sound, and the sound of the elevator arriving came from the corridor. The sound sounded very similar to the sound made by a monk in a temple knocking on his bowl.

Kuniyoshi Utagawa is a painter of Ukiyo-e

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