Harry Potter: My Magic Overturns Hogwarts

Chapter 180 Light Magician: Luna Lovegood\r

"Where? Where?"

"Where is the light magic genius of our Ravenclaw Academy?"

Professor Flitwick was as if he had been injected with chicken blood. He was short in stature and had a terrible appearance. He was extremely excited at this time, especially the affectation that he wanted to let go of but couldn't let go, which made many students laugh.

"Professor Flitwick, that's her, Luna Lovegood, light magic attribute." The student in charge of the registration shouted, pointing at Luna Lovegood. "

Luna Lovegood has golden hair. Although her face is pale, she looks very calm in the face of everyone's eyes and excitement. What's more interesting is that she exudes a strange aura, fluttering Huhu temperament.

But it cannot be denied that Luna Lovegood is still a standard little beauty.

"Luna? Luna Jennifer in the second grade?" Flitwick was so happy that the students were confused by what they said.

"It's Luna Lovegood, Professor Flitwick!" the student said to Professor Flitwick again.

Professor Flitwick heard clearly this time, and looked at Luna Lovegood, and smiled happily: "What a beautiful little girl, congratulations on becoming a light magician."

"Did you know that last year, your senior sister, her name is Luna Jennifer, and before you, she was the only student of the Light Department of magicians other than Professor Kate Lyle."

Luna Lovegood looked at Professor Flitwick, who was about the same size as her, who was the dean of their college, with wide eyes, patted Professor Flitwick on the shoulder, and smiled slightly: "Thank you , Professor Flitwick."

The excited Professor Flitwick suddenly paused, the smile on his face gradually disappeared, and then turned around without saying a word.

Luna Lovegood looked at Professor Flitwick's lonely back, a little astonished.

"Well done, little Luna!" Hagrid suppressed a smile, bent down and touched Luna Lovegood, said something, and turned to leave.

But before taking two steps, when Hagrid bent down to comfort Professor Flitwick, he couldn't help laughing anymore.

"What's the matter?" Luna Lovegood asked puzzled.

The senior who was in charge of the registration suppressed a smile and whispered in Luna Lovegood's ear, "You shouldn't have patted Professor Flitwick on the shoulder. He is very concerned about his height. You just patted his The shoulder, for him, is humiliating him."

Luna Lovegood heard what the senior said, and she was a little stunned. She looked at Professor Flitwick squatting on the ground, hugging her legs, blinking her eyes, and after thinking about it, she turned to Professor Flitwick. go.

Luna Lovegood stretched out her hand and said, "Professor Flitwick..."

The senior of Ravenclaw College, seeing Luna Lovegood reaching out to pat Professor Flitwick's shoulder again, was stunned: Junior, are you serious?

Professor McGonagall looked at Luna Lovegood in a daze, not knowing what to say to describe this girl.

Luna Lovegood silently withdrew her hand. Knowing what she had done wrong again, she pursed her lips and said, "I'm very sorry, Professor Flitwick, I didn't mean it."

The cold wind blew, and Professor Flitwick was a little messy.

In the blank mind, sad music sounded inexplicably, and Professor Flitwick's heart was hit again and again.

"Filius, my good friend, if you need it, I have a potion that can help people grow up. If you want to use it, you need to persist for a while." Kate Lyle came over and pulled Foley Professor Wei smiled.

Professor Flitwick lowered his head and said helplessly, "This is fate!"

Dumbledore also came over, smiled and said to Professor Flitwick, "Hahaha, Filius is not like you, maybe we should find a place to have a glass of sherry soda with ice and snails."

Professor Flitwick looked up at Kate Lyle and Albus Dumbledore, with a smile on his face, and said, "Hey, are you really okay with this? I'm just too happy."

"Professor McGonagall will be jealous of me if I don't."

Kate Lyle laughed and said, "Filius, don't be too complacent. There are still many students in Gryffindor who haven't tested their magic attributes. Maybe Gryffindor will have a few more magicians with rare attributes."

"And our Hufflepuff!" Professor Sputrow came over and said with a smile.

"Filius, you underestimate me too much." Professor McGonagall said with a smile.

Luna Lovegood looked at Professor Flitwick in front of her, and suddenly felt that the professor was a little humorous.

In fact, Filius Flitwick is a very powerful wizard.

When he was young, Filius Flitwick was still a duel champion. He was humorous, very gentle, and not too strict with the students. His magic spell course was one of the students' favorite courses.

"Professor McGonagall, we have a thunder mage in Gryffindor."

A voice sounded, and Professor McGonagall turned away excitedly with a smile on his face as if he had won the lottery.

"Professor Sprout, we have a wind and a thunder magician in Hufflepuff College!"

Another voice sounded, and the chubby Professor Sprout, like Professor McGonagall, smiled happily, said goodbye to Professor Flitwick cheerfully, and hurried back to his own college.

"I don't know how many geniuses will appear this year?" Kate Lyle said, scanning the first-year students.

Dumbledore laughed and said, "They are all geniuses."

"What I am looking forward to now is to cultivate a few good professors, and then help me share some pressure." Kate Lyle watched the various colleges testing magic attributes in full swing, and smiled: "There are more and more students. Ah, ready to expand?"

"The expansion of the teaching building and dormitory building has been approved by the school board of directors, and the funds are already in place. The expansion will take place after a while. It is conceivable that more students will enter Hogwarts next year." Dumbledore responded.

"Kate, do you know that Principal Maxim and Principal Karkaroff sent letters a few days ago, and they were complaining that I robbed their students, hahaha!"

Kate Lyle couldn't help laughing when she heard what Dumbledore said.

Magic school enrollment is not only for the wizarding world, but also for the Muggle world.

There are actually many students that can be recruited.

But because of some restrictions, Hogwarts School, Durmstrang School, and Beauxbaton School will control the number of students enrolled, and because of different regions, the students enrolled are all from nearby countries, and they will not run away. Too far to go to school.

However, because of the emergence of elemental magic and its great reputation in the magic world, many parents traveled thousands of miles just to let their children learn elemental magic while learning traditional magic.

And this also means that the reputation of Hogwarts College will become bigger and bigger, and it will get more high-quality students.

This is what the other two academies are very anxious about. The geniuses are gone. Isn't their school going to decline?

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