Harry Potter: My Magic Overturns Hogwarts

Chapter 181 Show off and know\r

"The first-year freshmen took the magic attribute test this morning, and I don't know what kind of magic attribute Ginny will have."

After finishing the morning class, everyone began to walk towards the restaurant. Ronald also remembered that Ginny's first class was the class of Elemental Magic School, so he said with some expectation.

Harry heard this and said with a smile, "Guess what magical attribute Ginny will have."

"I hope she will be a rare attribute, such as light attribute or dark attribute. Of course, thunder attribute is also very cool." Ronald said without the slightest hesitation: "Perhaps wind attribute is also good."

"If I have a younger sister with wind attribute, we don't need to rely on you, we don't need magic cars, we don't need broomsticks, we can fly in the air."

"Water attributes are better for girls." Hermione, who was walking in front, hugged the book and laughed while listening to the conversation between the two.

"Not necessarily," Ronald responded.

"No matter which attribute it is, it's very powerful." Harry said with a smile.

The three of them came to the door of the restaurant and met Luna Jennifer who was coming. Harry said hello and asked with a smile, "Luna, has any genius magician appeared in your Ravenclaw?"

When Luna Jennifer heard this, she smiled mysteriously: "I heard from the senior that there is another light magician in our Ravenclaw, and her name is also Luna."

"Wow, then you are really destined!" Hermione said enviously after hearing that.

"I'm looking forward to little Luna." Luna Jennifer looked at the restaurant, the first-year student area, and said.

"No, I need to say hello to her, goodbye!" Luna Jennifer said, and walked away quickly.

Harry and Ronald were also full of curiosity about Ginny's magical attributes, so they also strode into the restaurant and found Ginny who was eating.

"Ginny, what elemental magic attribute are you?" Ronald trotted forward and asked.

At the same time, Fred and George also came over, and George said a bit funny: "Let me see, what kind of magical attribute is my Ginny!"

Ginny was watched by several brothers, as well as Harry and Hermione. She glanced at Harry shyly and said, "I am a wind attribute magician!"

"Wow, you turned out to be a wind attribute magician, Ginny, you are truly a genius, a genius of our Weasley family." Fred exclaimed excitedly upon hearing this.

"Ginny, you really surprised us." Ronald looked at Ginny and said excitedly and enviously, "You know what? During the magic familiarization test last year, I always expected that I would have the wind attribute, but the result was very disappointing. it disappointed me."

"It's just a wind attribute, what's so surprising, we have a dark attribute magician in Slytherin, she is even rarer than you." Malfoy walked over with Goyle and Crabbe, and said arrogantly.

Hearing Malfoy's words, Ronald said a little funnyly: "Oh, a dark attribute magician? It's really rare, but who is that person who has a dark attribute magician? Is there any benefit for you? ?”

Although he said it with a smile, he was also mocking Malfoy.

Malfoy's expression turned slightly ugly when he heard that.

Damn, come here and pretend to be aggressive, I didn't expect to be humiliated.

"There are more geniuses in our Slytherin Academy than you Gryffindors. Last year, you were proud. This year, our Slytherin will make you Gryffindors regret it!" Goyle said with a bad look.

"That will really wait and see." Harry stared at Malfoy and smiled playfully.

"Malfoy, the new semester has begun, and the points of the Elemental Magic Dueling Club have also begun to refresh." Harry said again immediately.

Malfoy understood what Harry meant, the corners of his mouth slightly curled up, and he said with a smile: "Then let's see who is stronger this year."

"In addition to the individual competition, there is also the team competition, and by the way, there is also the Quidditch competition. This year, we will still step on your feet." Ronald said confidently.

Malfoy glanced at Ronald, curled his lips, and said, "Redhead, upstart, I don't know where your confidence comes from, but what I want to remind you is that it's best not to meet me during the game, or I will Make you regret it."

After speaking, Malfoy returned to the Slytherin table with two bodyguards.

Fred and George didn't speak. They were seniors and knew more about magic than Malfoy. At the same time, they couldn't be known. They bullied the younger, otherwise it would be very troublesome.

But if there is a real contest, Fred and George also understand that they may not be Malfoy's opponents to the elemental thunder magician.

This guy, back from a vacation, seems to have grown stronger, making them feel threatened.

"Ronald, come on, we support you!" Fred and George patted Ronald's shoulder and said in unison.

Ronald rolled his eyes at the two of them, and said, "Although he doesn't want to admit it, Malfoy is really a pervert, and the more he fights, the stronger he gets."

Fred and George looked at each other, shrugged their shoulders, and said, "Then there is nothing we can do to help you. We will not participate in your battle, but if we place a bet, we are very happy."

"Don't be afraid, no matter how powerful he is, don't we still have us?" Harry put his arms around Ronald's shoulders, and said with a smile: "In the individual competition, Malfoy will hand it over to me, and in the team competition, the three of us will fight together , Guaranteed to overthrow them."

"We are the strongest combination, we cooperate with each other tacitly, we have the means to dominate the air field, they can't beat us." Hermione also said confidently.

"Hey, let me introduce you, this is Luna Lovegood, like me, a light magician." Luna Jennifer walked over with Luna Lovegood and introduced with a smile on her face .

Luna Lovegood looked at Harry and the others, waved her little hand, and said with a crisp smile, "Hi, I'm Luna Lovegood, nice to meet you."

"Hello, little Luna!" Hermione stepped forward, took Luna Lovegood's hand, and smiled.

The girls communicate very well, and Luna Lovegood is also a little moved.

Harry and Ronald looked at Luna Lovegood in amazement.

"The two of you standing together are like a twin flower, very beautiful." Ronald looked at Luna Jennifer and Luna Lovegood and praised.

"Thank you!" Luna Jennifer smiled.

Words of praise always make people feel happy. After Harry and the others introduced each other one by one, they got to know each other.

In the Slytherin first-year dining area, Ella Easton looked at Harry Potter and Luna, and there was a gleam in that gentle gaze.

And not far from Ella Easton, a fellow student of Slytherin College, Carianna looked at Ella Easton, muttering something, sometimes showing indifference, sometimes smiling ..

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