Outside Kate Lyle's cottage.

Snape was still the same, pulling the bell lightly, with a calm expression, as steady as an old dog.

Kate Lyle, who was researching potions in the laboratory, heard the voice and put down her work.

"Severus, what's the matter?" Kate Lyle invited Severus in, prepared another cup of coffee for him, and asked with a smile.

"Kate, I would like to ask you more about dark elemental magic." Snape took the coffee handed over by Kate Lyle, nodded his thanks slightly, sat opposite, and said.

"That's no problem at all, Severus!" Kate Lyle laughed and said, "If you can learn more dark elemental magic, it's a good thing for me, which means that I don't need to have too much magic. There's a lot of pressure."

"By the way, are you for that freshman?" Kate Lyle said, looking at Snape immediately.

Snape nodded, shook his head again and said, "My current knowledge is enough to teach her dark elemental magic, but I'm still full of expectations for advanced magic."

Kate Lyle chuckled, took a sip of coffee, then turned and went back to the room.

When it came out again, Kate Lyle held a book in her hand and handed it to Snape, saying with a smile, "This is a book that records all kinds of dark elemental magic, you can take it home and study it carefully."

"In addition, if you want to study dark elemental magic, I suggest you find a place with few people. Dark elemental magic is very destructive, and some other magic will scare people."

Snape took the spellbook, opened it for a few glances, put the spellbook away, and said, "Thank you for reminding me, Kate."

Kate Lyle laughed and said, "Severus, you don't need to thank me. I hope that when you learn it, it will be useful to you."

Snape pondered slightly, and said: "During the past holidays, many students were frightened and threatened. Students in the school need to pay more attention."

Kate Lyle finished the coffee in her cup, looked at Snape and asked, "Can you tell me more about the situation?"

Snape didn't refuse, so he told some of the things that happened to the students after returning home from vacation.

It turned out that during this holiday, many students were threatened and attacked by Death Eaters. After learning the news, the school reacted in time and cooperated with the Ministry of Magic to deal with it.

However, the cooperation of the Ministry of Magic was not satisfactory, at least according to Snape and Dumbledore.

Although it seems that there is no death, it is not clear whether there are other unknown hidden dangers.

In fact, if all the students who return to the academy use polygraph medicine, most of the hidden dangers can be ruled out.

However, there are not so many such medicines in the school, and secondly, this will cause unnecessary panic.

"The Death Eaters are planning something in the dark, and if we don't get rid of them, it will cause us a lot of trouble." Snape said solemnly.

Kate Lyle glanced at Snape. Although he didn't know exactly what the Death Eaters were planning, there was one thing he knew.

About which one, Kate Lyle thought about it, but she still didn't tell Snape.

It seems that only Dumbledore knows about this matter.

"If it's to check if any of the students are controlled by Death Eaters, I have a way." Kate Lyle looked at Snape and smiled mysteriously.

"Oh, what can you do?" Snape asked curiously.

"I still need your help with this matter, Severus!" Kate Lyle said with a smile.

"I'd love to help, Kate!" Severus said without hesitation.

"However, before that, why don't you go to the laboratory with me to discuss the magical potion." Kate Lyle stood up, walked towards the laboratory, and said: "During this vacation, I got a lot of magical herbs , ore, etc., I think it is very necessary to share and discuss this matter with you."

Hearing that, Snape's eyes shone brightly, the corners of his mouth curled up, and he showed a rare smile miraculously.

For Snape, Potions was a subject that interested him very much besides Defense Against the Dark Arts.

At this time, Snape had a very high achievement in potions.

After finishing Sprout's herbal medicine class, he walked out of the classroom and walked towards the dining room. Harry asked Ronald beside him, "What's the class in the afternoon?"

"Defense Against the Dark Arts." Hermione replied quickly.

Ronald looked at Hermione, as if he had discovered some new world, took her class schedule, and said in surprise, "Why did you circle all Harold's classes with a heart shape?"

Hermione blushed a little annoyed, and snatched back the schedule, saying, "You don't need to worry about it."

Seeing Hermione leaving angrily, Harry looked at Ronald and said, "Ronald, there is something wrong with your eyes."

"What's wrong with my eyes?" Ronald asked a little puzzled.

"Blindness needs to be cured." Harry smirked and said, "Didn't you find out? Are many people reading Lockhart's biography? Especially Hermione and Ginny, they are full of admiration for Lockhart?"

Ronald thought about it seriously, then patted his forehead and said, "Isn't Professor Kate not enough for them to admire?"

"If there is a choice between Lockhart and Professor Kate, I will choose Professor Kate without hesitation. She is stronger and more handsome." In the corridor, Hannah Abbott happened to walk by and heard the conversation between the two.

"Hannah." Neville Longbottom looked at Hannah Abbott who appeared, his eyes lit up slightly, and he hurried forward and said.

Hannah Abbott looked at Neville Longbottom, blinked, and said with a smile: "Neville, I heard that you had a very special holiday, can you share it with me?"

Upon hearing this, Neville Longbottom had a naive smile on his face, and said, "Of course, I am very willing to share my experience, Hahanna."

"This is a bit long to say, why don't we find a place to sit down and talk together." Neville Longbottom said with a naive smile.

"Do you need to prepare some snacks?" Hannah Abbott laughed.

"That's a nice note, Hannah!" Neville Longbottom said happily.

Seeing Neville Longbottom and Hannah Abbott in the distance, Harry and Ronald stopped in their tracks, their eyes filled with disbelief.

"Harry, I'm not mistaken, is he really Neville?" Ronald said in a daze.

Harry adjusted his glasses, and said with great certainty, "Yes, he is the Mr. Longbottom who seemed a little dull in your eyes."

"They are underage, how can they do this?" Ronald said in a loud voice.

"Mr. Weasley, I seem to have heard the word 'underage' just now?" Professor McGonagall looked at Ronald suspiciously, and said, "How can this happen? Can you explain?"

Both Ronald and Harry were shocked when Professor McGonagall appeared behind them.

Harry quickly explained: "Professor McGonagall, you got it wrong, we were just discussing what to have for lunch."

Harry touched Ronald, and Ronald reacted, and quickly said, "We're talking about what's delicious for lunch, Professor McGonagall."

Professor McGonagall was still a little suspicious, but he couldn't keep holding on, so he turned and left and said, "I hope you didn't do anything bad. Gryffindor can't afford to be deducted points every three days."

Ronald and Harry were a little embarrassed when they heard this.

"Is she a ghost? Why didn't I know that when she walked, she was silent?" Ronald couldn't help complaining.

"Professor McGonagall can transform into a cat. When a cat walks, it is silent." Harry explained helplessly.

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