Harry Potter: My Magic Overturns Hogwarts

Chapter 193: Team Lions vs Team Bright (Part 2)\r

Luna Jennifer led the crowd and waved to the audience with a smile on her face, without any stage fright.

It is not the first time to face such a scene.

Like Luna, and Harry et al.

"Harry Potter, our battle has begun." Luna Jennifer looked at Harry Potter and smiled confidently.

After a pause, Luna Jennifer looked at Hermione Granger again, and said with a smile, "Hermione, our battle is not over yet."

In such a game, healing magic can restore a certain amount of health.

For example, if there are only 20 points displayed on the fate bracelet, then a light healing spell or a hydrotherapy spell can add five points to that person.

According to the rules, the healing technique can only be released three times for the same person in the same match.

Therefore, how Hermione and Luna seize the opportunity to help teammates or herself to win the game is another contest.

The reason why the Black-bellied Snake team lost to the Bright team was that Luna's healing magic and blessing systems played a vital role.

Hermione Granger raised her delicate chin confidently when she heard that, nodded and said, "This time it will be over."

"That's not necessarily the case!" Luna Jennifer laughed when she heard this.

Ronald stood on Harry's left side, looked at Edward Wilson and David Little, and said with a smile, "I don't know if your magic can break through my defense."

"Then try it!" Edward laughed.

David Little looked indifferent and did not speak, but his eyes were full of excitement.

Presiding over the competition was Jem the Elf, with a short body, slowly floating in the air one meter above the ground, looked at the two teams of Harry and Luna, and said, "Execute the ceremony!"

The six of Harry and Luna looked at each other, then put their wands up in front of them, bowed slightly, and each took fifteen steps back.

During the retreat, Harry looked at Ronald, and Ronald responded to Harry with a nod, expressing his understanding.

After the fifteenth step fell, Ronald, who spread out their positions, quickly made a move and said, "The Earth Wall Curse!"

In an instant, a ten-meter-long, one-meter-five-meter-high earthen wall rose rapidly in the middle of the battlefield.

"Flying Curse." Harry's voice sounded, and Ronald, Hermione, and Harry all had a pair of invisible wings, dragging them into the air.

"Spirit of water, bloom your beauty, use your gentle hands, hold a bow and shoot through the angry flames, rain arrows!"

Hermione's body, wand in hand, chanted as it soared into the air.

In an instant, hundreds of rain arrows erupted with powerful force, and launched an attack on Luna and Jennifer who were separated by a wall in the sky.

Facing the counterattack of Harry's trio, Luna and Jennifer can't do anything.

For example, Luna Jennifer took advantage of this opportunity to release the blessing magic.

"Spirit of Light, heed my call and grant us strength, blessing of light!"

For another example, David Little used the Gale Curse, which gave the three of them faster mobility.

Therefore, when Hermione's rain arrows fell, the three of Luna and Jennifer had already quickly distanced themselves and avoided the falling rain arrows.

Edward Wilson moved to one side, looked at the three of Harry who were flying into the air, pointed his wand at Ronald who was the closest, and said, "Fireballs!"

Five fireballs shot out in succession at an extremely fast speed.

Ronald is a flying genius, maybe the heart that wanted to fly in the sky was at fault, Ronald dodged the fireballs that came from the lasing one after another.

"Spirits of the earth, heed my call, and destroy the enemies that trample the earth, Earth Spear Curse!"

Holding the magic wand, he dodged one after another, dodging the flying Windblade Curse, Ronald shot quickly and aimed at Edward Wilson.

"Bastard, you actually joined forces to attack me."

After releasing the magic, Ronald hurriedly distanced himself, and couldn't help shouting.

Edward Wilson laughed and chased after Ronald, saying, "Ronald, I'll make you scream."

"Fart, I don't know who will die!" Ronald shouted angrily when he heard this.

"Binding of Light!"

Luna Jennifer and David Little walked side by side, and David Little acted as a guardian, always keeping within two meters of Luna Jennifer to prevent Luna Jennifer from being Harry and others successfully attacked.

Luna Jennifer is the main auxiliary force of the Bright team. It is their main force for protracted battles and battery life. They must not be taken out first.

"Water curtain!"

The torrential rain fell, forming a water curtain to block the incoming light magic. Hermione quickly came to Ronald's side and said, "Ronald, that David Little doesn't seem to have learned the Wind Curse. We can implement c tactics."

Ronald and Hermione flew high into the sky, playing rogues and getting out of the attacking range of Edward Wilson and the others.

Ronald yelled at Harry below, "Harry, c tactic!"

At this time, Harry was fighting against David Little with wind magic. Wind blades were constantly flying on the battlefield, tearing the ground and stone pillars apart.

On the side, there was Luna Jennifer's constant orb of light, or a light shield, which helped him and David Little block Harry's magical attacks.

When Luna Jennifer heard Ronald's voice, she immediately said, "David, hold Harry back, and absolutely don't let them meet."

David Little nodded, and said: "Spirit of the wind, listen to my call, the wind is coming, become the fangs of beasts and tear each other apart, wind killing curse!"

In an instant, three small tornadoes composed of wind blades broke away from the ground, quickly formed within a five-meter radius of Harry, and quickly approached Harry Potter.

Kate Lyle looked at the Wind Killing Curse released by David Little, her eyes sparkled, and she was a little surprised.

The Wind Killing Curse is an intermediate magic, and among the intermediate magic, it is more difficult to master.

This David Little has already mastered intermediate magic after studying for a year and a half, which makes people even more concerned.

One must know that Harry Potter was relatively stable and able to release intermediate magic after experiencing some things and adding his own talent.

Harry looked at the windblade tornado, his face changed suddenly.

If he was hit by these three tornadoes, he would be eliminated directly.

Once the Wind Killing Curse hits, it will strangle the target, and it will not collapse easily, because he is controlled by the releaser's magic power and spiritual power.

Harry didn't dare to stay, and galloped away. He had to break through, and he couldn't be surrounded.

"Water curtain!"

Hermione watched Harry fall into crisis, and quickly released a water curtain, which temporarily held back a tornado, and said, "Harry, this way!"

"Light Arrow Curse!" Seeing this, Luna Jennifer released a holy light from the necklace around her neck, helping Luna Jennifer quickly release an intermediate magic.

"Spirits of the earth, heed my call, and destroy the enemies that trample the earth, Earth Spear Curse!"

Ronald's voice sounded, and ten three-meter-long soil guns shot down.

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