Harry Potter: My Magic Overturns Hogwarts

Chapter 194: Team Lions vs Team Bright (Part 2)\r

Although the power of the water curtain was good, it only persisted for a second before being shattered in front of the Wind Killing Curse.

Even so, it bought enough time for Harry to get out of the strangulation of the wind.

However, Luna Jennifer's Light Arrow Curse is also extraordinary, and on the way to retreat towards Harry, if he doesn't defend himself, the light arrow will definitely fall on Harry.

Fortunately, at this time, Ronald's Earth Spear Curse is not easy.

The toughness of the Earth Spear Curse is somewhat beyond imagination. Each earth gun blocked two to three light arrows.

The collision of the earth gun and the light arrow, coupled with Harry's dodge, successfully opened the distance without any damage.

"O omnipotent wind elf, use the atmosphere as your bow and brilliance as your arrow, accept the power of my will, and landslide into the void! ——Sharp Storm!"

Harry flew tens of meters away, chanting as he flew, and finally pointed his wand behind him.

Countless wind blades shot out from the wind spirits surrounding Harry, and collided with the wind blade tornado controlled by David Little.

The dense and huge wind blades resisted the storm, and still powerfully attacked Luna Jennifer and David Little on the ground.

"Light Shield!"

Seeing this, Luna Jennifer took two steps forward and stood beside David Little. With a wave of her wand, a semicircular light shield protected the two of them in the middle.

On the other side, seeing Luna and David being suppressed by Harry, Edward Wilson quickly shot.

"Water Prison Curse!"

Hermione spotted Edward Wilson's intentions and made a quicker shot than Edward Wilson.

Edward Wilson looked at the attacking magic, the corners of his eyes twitched, he gave up his shot on Harry, and ran away quickly.

The magic didn't hit Edward Wilson, and Hermione regretted it.

However, Harry was out of Luna and David Little's entanglement, which made Hermione breathe a sigh of relief.

Hermione looked at Harry who was coming, and immediately said: "Harry, you suppress them, and Ronald and I release the magic."

Upon hearing this, Harry nodded and said, "Okay!"

After speaking, Harry took a deep breath, drew circles with his wand in his hand, and shouted, "Wind Curtain!"

Magic power emerged, and a strong wind blew up over the battlefield, covering most of the battlefield.

The storm swept across, blocking the vision of all members of the Bright Army.

In the Slytherin lounge.

Malfoy stared closely at the screen projected by the crystal ball, looking at Hermione and Ronald in mid-air, there was a gleam of light in those haughty eyes.

"They are going to release combination magic." Malfoy said solemnly.

"The combination of water and earth magic should be the Mire Curse." Carianna said with her eyes fixed on Hermione and Ronald.

"Remember their routine. If they release this magic, they must quickly find an opportunity to stop them." Malfoy said solemnly.

in the audience.

It's no secret that combination magic has been released one after another by Harry and Luna after the group challenge started.

For example, Edward Wilson and David Little have released the combined magic of wind and fire dual attributes.

Seeing the actions of Harry and the others, Flitwick said with a smile, "This is a good tactic. Use the wind curtain to block the vision of the Bright team, and buy time for Hermione and Ronald to construct the magic circle."

"But what magic will they unleash?"

Professor McGonagall watched and quickly ran towards a place outside the coverage of the wind curtain, and said with a smile: "The three members of the Bright team are also very serious. They know that under such circumstances, they should quickly move away and look for the field of vision."

Under the joint construction of Hermione and Ronald, the magic circle was successfully constructed in only five seconds.

"Harry, it's done!" Hermione shouted the moment the magic circle was completed.

Hearing this, Harry manipulated the wind curtain and said in a deep voice, "Need!"

At this moment, the wind curtain in mid-air seemed to have stopped flowing, and there was a momentary pause.

The next moment, following Harry's will, the wind curtain turned into a wind blade, suspended in mid-air.

"Spirits of water contained in the heaven and earth, respond to the call of the spirits of earth, change the changes in the earth, and moisten the earth—the Mire Curse!" Hermione chanted with a wand in her hand, looking serious.

"Spirits of the earth contained in the earth, respond to the call of the spirits of water, change the changes of the earth, and moisten the earth—the Mire Curse!"

Along with Hermione, there was also Ronald, who chanted with a serious expression, and shot together with Hermione.

The two magical light curtains converged and fell vertically to the ground.

Just after throwing out the area covered by the wind curtain and seeing Hermione and Ronald above the void, Luna Jennifer's expression changed suddenly, and she said hastily: "Quick, quick, go to the stone pillar, stay away from the ground, they are releasing the Mire Curse!"

Edward and David Little didn't dare to hesitate when they heard the words, they ran quickly, and finally jumped onto the stone pillar.

"Merlin's beard, they're playing rascals!"

Edward watched the magic fall on the battlefield. The solid ground quickly turned into a muddy swamp. Even the stone pillars under their feet seemed to lose their support and began to shake and sink.

"Edward, David, you release combination magic, fire tornado, hurry up!"

Seeing this situation, Luna Jennifer knew that they couldn't hold on for long, and once the stone pillar fell into the swamp, they would also be deeply trapped in it.

Because they have no way to fly, no way to engage in air combat with Harry and the others.

David jumped up, came to the stone pillar where Edward was, and held his breath, began to build the magic circle.

"Sharp Storm!"

Harry controlled the wind blade, looked at David and Edward who were building the magic circle, and quickly shot without waiting.

Luna Jennifer looked at the falling wind blade, and quickly released the magic: "Light shield!"

A huge light shield blocked the heads of the three of them, blocking the falling wind blades and making a ding ding ding sound.

Around them, the wind blades fell on the swamp, like hailstones, the scene was very spectacular.

"Water Prison Curse!"

Just when Luna Jennifer propped up the light shield, Hermione had already flown into the mid-air behind Luna Jennifer, aimed at Luna Jennifer and released her magic.

Luna Jennifer couldn't dodge, and was instantly trapped by the water prison.

For Luna Jennifer, either they were trapped in a water prison, or David and Edward were attacked by wind blades, and they completely lost their chances.

But no matter which one, the result is the same.

Edward Wilson, David Little, who had lost their light shields and hadn't fully constructed the magic circle, and Luna Jennifer, who was trapped in the water prison, were also attacked by countless wind blades.

The wind blades are endless, and the score of the Bright Lions team, which has no chance of defense at all, is quickly reduced as the wind blades fall on them, until they are cleared and sent to a special place.



Edward Wilson sat slumped on the ground, sweat dripping from his forehead.

With so many wind blades falling on his body, even though the pain had been weakened, it still made him scream in pain, and then lay powerlessly on the ground.

The same is true of David Little, but he is better than Edward, trembling and still standing.

However, what is shocking is that Luna Jennifer was not sent out because of the Guardian of Light Necklace, and her fate bracelet shows that there are still five points left.

Luna Jennifer, who was shrouded in the holy light, looked at Edward Wilson and David Little who were out of the game, and the numbers displayed on her fate bracelet, endured the pain, smiled on her face, looked at Harry and said :"I surrender!"

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