Harry Potter: My Magic Overturns Hogwarts

Chapter 197 Lions Team vs. Black-bellied Snake Team (Part 2)\r

Somewhat thrillingly dodging the oncoming Explosive Flame Dance, the three of Harry did not get out of danger.

Karianna and Malfoy's attacks were intensive firepower attacks on them with a strong quantity and speed.

And this also made Harry and others fall into passive defense.

Of course, this process does not last long.

While retreating one after another, Ronald and Hermione tacitly built enough earth walls, stone pillars, and water curtains on the battlefield, making full preparations for them to rise into the air.

Malfoy looked at the three of Harry who had already flown into the air, and said with a gloomy expression: "Harry Potter, don't fly up if you have the guts, come down and fight us."

Harry heard Malfoy's words, and smiled: "Malfoy, are you stupid? We have the air superiority, why should we give up."

"Now, just accept my magic obediently."

Flying away while dodging the oncoming fireball, Harry Potter also began to chant, pointing at Carianna and saying: "Storm of Blades!"

"Earth Wall Curse!"

Goyle waved his wand and said in a deep voice.

In the Black-bellied Snake team, Goyle undertakes all the defense work, and occasionally releases the Quicksand Curse, which exists as an auxiliary system.

The Earth Wall Curse rose, and the falling wind blades continued to fall on the earth wall, and the sunken wind blades protruded into it one by one.

Seeing this, Gore's face changed, he somewhat underestimated the damage of Harry Potter's wind blade.

"Earth Wall Curse!"

"Earth Wall Curse!"

Goyle released two spells one after another, making the raised earth wall thick and tough enough.

And behind the earthen wall, Kariana didn't just dodge blindly, she held a magic wand and whispered incessantly.

Ronald stared at Goyle, and after chanting, pointed his wand at Goyle, and shouted: "The Earth Spear Curse!"

Seeing this, Gore's expression changed immediately, and he quickly built a wall of earth in front of him.

bang bang bang!

The earthen gun fell from the sky, and half of the gun body penetrated the earthen wall. Gore's face changed greatly in shock, and sweat appeared on his forehead.

If the earthen gun penetrates the earthen wall, at least 20 points will be deducted if it fails to dodge, and if the luck is good enough, it will even be cleared out of the game.

The earth gun was blocked by the earth wall and failed to take down Gore, making Ronald curse secretly, saying: "This guy is really lucky." ..

As for his Earth Spear Curse, Ronald practiced hard and learned some tricks from Kate Lyle, such as how to make the same spell more destructive when the strength is equal.

"Flame Cannon!"

A voice sounded, and something flew quickly between the corners of Ronald's eyes. When he looked over, he saw a fireball had already hit him.

But this is far from over. As he was hit by the fireball, there were still fireballs flying towards him.

In the auditorium, all the teachers and students watched Ronald being shot one after another by the fireballs released by Kariana. The accuracy seemed to beat Ronald into a hornet's nest. For a while, everyone exclaimed up.

Ronald's screams sounded, and at this moment, he was directly hit by the fireball and lost his way.

Not only that, but the number on Ronald's bracelet of fate is constantly decreasing.

95, 90, 85, 80, 75...

Kate Lyle frowned as she watched Carianna release her magic crazily and hit Ronald with precision.

Compared with what she knew at this time, Carianna was undoubtedly the one who judged Nuo and her husband.

Normally, Kariana would occasionally say some weird words, but most of the time, she was quiet and docile. However, once she entered the fighting state, she was always crazy, as if she was a lunatic with dual personalities with the princess.

"Water curtain!"

Hermione was shocked when Ronald was attacked.

Although she had given her full support, eight fireballs still hit Ronald, so that Ronald's score dropped directly to 60 points.

"Floating Curse!"

Hermione grabbed the fallen Ronald who had been hit by the Levitation Charm, and took him away quickly.

"It hurts me to death."

Although Ronald was not injured, the pain from the injury made him scream uncontrollably.

"To shut up!"

At this time, she, with Ronald, had no way to fight back, so, in the face of the fireballs that kept coming, Hermione could only dodge the fireballs constantly.

Carliana, who released the flame cannon, was like a female gunslinger holding a machine gun. Her wand kept moving with Hermione, and fireballs kept shooting out.

The magic of the flame cannon is to use the magic power as a bullet, and use the wand as a machine gun, and release it continuously. It is also a very good battle magic in large-scale battles.

Seeing the magic released by Kariana, and it continued like this, the students who have fire magic are extremely envious. Flame cannon is an intermediate magic, and it is also the most destructive magic among the intermediate magic, and the most difficult to master. , in the whole school, the people who can master it can be counted with two hands.

"Professor Kate, this child is talented and shocking." Dumbledore praised Cariana's performance sincerely.

"It's really good." Kate Lyle nodded after hearing this, and said with a smile: "However, this girl is a little crazy."

At this time, Kariana was indeed a bit crazy, and the distance was not enough, so she chased after her and narrowed the distance, just to prevent Hermione and Ronald from having a chance to fight back.

"Although this magic is good, it is also very important for the consumption of mana. If she loses her mana, it will be a very dangerous thing for her." Snape said in a deep voice.

"Yes, this can only be temporarily suppressed. Once her magic power is consumed excessively, she will get into trouble." Professor Flitwick nodded aside.

At the right time, Hagrid saw Kariana drinking the potion with her head up, and immediately recognized it, and shouted, "She's drinking the magic potion, Merlin's underpants, she doesn't want to keep consuming like this, does she?"

In fact, Carianna thought so.

The scene in front of them had been planned for a long time after Kariana and Malfoy witnessed Hermione and Ronald's combined magic in the lounge.

What Kariana didn't expect was that their plan went smoothly.

"Let me go down." Ronald knew that he had dragged Hermione down, and it was impossible to go on like this, so he saw the dense and messy stone pillars below, and immediately shouted.

Hermione also reacted, and kept dodging without any hesitation. Even if she accidentally hit the fireball, Hermione endured the pain and successfully sent Ronald to the ground.

"Kalianna, I'm not finished with you!" Putting down Ronald, Hermione finally freed her hands and could finally use magic to fight back.

On the other side, Ronald lost points again, with only 40 points left, shuttled among the stone pillars, found the target on Goyle, and said magically: "The ground thorns bloom!"

Gore quickly dodged and ran, crossing the half court, aggressively breaking into the messy stone pillar array, trying to kill Ronald.

Ronald didn't hesitate at all. After throwing out a ground thorn bloom, he said sarcastically: "Gol, we are also earth magicians, but I am much stronger than you. Want to kill me? Go ahead and dream."

Gore was ridiculed by Ronald, furious, roared, dodged with the help of stone pillars, and fought back one after another.

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