Harry Potter: My Magic Overturns Hogwarts

Chapter 198 Lions vs. Black-bellied Snakes (Part 2)\r

Hermione was so desperate that she wanted to compete with the crazy girl Karaana. One was in the sky and the other was on the ground. Fireballs, water balls, rain arrows and other magic spells were constantly flying in a corner of the battlefield.

On the densely packed stone pillars, Ronald and Gore were competing inside.

Moreover, the battle between Ronald and Gore gave people a feeling of pushing boxes in a maze.

While the two were constantly attacking and destroying the ground, they were also blocking each other's activity space.

In this regard, Ronald showed a very high IQ, constantly crushing Gore.

When Gore wanted to exit the stone pillar position, it was already too late. Under Ronald's offensive, the data on the lucky bracelet kept dropping.

On the other side, as Ronald and Goyle, Hermione and Carianna continued to compete, Harry and Malfoy had already confronted each other, and directly entered the state of magic warrior.

One is Malfoy, who is wrapped in lightning, like a Saiyan, and the other is Harry, who is wrapped in wind magic, with wind spirits always following his shoulders, and his hair is flying.

They entered the range of the Whomping Willow's attack, where any negligence could put them in danger.

The battle between the two was even more close to hand, and the fight was extremely exciting, fast, and dangerous.

In one arena, the contest between two teams was divided into three battlegrounds, which made the audience feel a bit confused.

However, in terms of which battlefield is more exciting, it is undoubtedly the contest between Malfoy and Harry.

One is their fame, and the other is that they all have the status of magic warriors.

"Thunder Knife!"

"Thunder kick!"

"Thunder and lightning!"

With the sudden punches and kicks, as well as the lightning ball and other magic that hit him instantly, Harry counterattacked with an extremely serious expression, without retreating at all.

"Wind cannon!"

"Whirlwind legs!"


Under the continuous waving of the Whomping Willow, Harry and Malfoy pulled in and separated, fighting constantly, and some of the hitting Whomping Willow branches were directly interrupted by the attacks of the two.

Under such a fierce attack, the Whomping Willow, which makes people fearful, now appears to be a victim instead.

But if they thought they were not threatening, then Harry and Malfoy were really in danger.

Malfoy was somewhat similar to Cariana, and he was also a little crazy at this time. He yelled at Harry and kept attacking, saying: "Without their support, you are doomed."

Upon hearing this, Harry smiled and said, "This is a battle between the two of us, Malfoy!"

"Trust me, you're doomed."

After Harry finished speaking, he suddenly accelerated, like a gust of wind, and instantly dodged Malfoy's sweeping palm.

Seeing this, Malfoy's face suddenly changed: Trouble.

He didn't expect Harry to be able to improve in speed.


Before Malfoy could react, Harry had already kicked him in the stomach, and the severe pain hit him, which made Malfoy almost vomit all the dinner in his stomach.

At the same time, Malfoy's score was instantly deducted by 10 points, dropping to 70 points.

Contests between magic warriors and physical collisions are all deducting points continuously, but the data of deducting points is lost one by one.

Therefore, from the beginning of the contest between the two, both Malfoy and Harry have already been deducted 20 points.

"Whirlwind legs!"

Harry's voice rang in his ears, Malfoy's face changed drastically, and the lightning on his body kept flickering.

He wanted to stop Harry, and when he couldn't fight back, the continuous release of lightning was undoubtedly the best way to stimulate Harry.

bang bang bang!

Braving the pain of being baptized by lightning, Harry kicked Malfoy into the sky, one kick after another, with great force, directly lifting Malfoy tens of meters into the air.

"Sharp Storm!"

Harry flew out of Whomping Willow's attack range, caught up to Malfoy, and kicked again.

Looking at Malfoy who was kicked into the sky, without any rest, he directly raised his hands, and the magic power gathered in his palm. The blade storm, which was obviously smaller than the magic released by the wand, directed towards Malfoy above the void. Lean away.


Although he had fully released the energy of the thunder element, surrounding his body and blocking most of the wind blades, Malfoy was still baptized by a large number of wind blades.

At this moment, Malfoy could feel the wind blade cutting his body piece by piece, the pain made him almost faint.


The crisp voice sounded in Malfoy's mind, and for a moment, a feeling of unwillingness lingered in his heart.

The next moment, Malfoy appeared on the edge of the field, and the score was cleared.

Appearing in a corner, Malfoy clenched his fists, full of unwillingness, but there was nothing he could do at this time.

The battle between Malfoy and Harry is undoubtedly exciting and cheering.

However, the battle between magic warriors is even more dangerous than the magic contest between magicians.

Now, watching Malfoy being instantly killed by Harry, the lions of Gryffindor roared excitedly.

Even the students of Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff were celebrating Harry.

With Malfoy knocked out, the Lions released Harry Potter, a powerful force.

For a moment, everyone understood that the Black-bellied Snake team had lost.

Sure enough, after defeating Malfoy, Harry waved his fists in celebration, and immediately rushed towards Cariana.

Compared to Gore, Carianna is undoubtedly more dangerous and crazy.

The battle between Hermione and Cariana was already in full swing.

Karianna even drank two bottles of magic potion for this, and Hermione also drank a bottle of magic potion, and did not swim with Kariana in the sky.

Carianna looked at Harry Potter who was rushing towards him, with excitement in her eyes, and she didn't hesitate or retreat because she was at a disadvantage.

"Burst Flame Dance!"

Kariana gave up on Hermione, who was on the side, and attacked Harry Potter.

"Burst Flame Dance!"

Harry didn't hesitate, and held the wand in his hand, releasing the same magic.

The magma-like fireballs collided continuously, like fireworks bursting, splashing a lot of magma on the ground, looking down at the ground.

Harry didn't back down in the slightest, and approached while outputting.

"Disarm you!"

There was a sound, and Carliana's wand flew towards Hermione in an instant.

Cariana, who had no wand, was directly cleared by Harry's several magma fireballs, and was instantly teleported out of the game.

Carianna appeared next to Malfoy, before she could stand still, she fainted instantly.

The moment Karianna fainted, she was already ready, knew the healing technique, and after passing through a special rescue team, quickly jumped into it and began to treat Karianna.

In just a moment, Carianna woke up.

At this time, on the other side, Ronald also managed to win Gore with 100 points at the cost of 15 points.

So far, all three members of the Black-bellied Snake team have been eliminated.

"All three members of the Black-bellied Snake team were eliminated, and the winner is the Lion team!"

As Jem's voice sounded, the audience cheered again.

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