"Mr. Kate Lyle, cooperation is a very meaningful thing for you and me."

"I sincerely invite you to join my camp."

Apollo stared at Kate Lyle, and said solemnly in his expression.

Kate Lyle's strength was beyond his imagination.

The magical elemental magic is somewhat similar to some of their abilities.

In addition, Kate Lyle has always behaved in a very orderly manner.

Based on this situation, after careful consideration, he decided to come out and meet with Kate Lyle.

After the meeting, Apollo saw the strength of Kate Lyle with his own eyes, and after knowing that the other party had the great prophecy, he became more determined in his mind.

Kate Lyle must be pulled into his camp and become his own help.

Upon hearing this, Kate Lyle leaned on the chair with a thoughtful look on her face, and looked at Apollo, and after a while, she showed a sneer.

"Old guy, you want me to be your thug?"

Hearing this, Apollo showed a moment of embarrassment on his face, and then said: "Mr. Kate Lyle, we are cooperating, and you are not my subordinate."

"In addition, I can tell you with certainty that you and I can completely talk about each other as peers."

"All of this is also based on the fact that you have the strength not to lose to me."

Kate Lyle heard the words again, smiled, and said: "So, I have the strength, and you are my peer."

"But if I am not as strong as you, will you treat me as a subordinate?"

"Even, you will enslave me?"

Apollo's complexion changed subtly again.

He didn't expect Kate Lyle to be so difficult to deal with, and what he said was full of gunpowder.

This gave him the feeling that he was trying to control him.

To be honest, from the very beginning, he thought about making Kate Lyle his divine residence.

Even, those two little girls from Hogwarts College, magicians with light elements, can also be used as training objects.

However, according to his observation, the two little girls seem to be under the care of Kate Lyle.

No, almost at Hogwarts, those who possess rare elemental magic are all students who are specially taken care of by Kate Lyle.

If he wanted to turn them into his divine residence, this guy might even attack him.

After all, this guy's great prophecy, if he is not careful, he may die without knowing it.

For a while, Apollo's heart was extremely complicated.

What's the matter, the other party is obviously a human being, but he has the power not to lose to their gods.

Most importantly, he even mastered the great prophecy that only the king of the gods 'Zeus' could master.

In detail, Kate Lyle seems to have mastered other abilities, and they hide them too much.

No matter how you look at it, it looks better than these old antiques.

What a dog.

"I, Apollo, swear in the name of the God of Light, as long as Mr. Kate Lyle does not betray me, we will always be good friends, even alliances."

Apollo's voice fell, and in the endless void, a hidden force fell on Apollo in an instant, and it was impossible to resist.

Others may not feel it, but Kate Lyle can, and so can an old guy like Apollo.

This also caused some old guys from all over the world to subconsciously open their eyes at this time, and looked towards Hogwarts.

Kate Lyle did not expect that the old man Apollo would be so straightforward, directly swearing as a god.

This god swear has a great binding force.

Kate Lyle doesn't know where this constraint comes from.

But the feeling just now is definitely not wrong.

There is no way to break the contract, so Apollo has just expressed enough sincerity.

Seeing this, Kate Lyle also simply resigned.

Since you, an old fellow, regard me as one of your own, then I will also confess my heart to you. ..

"Well, I believe you."

"However, I'm very curious now, who are your opponents?"


"According to the information I know now, this guy, even in the Twilight War of the Gods, even though he was making a lot of trouble, he was the one who spared his life the most. For countless years, he has been planning how to obtain more powerful power, to In charge of the entire god system."

Apollo nodded, and then said helplessly: "Although I am the god of light, everyone's faith and light can restore and help me restore my strength, but compared with human desires, greed, and even fear, my recovery is more difficult. , is undoubtedly much slower than that old fellow Death."

"Wars and plagues are the times that cause the most deaths, and it is also the time when the god of death continues to grow himself. Therefore, he is now the most active among the gods."

"And not long ago, the old guy Death God, who harvested souls from all over the world, recovered most of his strength, and was already preparing to attack us old guys."

"Poseidon, the sea god, is one of our twelve main gods, the guy with the strongest combat power, and the one who is almost broken and unable to be reborn."

"For countless years, it has been hiding in the depths of the sea, waiting for recovery."

"If I hadn't arrived in time, I'm afraid he would never wake up again."

As Apollo spoke, he took out a rotten trident and placed it on the table.

Looking at the rotting trident, Apollo's eyes were full of nostalgia and complexity.

The sea god Poseidon is very ambitious, warlike, and not satisfied with the existing power. Among the twelve main gods, he is always thinking about how to drive 'Zeus' from power and sit on the throne by himself.

In addition, Poseidon, the god of the sea, is also very lustful, with countless wives and children.

His relationship with Poseidon, the god of the sea, is a bit complicated, and it can't be said to be good.

But the god of death is their hostile force, no matter what relationship he has with Poseidon, the god of the sea, he must not let the god of death succeed, and take the power of the god of sea Poseidon as his own.

The god of death's methods are too weird, and there are quite a few gods who died in his hands.

Kate Lyle still doesn't know what kind of power the Grim Reaper has, because in their fight, the Grim Reaper basically retreated with one move.

Or, she didn't want to fight him at all, and ran away when she met him.

Kate Lyle also understands the reason.

The god of death's power has not fully recovered, and he just doesn't want to waste it with himself.

However, at this time, Kate Lyle's eyes were more on the rotten trident in front of her.

Although this is rotten, Kate Lyle can still feel the power above, which is a bit special.

More directly, this is divinity.

Only things that have been truly used by the gods have divinity.

Therefore, this should be the weapon of the sea god Poseidon.

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