Harry Potter: My Magic Overturns Hogwarts

Chapter 383 The Power of the Trident\r

Trident of Poseidon.

A powerful weapon and the power it can exert is absolutely unimaginable.

Of course, the premise is that you are strong enough to exert his power.

But it's clear that Kate Lyle has such power.

So, under the gaze of Apollo, Kate Lyle grabbed the trident, and took Apollo directly to the other side of the Atlantic Ocean.

"Teleportation ability?"

"Sure enough, the ability you have in your hands is no different from ours."

Seeing this, Apollo couldn't help sighing.

"The fireplace in the magic world and the Floo network it has are actually a kind of space magic." Kate Lyle said with a smile after hearing this.

"It's just that the ability used is relatively simple, and it needs some assistance."

Of course, Apollo knew that the popular fireplaces in the magic world used the Floo Network. Similarly, he also understood something, and said, "So, there is also the concept of space magic in your elemental magic?"

"Time is also one of the elemental magics. It is an elemental magic that is rarer than the two elemental magics of light and darkness."

"Great prophecy, in my magic system, this is the magic of combining time and space."

Apollo took a deep breath and said, "In other words, you have mastered time magic."

Kate Lyle smiled slightly, stretched out her hand, and pointed to the vast ocean in front of her.

He didn't speak, but Apollo understood.

Because, at this time, the originally turbulent ocean stopped.

Even the water droplets floating on the sea and the seagulls flying in the air are still there at this moment.

Apollo knew very well that this was the moment when time was stopped, and everything remained that way.

Time is a rarer element than space, and it is also the most terrifying elemental magic.

As for the use of the great prophecy, it is not an exaggeration to glance at ten thousand years.

Now, Apollo feels extremely fortunate.

Fortunately, Kate Lyle is willing to believe him and cooperate with him.

Kate Lyle dispelled the magic and everything was back to normal.

The water drops fell and continued to merge into the sea.

The seagull spread its wings, continued to fly through the air, then plunged into the water, and flew out the next moment with a small fish in its beak.

Kate Lyle held the trident and soared into the air.

Under the power of Kate Lyle, the trident shone with light, and the original rotten trident transformed piece by piece.

When Kate Lyle came to the sea several miles away and stood on top of the vast ocean, although the Trident did not fully restore its original appearance, it still looked more refined and distinctive than before.

At this time, Kate Lyle had a feeling that she was Poseidon, the god of the sea.


Kate Lyle waved the trident and said in a low voice.

In an instant, with him as the center, the sea water with a radius of tens of miles began to roll, and in a very short time, formed a wave several miles long and a hundred meters high.

In the eyes of ordinary people, this is a stormy sea.

Once it washes ashore, it's the end of the world.

But these waves kept rolling, but they were hundreds of meters away from Kate Lyle and stopped moving forward.


Kate Lyle waved again, and the trident slashed towards the sea.

The sea is thus divided, even the hundred-meter-high waves.

The separated waves did not break because of this, and still maintained their original appearance.

In front of Kate Lyle, there is an extra ten-meter-wide road to the bottom of the sea, and everything on the bottom of the sea can be seen.

Apollo watched Kate Lyle easily use Poseidon's trident and exert its power, shocked again.

"Is this a pervert?"

"Why can he display the power of the trident so easily?"

"No, this guy shouldn't be the reincarnation of the disappeared king of the gods 'Zeus'?"

In Apollo's mind, many thoughts kept flashing.

He couldn't help but have greater doubts about Kate Lyle's identity.

After all, at such an age, with such strength, and even with great prophecy, if he is not the reincarnation of 'Zeus', he really can't imagine why Kate Lyle has such strength.

"Sea God Poseidon hides quite deeply."

"He was actually absorbing my strength just now."

Kate Lyle returned to the shore, holding the trident, and said with a smile.

If Poseidon, the god of the sea, hadn't absorbed some power, the effect of the two hits just now would have exploded even more.

"He probably couldn't wait to be resurrected." Apollo said without being surprised when he heard the words.

Kate Lyle threw the trident to Apollo, and said flatly, "Return it to its original owner."

"I can't afford this thing, and I don't have the energy to raise it."

Inside the trident is the godhead of Poseidon, the god of the sea, with the ability and consciousness of the god of the sea.

Therefore, if Sea God Poseidon needs to be resurrected, he needs external power.

Raising a Poseidon, and a very aggressive Poseidon, is definitely not an easy task.

In addition, Kate Lyle does not want to raise.

Apollo didn't force Kate Lyle to put away the trident.

"The god of death is the most active god at present, and he is also the guy who hides in the dark and has been eyeing us all the time."

"His strength is gradually recovering, and soon, he can't wait to attack us."

"We must contact other gods as soon as possible and help them wake up."

Listening to Apollo's words, Kate Lyle asked with some doubts: "Is the god of death very strong? You need to join forces to fight against it?"

Apollo thought for a while, and said: "Actually, during the time when we fell into a deep sleep, Death did not fall into a deep sleep, although he was weak, he was looking for helpers in various small worlds all over the world, and regained his strength. "

"As far as I can perceive now, many small worlds that are connected to this world, many that should have been closed, are now connected."

"I'm sure it has something to do with Death."

"In addition, I have also visited some small worlds. I can be sure that Death God is cultivating his own divine residence."

"When his strength has almost recovered, he will summon the gods cultivated in various small worlds to this world and fight us again."

"So, we must join forces to fight against the god of death."

Kate Lyle thought of the small worlds she visited, and in those small worlds, she had encountered Death several times.

Thinking of this, Kate Lyle also understood.

Before that, why in the small world he visited, there were always some guys with condensed negative energy, who would always start wars, grow and become stronger in the wars, and become the dominant side.

Even if he is killed in the end, these negative energies will dissipate from this body, but they will grow from another body soon after.

It turned out that this was the process of cultivating the god of death.

And in this world, will Voldemort be the object of training by the god of death?

Kate Lyle thought of this, subconsciously groped her chin, and said, "It seems that it's time to do something to those souls."

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