Harry Potter: My Magic Overturns Hogwarts

Chapter 54 The Giant Monster Attacks

"There are trolls, and they're in the dungeon... dangerous."

After Professor Quirrell finished speaking, he passed out immediately.

Suddenly, the teachers and students in the restaurant were all in a mess.

Several timid girls screamed even more.

Trolls, there have been giant monsters in the school, and it seems that there are not one or two.

In the students' world, trolls are as dangerous as dark wizards. The fear instilled in them from childhood invades their psychological defense at this time.

After a little surprise and panic, Malfoy's eyes flickered, and he looked at Harry.

Dumbledore saw the flustered students, so he had no choice but to stand up and wave his wand, releasing several purple fireworks, attracting everyone's attention, and then cast a loud curse, saying: "Quiet!"

At this time, the students all fell silent and looked at Dumbledore.

"Prefect!" Dumbledore immediately said in a deep voice, "Lead the students from their respective houses back to the dormitory immediately."

Gryffindor, Percy began to organize deftly.

"Come with me, don't get lost."

"First-year freshmen, as long as you follow me and listen to my arrangements, you don't need to worry about the troll suddenly appearing and hurting you."

"Of course, if you want to be the troll's rations, you can refuse my arrangement."

Percy led the people and quickly left the restaurant.

Harry and Ronald were also about to leave with the team, but at this moment, Malfoy stopped Harry.

"Malfoy, what do you want?" Ronald stared at Malfoy and said in a bad tone.

"Harry, let's have a contest." Malfoy ignored Ronald, but looked at Harry and said, "It happens that there are trolls in the basement, so let's compete to see who can knock down the troll faster."

"How can that be? It's a giant monster. Professor Quirrell fainted from fear." Ronald stopped immediately after hearing that.

Malfoy heard Ronald's words, and immediately said with disdain: "Professor Quirrell is a joke. If someone like him can become a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, then I can too."

Speaking of the latter, Malfoy's voice became much louder, and his expression became a little more tsundere and confident.

For him, the cultivation during these hours has improved a lot.

It was the same, Malfoy daring to challenge Harry's.

"Why are you scared?" Malfoy looked at Harry sarcastically and said.

Harry squinted his eyes, looked at Malfoy, and then smiled: "Okay, let's see, whoever defeats more trolls among us, the loser will eat three snot-flavored monsters in front of everyone." Or vomit-flavored beans."

"Are you crazy? Harry!" Ronald said anxiously after hearing Harry's words.

Harry smiled, looked at Ronald, and said, "You have to trust me! Ronald!"

Facing Harry's gaze, Ronald was silent for a moment, and said, "Okay, I'll go with you too. I should be able to help you at critical moments."

Malfoy heard Ronald's words, smiled, looked at Harry disdainfully and said, "Harry Potter, you need help from others, hahaha."

Ronald hastily explained, "I just want Harry to be killed by the troll."

After Malfoy laughed at Harry, he left immediately.

"You're just waiting for the vomit-flavored multi-flavored beans."

Harry took out his wand and hurried after him.

Ronald couldn't let go of Harry, he could only keep up.

Kate Lyle noticed the three of Harry with his eyes, and overheard their conversation, groping for his chin, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The plot has changed a little, I don't know how their contest will be.

"Professor Kate, can you help revive Professor Quirrell?" Madam Pomfrey looked at Kate Lyle and asked.

Kate Lyle smiled and said, "It's a great honor, Madam Pomfrey."

Kate Lyle immediately came to Professor Quirrell and said with a smile, "Healing!"

The water spirit landed and walked on Professor Quirrell. After a while, Professor Quirrell did not wake up.

"Why haven't you woken up yet?" Professor McGonagall asked.

When Kate Lyle heard this, she smiled slightly and said, "Professor Quirrell is fine, he hasn't woken up yet, but he may be frightened, so now he needs to take a good rest."

After listening to Kate Lyle's explanation, Dumbledore said to Hagrid: "Hagrid, please take Professor Quirrell to the lounge, Madam Pomfrey, and I need you to help take care of one or two."

"Merlin's underpants, there are a lot of monsters outside the castle."

At this moment, Filch broke in with Mrs. Lawris in his arms, shouting in horror.

When Kate Lyle heard this, a light flashed in her eyes, and she said immediately, "Albus, I'll go to the underground classroom to deal with the giant monsters, and I'll leave the outside to you."

After finishing speaking, Kate Lyle left quickly regardless of what Dumbledore and the others said.

Seeing this, Dumbledore walked outside.

As Filch said, there were quite a few trolls out there. ..

They are generally more than five meters tall, and they hold huge maces, and their faces are also very ugly.

They were trolls, not giants, but they were bigger than Hagrid and seemed stronger.

At this time, they broke into Hogwarts, and in the dark night, they showed their powerful experiences and destroyed them to their heart's content.

Dumbledore led the people to see this situation, so he led the people and immediately launched an attack on these giant monsters.

On the other side, Harry followed Malfoy's footsteps, and then came to the basement.

And just as Harry and Ronald walked through the corridor, preparing to turn the corner, they heard hurried footsteps coming from ahead.

Harry hurriedly pulled Ronald to hide behind a huge stone sculpture of a griffin.

They looked from behind the stone sculpture, and then saw Snape passing by, quickly disappearing from their field of vision.

"It's Professor Snape." Ronald whispered.

"Yes, it's just what is he doing? Isn't the troll in the basement?" Harry asked with some confusion.

Although Harry and the two had doubts, they didn't care so much at this moment.

Look and walk towards the end of the corridor.

"It's a troll!"

As soon as he turned the corner, he saw a huge figure making clumsy footsteps and hitting the wall angrily. There was a roar, and a large amount of gravel fell.

Harry and Ronald were taken aback when they saw the troll for the first time.

The giant monster is very ugly, with a height of nearly five meters, and its skin is dull and gray like granite.

Their huge and bulky bodies made them look a little silly, and the bumps on their bodies seemed to crawl out of some muddy puddle.

Huge body, topped with a small head like cocoa beans, very interesting.

However, their limbs are very thick, but ugly, like the dry trunk of an old tree.

Of course, the most unacceptable thing is that the rotten smell emanating from them can make people nauseous again and again.

And the giant monster in front of him was still holding a thick mace, which was very threatening.

At this moment, the sound of heavy footsteps came from the corner of the side.

When he saw the figure coming out of the corner, Ronald's face turned pale immediately.

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