Harry Potter: My Magic Overturns Hogwarts

Chapter 55: Ronald in Desperation, Harry in Desperation

"Merlin's big pants, there is actually a giant monster here!"

With a pale face, Ronald exclaimed when he saw the giant monster who had spotted them.

Harry's complexion changed slightly, one on the left and one on the right, and both trolls had discovered their existence at this time.

"Harry, they're coming towards us, what should we do?" Ronald took out his wand, stood behind Harry, and shouted nervously.

"Thunderball Curse!"

At this moment, Malfoy's voice sounded, and then a thunderball hit the troll on Harry's left.

The giant monster was in pain, and its body was a little numb, and it let out a roar.

At the corner, Malfoy was holding a wand, his body trembling a bit. He was obviously still afraid of this huge monster.

However, when he saw Harry, he was strong yet calm, and shouted to Harry: "Harry, our contest has begun."

After Malfoy finished speaking, he had to dodge immediately.

Because in anger, the troll swung a mace and smashed it down towards him.

Bang, a corner of the wall was smashed by a mace, splashing at any time, almost hitting Malfoy in the face.

The appearance of Malfoy also aroused Harry Potter's determination to fight, so he waved his wand and launched an attack on the troll.

"Fireball Curse!"

A football-sized fireball radiates heat and shoots at the troll.

The giant monster was bulky and couldn't dodge in time, so it was scorched and screamed.

"He's afraid of fire, Harry!" Ronald yelled when he saw the troll retreating in fear. ..

Harry also noticed it, so he nodded, waved his wand again and said, "Fireball Curse!"

Several fireball curses were thrown out one after another, and the few clothes on the troll were directly ignited.

By the way, the mace used by the troll to resist the fireball was not spared.

After such a short time, before the giant got close to Harry and the two of them, he was knocked down to the ground.

Seeing this, Ronald smiled happily and said, "Harry, you are amazing, you knocked down a troll!"


At the same time, there was a roar from the side.

It was the giant monster that attacked Malfoy. At this time, many places on its body were scorched black, especially the head of the giant monster was scorched black after being bombarded by lightning.

Malfoy's attack was very precise. He cleverly killed a giant with a thunderball.

"Our game isn't over yet, Harry Potter."

Malfoy stared at Harry, said in a low voice.

"There is also a giant monster here. Although he is small, he is even more cunning. Let's compare and see who among us can kill him!"

Having already defeated a giant monster, Harry was also full of confidence at this time, and said, "I will definitely win."

Malfoy raised the corners of his mouth in disdain, and then started to run.

Harry and Ronald quickly chased after him.

They believe that Malfoy, who came first, must know where the other giant is.

"Harry, Gale, we need to be faster than him!" Ronald reminded Harry, saying.

When Harry heard the words, he immediately reacted, so he waved his wand and said, "Spirit of the Wind, give us the wind of divine movement, the Wind Curse!"

The wind spirit flew over the two of them, and then saw that the whole person became lighter.

The next moment, Ronald launched a charge, and it flew several meters away in an instant like a sword being shot out.

Harry was overjoyed, like a gust of wind, together with Ronald, he soon caught up with Malfoy and found the troll.

As Malfoy said, it was a relatively smaller and thinner troll.

In addition, instead of a mace, the troll held a wooden club with thick thighs.

"Harry, save me!"

At this moment, Ronald was driving too fast, failed to stop, and continued to charge towards the troll. The troll immediately swung a wooden club, trying to knock out the impacting Ronald.

Yes, the Troll was desperate for a home run.

Harry looked at Ronald who rushed out, his face changed suddenly.

He tried to save Ronald, but Ronald rushed too fast and got too close to the troll.

Malfoy's expression also changed. After struggling for a moment, he waved his wand and shouted, "Thunderball Curse!"

At the same time, Harry also released the magic, saying: "Levitation Curse!"

The speed of this monster is not clumsy at all.

Although both Harry and Malfoy shot, the speed was obviously slower.

The troll's wooden club will soon hit Ronald's body.

All it takes is one touch, and it will kill Ronald.

At this moment, Harry was extremely nervous, his eyes widened, and there was a firmness in his eyes.

Malfoy clenched his wand and stared at the flying thunderball. Only he knew what was going on in his mind.

Ronald was the most desperate of the three.

He didn't expect that his momentary excitement and rushing too fast would actually plunge him into a desperate situation.

Especially when he saw the eyes that were about to fall on him, Ronald felt that his soul was about to come out.

"Guardian of Light!"


The giant's wooden club hit the light curtain, and Ronald was guarded within it, nothing happened.

At the same time, the attacks of Harry and Ronald finally landed on the giant.

Harry's made the giant levitate, and Malfoy's thunderball landed on the giant's head.

"Professor Kate!" Harry exclaimed in surprise when he saw Kate Lyle walking in.

Obviously, the white light curtain covering Ronald's body is the magic released by Kate Lyle.

Malfoy was also relieved to see Kate Lyle, but then he shivered again.

It made Malfoy think about what had happened to him all these times, how bad it was.

Kate Lyle smiled, Ronald also woke up from the fear, and hurried back to Harry.

"Thank you, Professor Kate!" Ronald quickly thanked Kate Lyle.

"Thunderball bounces!"

At this moment, Malfoy's voice sounded, followed by the scream of the troll.


The troll was directly knocked down by Malfoy with a thunder ball, completely breathless.

"Harry Potter, I win!"

Malfoy withdrew his wand, then looked at Harry proudly, and said with a smile, "Harry Potter, don't forget our promise, I will find you three vomit-flavored beans."

"Remember, eat these three pieces of vomit in front of everyone."


Malfoy was extremely proud and excited, and then happily went to prepare vomit beans for Harry.

Harry's face was pale, even ugly.

Thinking of the multi-flavored beans of vomit, I couldn't help but want to vomit.

"Ronald, I..."

Harry regretted so much, why he didn't take action to defeat the troll just now.

If the troll was defeated, it would definitely be Malfoy, not him, who ate the vomit flavored beans.

Ronald hurriedly hid behind Kate Lyle, and shouted in horror: "No, I will definitely not help you eat, Harry."

"This is a contest between you!"

Harry looked at Professor Kate with a pale face, trying to ask for help, and said, "Professor Kate!"

Kate Lyle laughed and said, "I can't help you, Harry, this is an agreement between you two."

"We're going to be people who keep our promises."

"However, don't worry, I will definitely support you."

"For example, I'll use a crystal ball to record the scene of you eating vomit-flavored beans."

When Harry heard this, he wailed for a moment.

"Professor Kate~!"


This is more hopeless than eating vomit flavored beans.

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