【Heavy Metal Biogene Project-Plant

Awakening (3)】【Magical Plant Awakening Record 3】

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Gryffindor Little Wizard Dormitory.

After a few days of boring preparation.

I looked at the "draft" plan in my hand.

Today is the fourth day.

Lately, I've been asking Harry to leave food at the door on time, and I'll only eat to replenish my strength when he goes to class.

I know that sooner or later this will cause trouble.

After all, if you haven't seen me for a long time, neither Harry nor the wizards of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry will focus on this.

Now I'm going to hurry.

Increase efficiency.

Instead, he continued to invest in the research of the project....

After the previous rounds of recording, I found that I still lacked a certain extent.

Because I noticed the "light"!

Light is extremely important for the basic survival of plants....

And sunlight is in my body of knowledge.

From a microscopic point of view.

The sun's rays are made up of photons.

From the perspective of scientific research, photons are electromagnetic particles that move very quickly.

These electromagnetic particles are absorbed by the blades.

And this is the main key to why plants can carry out "photosynthesis".

Clarify the basic concepts.

I set my eyes on the orchid in front of me.

Based on past practical experience.

The moment the leaf surface of a water orchid comes into contact with a photon.

The cells inside its orchid began to function...

This is the most important object of observation.

There should also be a "universal light complex" in the chloroplasts in plant cells.

Photons are absorbed by chloroplasts in the form of electromagnetic particles.......

. This produces the common "photosynthesis" inside plants.

According to the only remaining scientific knowledge in the mind.

I can basically judge....

These "light complexes" collect light particles.

Assuming that 12 light particles are used as the start switch, then under photosynthesis, the chloroplasts of the water orchid itself will automatically decompose the water molecules in the air....

Decomposes into their necessary "hydrogen" and "oxygen"....


At this moment, the pen in Dudley's hand paused.

Look at the magic plant awakening schedule he planned in front of him.

Dudley's brows furrowed the moment he wrote this.

The reason is simple.

Basic common sense....

The composition of "water" is simple....

These are the two chemical elements of hydrogen and oxygen.

And water orchids follow the laws of nature.

Under photosynthesis, plants absorb hydrogen to release oxygen, which is their instinctive survival operation.

And right now.


After three days of chemical reaction.


orchids have been precipitated for many days under the stimulation of photosynthesis.

After constantly eating "plants" .......

These cellular structures, which break down water molecules that engulf the air, should also bring naturally volatile mercury into the interior of its leaves.

Identify this element.

Dudley is clear!

It's time to test the results of the experiment....

Dudley put down the notebook in his hand.

Turning to look at the clock behind him....

It's been more than 5 hours!

Just this morning, Dudley clearly heard Harry's cautious voice at the door.

Rough summary....

Harry explained outside the door that he had tried his best to explain to the Hogwarts teachers, but the long sick leave was a maximum of a week.

If a week later.......

I can't normally participate in the magic course of the first-year little wizard

... There is a high probability that a dedicated Hogwarts professor will personally visit the door to check on the condition.

"Maybe there should be enough time..."

Dudley silently planned the time in his heart, and then picked up the record book again!

Immediately, he set his eyes on the three groups of experimental potted plants in front of him.


【Heavy Metal Biogene Project-Plant

Awakening (4)】【Magical Plant Awakening Record 4

】【Hogwarts, Gryffindor Dormitory

】【Today is the fifth day........

】 Yesterday I took a cursory look at three sets of experimental potted plants on the countertop in the study room of the Hogwarts dormitory.

【Experimental Potted Plant No. I

】【Experimental Potted Plant】【Experimental Potted Plant(Experimental Potted Plant】【Experimental Potted Plant】【Experimental Potted Plant】【Experimental Potted Plant】【Experimental T

In a practical sense alone, the "photosynthesis" of these plants did not achieve the effect I expected...

I still need to wait.

During this period, I also need to open the corresponding research tools as soon as possible.

Such as "anti-virus" masks ..... Rubber gloves....

After all, heavy metal elements are almost invisible to the naked eye in the air.

Volatilized in the air, not only is it small, but its taste is also greatly reduced.

It is easy to enter the body through the respiratory tract without noticing....

Others may be able to withstand the erosion of some "heavy metals".


I haven't recovered my healthy body yet....

Unbearable, mercury erosion!

But fortunately, I have already prepared a large number of experimental equipment in my suitcase....

I believe that the next "practical" operation will be fortunate to discover............


【Heavy Metal Biogene Project-Plant

Awakening (5)】【Magical Plant Awakening Record 5

】【Hogwarts, Gryffindor Dormitory

】【Today's diary is not easy, because this is the fifth day.......

】 According to the pressure of the surrounding environment and the ability to adapt to his own psychology, his young cousin Harry began to be a little anxious...

Harry's mood gradually became a little more excited.

He didn't understand me locking myself in the house.

Whether it is explanation or comfort, it makes him feel uneasy....

Sometimes Harry was even so upset that he was so worried that he protested to me for the first time.

If I knew if I didn't open the door again....

In a few days, maybe he will choose to bring the magical 'professor' of Hogwarts to my door to comfort me about my illness...

Time doesn't seem to be running out.

At this time, I can't open the door, because in the next period of time, this space will be filled with a large amount of volatile "mercury"....

Although the situation is somewhat urgent.......

But I have to keep experimenting!

According to the plan!

Today, the growth cycle of my three groups of experimental materials is close to 90%, and they are all "good"..........................

First of all, the first set of experimental materials!

【Experiment I Potted Plant】

Six days ago, I planted water orchids in potted plants with my own hands.

And put a bowl of water next to its soil with your own hands!

A small amount of mercury is added to the clean water.

Originally my intention was....

The mercury after vaporization at room temperature will be fully fused with tap water.

After being completely dissolved in water....

Water mixed with "mercury" vaporizes when exposed to sunlight.

There is a certain probability that water molecules will be mixed with trace amounts of mercury....

It escapes in the air or is decomposed and absorbed by water orchids during photosynthesis.

In order to intensify the process of this experiment, I will also be bonsai in Experiment I.

Periodically, water the soil with tap water mixed with a small amount of mercury.

Moist soil is very important for his survival....

The source of nutrients for plants is more than just moisture in the air!

And the "water" inside the soil!

At this stage......

After a few days of experimental analysis, I have been able to confirm.

The water orchids in [Experimental No. I Potted Plant] have theoretically absorbed a large amount of "mercury" elements...

After absorbing large amounts of mercury through water and soil, this water orchid exhibits a rare "slight" yellowish color.

This is very different from what I expected...

Combined with my earlier hand-drawn overview of plant cells.

Based on this color, I was able to basically analyze several trends....

When plant cells of water orchids carry out photosynthesis, mercury should be absorbed by them.

And successfully broke through the outermost barrier and entered the inner area.

Now the "heavy metal element"

should be attached to the cell membrane of the plant...

Observe the analysis roughly.

The cell membrane is almost enveloped by the element mercury...

The current situation is neither optimistic nor low.

Although heavy metal elements have not yet invaded the inside of cells...

But judging by the luster of the leaves, [Experimental No. I potted plant] water orchids, although alive, are extremely "unhealthy"!

Its survival has been greatly "suppressed"!

But I think the initial protocol can still be carried out at this stage.

In order for the experiment to be able to continue....

I bagged the gas mask!

Then take out the usual glass reagent from your arms with special white gloves...

This special [glass reagent] is the "storage" area that I prepared in advance for important items.

In this glass reagent, a pile of powder particles about the size of a fingernail is flattened...

These powder particles appear a faint pink!

The particles exhibit irregular diffuse reflections under the reflection of the firelight.

【Philosopher's Stone Powder】

I took out a "Philosopher's Stone Crush" with tweezers and placed it on the surface of the [Experiment No. I Potted Plant] water orchid!

The magic experiment is about to begin...

I think.... The time has come to test the conjecture...

The wait is torturous...

However.... Three minutes passed...

This plant of water orchid absorbs a lot of mercury without any abnormal reaction!?

It's impossible....

My brow furrowed.

Did you say............

Philosopher's Stone has a very limited "effect" on water orchids!?

Or was there a "mistake" in my initial conjecture!

The Philosopher's Stone cannot act directly on biological cells?

The metal elements that enter the living body are not within the scope of the Philosopher's Stone's transformation?

Is this the same as the human body?

The amount of "heavy metal" elements is not enough, which will not make the Philosopher's Stone react?

Unfortunately, this is a blow...

However, I dismissed the idea.

For researchers, experiments encounter "difficulties"!

It's a normal thing.

Right now, clinging to a little bit of grasping.......

It's really a step and a rule that goes against your own experiments.

If one does not make it, there is a second.

The experiment of the Heavy Metal Biogene Project - Plant Awakening has to continue!

I can't stop there.


【Heavy Metal Biogene Project-Plant

Awakening (6)】【Magical Plant Awakening Record 6

】【Hogwarts, Gryffindor Dormitory】After

the data and partial presentation of the previous experimental potted plant No. I.

I didn't have time to think about it, so I turned my attention to [Experiment No. 2 Bonsai] on the other side.

Open the glass cover.

The [Experiment II Potted Plant] in front of

me was originally talking about water orchid planting!

And a ball of mercury the size of a rice grain was placed on the edge of its soil.

Mercury is chemically extremely stable and is made up of mercury ions.

Mercury is liquid at room temperature and will volatilize naturally!

In my vision, the water orchid in the potted plant of Experiment II will directly absorb the "mercury ions" that are naturally volatilized and dispersed in the air during photosynthesis.

Extremely tiny "heavy metal elements" will have a higher concentration than mercury doped with water!

The amount is also enough.

Experiments are not persecution!

And in order to be able to maintain the natural growth of water orchids!

I will inject normal water within the natural period.

Finally, the water orchid is reliable for the water in the soil to survive, but it lives in the glass cover but will be filled with volatile mercury!

There was a discrepancy with the expected results.

Even the tenacious orchid is not spared.

The "water orchid" that appeared before my eyes survived for five to six days.

The surface of its leaves has turned black, and the leaves have completely withered!

There is no burnt yellow, but it still has the appearance of rotting black charcoal.

According to the current manifestation of the orchid!

I started doing the latest record analysis.

The original orchid had a normal metabolism, but now it has obviously lost this function.

The envisioned element mercury should have successfully penetrated, and the leaf surface of the orchid turned into the cell surface.

The "cell membrane", which is supposed to play a protective role, is penetrated by mercury erosion and attached to it.

Not only damage the cell membrane of the orchid, but also the "vacuole"!

Even mercury enters it, making chloroplasts unable to function properly.

The way to end a living plant is.

From the very root of the cell!

Let the chloroplasts stop normal photosynthesis.

The only thing waiting for it is...

"Wither!" And "Decay"!

And this is the inevitable result of [Experiment II Bonsai].

I looked at the orchid in front of me that had completely died, "black" like a charcoal surface in the rotten dirt... As is customary, take out the tweezers and gently add a tiny "Philosopher's Stone" powder and place it on the leaf.

The experiment began, and this time I still observed quietly.

Didn't make me wait too long!

This plant is like black charcoal, and it has been deeply poisoned with mercury!

At the moment of contact with the powder of the Philosopher's Stone.

The golden light flickered, flickered on and off...

It starts from the branches and leaves and spreads downward.

The color of gold is unusually bright.

In my study, it reflects its unique "polished" surface!

Turned into "gold"?


(Note: What is this?) Completely unreadable..... The

next one is the foreshadowing "angel" before the thorough "reveal", because it is the "main line" to be more tolerant....

PS: Update, this is a huge chapter.... Thank you for your support, in addition, this plot will happen once or twice, don't worry, after all, you have to end the suspense of 100,000 words..... The author continues to work hard ..... Hopefully, the ending will make you guess...

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