Hogwarts Gryffindor First Year Little Wizard's classroom exit!

Harry looked at the book in his hand.

Today is a history of magic class, and the notes are a bit too much.

This is not what Harry imagined, he thought that after entering Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, he would be able to quickly master basic magic.

But since the last flying broom lesson, most of the lessons have been in the course.

Whether it's Transfiguration or Defense Against the Dark Arts, the professors are teaching boring and boring theories.

Looking at the dense records in his notebook, Harry sighed.

During the time when Cousin Dudley was ill, he listened to his teacher nagging about the history of Hogwarts and the knowledge of the wizarding world almost every day.


Just then, a hand fell on Harry's back.

Harry jumped, quickly turned around, saw that it was a red hair, and quickly sighed in relief:

"Ron, say hello before you appear next time, don't be so surprised."

Ron looked at Harry in front of him with a grin:

"Why are you a little unhappy?"

Has anything happened recently?

Harry shook his head:

"Nothing unexpected...

It's just..." Looking

at Harry's expression of wanting to say something, Ron immediately clapped his hands and said:

"Okay, Harry, you just say it, don't be so hesitant, just like a!"


[Gryffindor, dormitory study...]


Plants turned "gold"?

It's just incredible...

Although I already expected this kind of thing to happen.

But look at the appearance of the orchid after it is completely golden...

I still can't help but sigh a little.

Then I fell into deep thought....

For a long time, in order to verify the possibility in the mind.

I gently touched the fully goldened orchid with my tweezers.


came the crisp crash of metal, looking at the metal orchid in front of him.

My heart was excited and lost!

Excitedly, his original idea, the overall outline of the heavy metal biogene plan, was not wrong.

In theory, the successful pure gold of plants can be established!

And my assumption is correct.

But what disappoints me is...

I don't have a higher-end electron microscope in my hand....

I couldn't present this "magical" scene in the most direct microscopic way under an electron microscope.

This is somewhat difficult to accept.

But oriented by the fact of the result!

Plants that absorb a lot of heavy metal elements can be changed by the "Philosopher's Stone".

Thus turning into gold.


As long as I can under an electron microscope!

Detailed observation of how the Philosopher's Stone goldens plant cells filled with mercury...


So....... Is it possible to reveal the essence of "magic" from the side?

By changing matter from the book, the mystery can be solved by observing the properties between individual molecules.

In theory, micro cannot influence the macro world.

But the "micro" world must be the foundation of the "macro" world.

I believe that this rule also applies to magical theory!

It's like my conclusion that the Philosopher's Stone is applied to a plant to make it golden.

Whether it is "life" or "death" purely structured by the "body" of the plant, it has indeed become gold...


【Heavy Metal Biogene Project-Plant

Awakening (7)】【Magical Plant Awakening Record 7

】【Hogwarts, Gryffindor Dormitory】

completed the data recording of experimental potted plants No. 2.

I was in a good mood, but the truth was that I had to do the next step....

After having the experimental data of the first two sets of water orchids and philosopher's stones interacting with each other.

The third set of experiments, for now, does not appear to be so important.

Although this is only one part of the scientific work, knowing that this is a meaningless thing to do, just to complete this speculation.

But this is not important only as far as the concept of goldification of "plant" cells is concerned.

In the initial hypothetical stage!

This is a very critical link,

and the water orchids in the No. 3 experimental pot will become the "key" to the role of animal life.

This is a necessary step for me to use for follow-up research.

It is also a discussion that successfully generated a certain amount of mercury in my graduate project!


Methylmercury is a trace amount of heavy metal that enters the body of a "living thing"....

This heavy metal element is terrifying!

They will attach to the inside of the body and cannot be excluded....

In my past experience, mercury, a heavy metal, is well fused with products in the "fat" category....

Large amounts of mercury can kill people.

But "gold"....

Heavy metal elements such as "gold" are different....

When gold enters the human body, it can be naturally excreted, while "mercury" enters the body of "living things" but will be adsorbed and retained.

Adjusting the amount of mercury in the microscopic world is not an easy task.

Even machinery can't do it.

It's like the

[Experiment III Bonsai]

in front of me in my original design.

Plant water orchids....

There is a bowl of clean water on the side of the soil, and a very small amount of mercury is added to the clean water.

This mercury is not dripped directly into the water, but a part of the gas containing mercury is injected into the clean water.

The volatile mercury volume is very small, the content in the air is very small, and the vaporized mercury is fully integrated with tap water under certain conditions.

This can drastically reduce mercury levels.

And experiment number III potted!

I put it in the shade and didn't let "it" photosynthesize.

Just regularly water the soil of the orchids with tap water mixed with a small amount of mercury regularly.......

The plant's instinct causes his roots to draw nutrients from the water every day.

A brief loss of sunlight does not immediately make the plant "die"...

Hydrogen and oxygen are necessary for plant survival.

Now is the time to observe the results of the experiment....

Look at the No. III water orchid in the "shady" spot.......

I nodded in satisfaction, and the plants in this pot showed no signs of yellowing or wilting and necrosis.

Just scratching the surface....

On the surface, everything looks fine!

But there is no denying that .

. The leaves of this water orchid are infused with a small amount of "mercury", as well as the rhizome and whole body...

Trace amounts of "mercury" are not immediately fatal.

This is the same as cancer, which has a strong incubation period before the outbreak occurs.

After the above argumentation.

When the "mercury" element exceeds a certain amount, the Philosopher's Stone will have a magical "chemical" reaction with it...

Directly converts cells or some non-metallic substances into "gold"....

So when living organisms eat for a long time... Contains "mercury" leaves....

Whether it's aquatic life.......

Or terrestrial creatures.

Their senses, states, reactions, or manifestations may be the moment they touch the "Philosopher's Stone", but they are much more intense than the manifestations of plants...

This is the difference between plants and animals.

Animals are easier to observe.

This is perhaps the true best expression of the "Philosopher's Stone"...

However, when my analysis comes to this point.

An extremely "terrible" thought suddenly flashed in my mind....

But before I had time to think deeply, I quickly closed the scientific record book in my hand.

I can feel it....

Maybe I've touched a "taboo" area...

It's a bit unbelievable, and it can even be called appalling....


Dusky dormitory yellow light.

A figure swayed in the dormitory study.

The figure is wearing a white coat, he is not tall, his appearance is a little handsome, because he is wearing a heavy gas mask, he can't see the specific real face...

Dudley looked at the biological experiment notebook on his rubber gloves and pondered for a long time...

【Heavy Metal Biogene Project-Plant

Awakening (8)】【Magical Plant Awakening Record 8

】【Hogwarts, Gryffindor Dormitory】

Experimental records need to be put aside....

After a while, Dudley put down the record book, he felt that maybe the content after that should not be recorded on this page.

This information should be very important.

The water orchid in the [Plant Experimental Potted No. I] that was placed in the original pot did not directly react when it touched the fragments of the Philosopher's Stone.

Theoretically, it will not have any subsequent effects with the "Philosopher's Stone"...

But now....

Ten minutes later............

The scene in front of him made Dudley feel a sense of disbelief!

I saw that the potted plants had absorbed excessive mercury, and the element had withered and yellowed, and was about to decay...

It actually started to change....

Its.... It is actually slowly stretching the leaf surface.

The surface of the leaf surface begins to emit a "halo" that cannot be described in words.

The leaves of the water orchid are stretching.

This gives Dudley the illusion...

It...... It's going on a natural "photosynthesis"...

And the reason why this photosynthesis can be captured by the naked eye....

That's because the surface of the orchid page actually swallows a "golden" luster from time to time.

Inside the glass cover, countless golden particles of light flow back and forth like starlight through the inside and outside of the leaf surface...

Dudley stopped recording in his hand!

The water orchid in front of him with a faint golden halo gave him an extremely mysterious feeling...

A piece....

A leaf that is about to die....

It was

so revitalized...... It's incredible!

It has not been completely goldenized into a solid metal....

It exists in its own life form.

The plant is alive, it is swallowing gold....

Golden water orchids sparkle in the sunlight.

This scene subconsciously made Dudley terrified.

This instantaneous power suddenly turned over

... 【Wizard Alchemy Codex...】

Philosopher's Stone!

What exactly is a Philosopher's Stone?


[The Philosopher's Stone is derived from the blessing of angels, and I heard it with my own ears when I traveled the continent... Someone obtained "immortality" with the Philosopher's Stone .... This rumor has not been confirmed to this day!

And at this moment, Dudley looked at the golden orchid in front of him, and his heart began to beat violently.

[Long.... Phoenix?

Coming back from the dead!?

Immortality.... Immortality....

Immortality may be true...

Any species will be shocked when they see the word immortality...

Death is the ultimate destination, cells stop dividing, and the body's torso decay is an eternal rule...

And the wizard refining codex records that there were people who had obtained immortality because of this...

A prototype formed in Dudley's mind....

If a person has been using the Philosopher's Stone to turn heavy metal mercury into gold under certain conditions...

Well over time.....

Inevitably in his body.... Will breathe in large amounts of...."mercury"....

Mercury will volatilize and will remain in the body...

Philosopher's stones, perhaps, can really "break through" the barriers of life avoidance.

Dudley takes a deep breath!

His eyes gradually calmed down from the excitement at first.

Birth, old age, sickness and death are the principles of this creature.

This "taboo" door, countless martyrs tried to explore, but were finally turned away.

Including the "head replacement" surgery on Blue Star is for alternative immortality...

Dudley set his gaze on the plant in front of him withering and dying....... Completely golden-turned solid orchids.

His hand involuntarily reached out, the record book of experimental heavy metal plant awakening.


The Wizarding World Heavy Metal Creature Experiment [Changed]

so structured...

Goldification creates a "conflict" in magic....

Resurrection from the dead is a paradox....

But I also saw the preconditions for "equivalent exchange"!

The same one water orchid.

One plant turned into "solid gold" on the road to immortality!

Another strain evolved "success" on the road to immortality, it coexisted with gold, and became another form after "hybridization"...

And one is at the cost of "life".

Completely turned into a metallic solid....

So..... "What" exactly did the other pay?

Having studied scientific research, I never believe in fabrication!

I've been practicing it in countless attempts....

The basis of science is based on matter!

Equivalent exchange.

Matter is constant!

I firmly believe in one principle of practice....

It's like seeing with my own eyes the "eternal life" given by angels....

But I know that this may be mixed with this unimaginable "cost"...

(End!) )


PS: Oversized sheet updated complete.... Brain cells have burned out, the author has dried up .... The boring daily life of the eldest cousin has ended, and the dispute between "Angel" and "Death" has officially begun, thank you for your support....


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