In a Quidditch box..... After all, a "ball"...

Constantly "wailing" also has a certain "emotion".

Through these points, to some extent...

Just as Dudley was thinking...

There was a sound of tiny footsteps behind him.

Turning around, he saw Ron Hermione Harry's trio approaching him.

"Dudley, you're amazing!!

I really didn't expect it..... I.... I actually

You really don't have to go to Quidditch training in the future!

My God, I can't imagine it....

You can officially join the Gryffindor Quidditch team...

Dudley! You're just handsome!!

Ron looked at Dudley with a shocked look on his face! At the same time, he danced and told his "excitement".

Dudley smiled and did not reply to Ron's topic.

"Hmph~ I feel..."

Hermione couldn't help but pout:

"Ron, although you have joined the Gryffindor Quidditch team!

But..... I feel that your previous 'agreement' was not right!

Ron was a little puzzled as to what Hermione was going to do...

Hermione nodded,

"Quidditch is a 'team' after all....

If you don't cooperate with each other, if you don't participate in training, you will inevitably suffer accidents when you play.


I suggest that you and Harry train often...

I can also have some certainty when I fight Slytherin in the future.

Listen to me!

Hermione looked up with a goose-egg face, pinched her waist and watched Ron next to her express her opinion one after another.


Seeing this, Ron reached out and plucked his ears:

"Hermione... What are you kidding!?

Want me to participate in your daily Quidditch training?

I tell you that this cannot happen!!

I finally qualified for the team.

And I don't have to train hard every day...

Hermione, you have to believe..... Believe in my 'talent'..........

You won't lose when you actually face Slytherin in the arena.

Ron interrupted Hermione's encouragement with a wave to go to the training match, what a joke!

Not to mention that he has offended the batsman wizard senior Bill in the Quidditch team.

Will you wear small shoes for yourself during training........

He has some strength, Ron still knows everything!

You can't always take Dudley's magic pet rat every time you have a training match.

Even if he is young..... Also know such "peculiar" behavior....

Sooner or later, you risk exposure.

"Ron, I think you can consider Hermione's opinion... I think she's right'!

Competition is a serious matter!

You can't always play on the spot..."

Seeing that Harry had a tendency to continue persuading, Ron quickly turned sideways to Harry's other side:

"Okay Harry, I know what you mean."

But did you see my 'strength' just now?

Even Wizard Bill, a multi-year contestant, lost to me!

Therefore, I felt that not participating in Quidditch team training could not hide the fact that I was very talented.


..." Harry was stunned, and for a moment he said a little tangled:

"Ron, your talent is very strong, I approve of it, but..."

Harry! Don't listen to me.....,"

Ron directly interrupted Harry's voice that continued to argue:

"Harry, don't worry, remember something I asked before?"

Harry looked at Ron a little blankly.

Ron took the initiative to come to Duli's side, and then looked back at Harry and said,


From today onwards, I will look to Dudley for ways to 'get stronger'....

I believe that even if I don't participate in the 'Quidditch' training match, I will be able to perform well in the real arena!

"It's not Ron..... Your Quidditch talent... It has nothing to do with my

cousin..." Harry looked stunned and then a little dazed, his cousin was a very good reader...

But he had never played Quidditch, how could Ron be so confident?

Or did you end up misleading your friends?

Hermione was also amused by Ron's technology.

Her little white hand covered her mouth and forced a smile.

"Okay Ron, if you insist then we look forward to your match!"


You don't believe me?

Looking at Harry and Hermione's expressions, Ron frowned in displeasure.

Harry quickly waved his hand

, "It's not that Ron and I don't believe you, but your excuse for being 'lazy' is too flawed

..." Hermione nodded,


Dudley himself said he didn't know 'Quidditch'....

And how can it help you become stronger in this regard?

Ron, don't talk nonsense in the future....

This would be misleading. Looking

at the two people in front of him, Ron opened his mouth and wanted to argue, but he felt that he didn't know where to start...

After all, the secret between himself and Dudley cannot be blunt...

After a while, he could only look at Dudley behind him and said

, "Dudley, are you sure you promised me the way to 'get stronger' before....... Can it succeed?

After all, I'm going to participate in the official competition..."

Dudley nodded naturally:

"Hmm! Ron, I did say this can make you 'stronger'... I guess you don't need to question my knowledge!

Ron let out a long breath, and with Dudley's assurance, he could be considered to be at ease.


Hermione on the side was very interested:



Do you really have a way to make people stronger quickly?

Let's put it this way....... Ron's 'talent' on Quidditch was also cultivated by you?

Hermione looked at Dudley with some doubt, this guy usually looked polite and didn't discover how much athletic talent he had.

Dudley nodded indifferently:

"I told Ron that the method of becoming stronger is very simple, and I think he has learned it!"

Hermione's eyes widened in anticipation of Dudley continuing...

If I could copy it myself...

Dudley smiled slightly:

"The way I get stronger is..."

Eat more "meat"..."eggs"....."milk".......

These help with physical development, and I think that's how Harry's excellent Quidditch talent came from..." Harry

: "?????

When Harry heard this, he couldn't help but have a few question marks over his head.

"Meat", "eggs" and "milk" he knows.

Meat, eggs, and dairy products...

My food used to be very bad!

It was difficult to eat meat under the restraint of Uncle Vernon.

If it weren't for my cousin's nothing, secretly stuffed himself some beef and chicken... I'm afraid it's hard to eat meat several times a year.

Hermione on the side was even more incredible:

"Meat", "eggs", "milk" these things before they came to the wizarding world, she ate almost every day...

But I haven't developed the Quidditch talent to 'get stronger' either!

Looking at Hermione's puzzled look of disbelief, Dudley said casually,

"Why haven't you heard this?"

Hermione subconsciously shook her head:

"No, Dudley, I've heard this..................

And my family's parents often prepare plenty of high-protein foods for me....

For example, milk, eggs, dairy products, etc

But....... I feel these and..... It's okay to get stronger..." Without

waiting for Hermione to continue.

Dudley said casually:

"If Hermione were to eat only one meal a day and couldn't match your diet properly, would you still have mental study and exercise the next day?"

Hermione was stunned!

Subconsciously shake your head....

"If you don't eat, you will have no strength..."

Dudley smiled slightly:

"Then you are full, eat well, is your physical state at this moment "stronger" than yesterday?"

If so, if you consume enough nutrients, you can also be regarded as 'getting stronger' every day!

Hermione's little face was flushed, and she always felt that Dudley's description was strange...

But in theory, it is.

But it just doesn't feel right for some reason.

"Well.... Dudley, you said that it makes some sense.....

"Hermione was helpless, after all, he was also the first time to contact this "robber" logic...

Hermione, who felt limited in her thinking, kicked the lawn on the floor in annoyance.

Ron on the side was completely relieved....

Even Hermione thought there was nothing wrong with Dudley's method of "getting stronger"...


After that, I just need to seriously follow Dudley to learn his "diet" structure, and think about it... On the road to "becoming stronger", sooner or later he will be able to compete with Harry Potter.


It is even possible to surpass him.

His magical talent can crush Harry Potter, and he is extremely excited to think about Ron...

After explaining his concept of "getting stronger", Dudley does not stay too much!

He took the initiative to walk ahead, and Harry, Ron, and Hermione followed behind him.

Everyone returned to the dormitory area.

Hermione said goodbye to everyone.

Ron took the initiative to come to Dali's side, and he muttered in a low voice,

"Dudley....... Did our previous agreement still work?

Dudley looked at Ron in bewilderment.

Seeing this, Ron hurriedly spread his hands and said

, "Dudley, you can't leave me alone..."

Now that you have mastered how to become stronger.........

But..... But the scope of meat, eggs and milk is too wide....... You need help me refine the recipe.

So that I can be effective..."

Ron did not continue to explain, in fact, he had limited pocket money, and the small wizarding cafeteria at Hogwarts had limited options.

There must be something special about the stronger recipe in Dudley's mouth!

You have to copy it exactly.

As long as the daily price is not too expensive...

For the sake of magical talent, Ron, he is also going to open up...

Ron carefully put his hand in his pocket!

fumbled a bit..... But the only copper nat ....... This is the pocket money he saved for five years....

Dudley heard this and looked at Ron, and said for a while:

"Don't be in a hurry... Things to get stronger..... In two or three days, you think again....

After all, 'getting stronger' always comes at a 'price'! "

The cost!?"

Ron looked at Dudley curiously, and he wanted to nod almost without hesitation.

"Don't worry, Dudley, I'm willing to do whatever it takes..." However, Dudley didn't

give Ron a chance to continue talking, and took the initiative to turn around and pull Harry up the stairs on the other side.

Seeing this, Ron sighed helplessly.

Sure enough, the real way to "get stronger" is not so easy to obtain...

But this difficulty still can't bother him Ron!!

His father, Arthur Weasley, said that as long as he "persisted", he would definitely "gain".

Ron secretly swore in his heart!

[Dudley Dursley, if you wait, I will definitely let you willingly tell me how to become stronger!!

On the other side of the hallway, Dudley, who returned to the interior of the dormitory, released and took Harry's hand.

Instead, he prepared to walk towards his study.

"Da.... Cousin Dudley...,"

Harry's weak voice sounded.

Dudley's footsteps paused...

He looked back at Harry calmly.

Harry subconsciously opened his mouth, but still spoke,

"Cousin.... I... I still think...

Or persuade Ron to let him go to Quidditch training...

I don't know why, but I feel like I can beat Slytherin words with diet alone...

Yes... Sort of..."

Harry didn't continue.

He didn't want to question his cousin's decision....

But Ron is also his own friend, if he really thinks about his friends...

Truly.... Indeed, if so!

Although it may make the cousin annoying....

Seeing this, Dudley smiled slightly, he stretched out his hand and rubbed Harry's forehead:

"Harry, I already helped you

persuade Ron..." Harry was stunned, and his cousin helped him persuade Ron?

How did I not know myself?

When is the thing?

Dudley explained casually:

"I have already said that he will come to me again after a while to find a way to 'get stronger'...

During this period, as his friend, enlighten him more!

I believe that with your ability, you will definitely let Ron take the initiative to return to Quidditch team training! Hearing

Dudley's explanation, Harry was abrupt, and at the same time looked at his cousin Dudley with a grateful face...

It turns out....

It turns out that my cousin has always been thinking about himself!

Not only himself, but also Ron's situation was taken into account.

Harry was happy to think about it.

Tilted his little head and nodded heavily!

He smiled happily:

"Thank you..... Cousin Dudley. "


(Fanwai: Dudley didn't say anything more, turned his head lightly, and returned to his study.....[Stage 2.... It's about to start.....)


PS: Update, the author continues to work hard, thank you for your support~

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