Dudley didn't say anything more, just nodded and calmly turned around and returned to his study.

According to your own experimental records!

The experiment of the Philosopher's Stone entering the living body of living beings is not complete enough....

According to the plan....

Even at this stage, even the first batch of "feed" has not been successfully cultivated.

According to your own experimental steps!

Mercury is absorbed by aquatic organisms!

It is then converted to methylmercury....

And its biological signs can survive independently for more than a week before it can be officially put into the "eating" stage....

At the moment, time is short....

But you can't blindly disrupt your [heavy metal creature's plan],

even so, you have to go through an experiment.

Whether it is acting on wizards or ordinary water creatures, you need to be careful!

After returning to the study.

Dudley put aside the [Heavy Metal Biological Experiment Records] table rearranged.

Follow a specific recording and viewing order, after noticing!

And then...

I looked at the black scale fish inside the glass cover.

【Black Scale Fish】This

aquatic product, in addition to the wizard world, is also similar "sold" in London supermarkets!

It was originally chosen for the convenience of "observation"!

I've eaten right now...

Black-scaled fish containing small amounts of water orchids containing mercury did not experience significant physical adverse reactions...

According to the original design!

Black-scaled fish after eating water orchids....

Initial estimates are about one to two hours of metabolic time.

Since the digestive system is "short", it is possible to clearly observe the external manifestations!

In front of you...

The translucent internal organs and blood vessels of the black-scaled fish do not appear... Necrosis.... And signs of stopping working!

Signs of decay of fatty proteins are also not manifested....


Is the dose not enough?

Dudley shook his head.

According to your own guess!

Could it be that another possibility is..... Heavy metal elements do not reach the "inhibitory" mechanism of the black scale fish's body?

So that there will be no "special reactions"?

If there is no special reaction, then it is quite difficult to observe...

Dudley looked at his own "experiment" material in FRP!

I was even more helpless in my heart...

In my last life, I went to school by myself, and I worked in the unit!

The use of the element "mercury" on living organisms is prohibited by regulations.

Such an experiment is contrary to ..... Animal Protection Regulations.

And his own project team is not the first experimental team to conduct mercury...

Therefore, there is very little relevant literature, as well as information.

But Dudley knows that "mercury" is for any living thing...

Speaking of...

No.... Simply put, heavy metals are "toxic" to any living thing!

This is like storing metal in a living body, its hard nature, as well as the special lesions it induces, will lead to different degrees of life failure.

And if you want to observe this phenomenon, you can't rush.

This is a trend towards chronic poisoning.

There must be an equilibrium point in this...]

that the critical value cannot be found...

Just using the powder of the Philosopher's Stone is tantamount to waste.


Dudley as originally envisioned....

Extract a few newly grown orchid leaves from the No. 3 experimental potted plant!

Then gently place it on the edge of the tank....

Dudley intends to feed this "food" to the black-scaled fish in the tank.

For a long time....

Gaze at the splashes in the water tank....

Dudley picked up the pen and paper again.

The process of experimentation is always accompanied by the command of "life", and what he can do is to let him end his painful life early when it is most painful....

Thinking of this, Dudley opened the new record book in his hand!


【Gradient Details of Magical Species (1)】

LocationHogwarts, Gryffindor Dormitory............

One day after successfully feeding the orchids!

I found a strange phenomenon....

Hungry black-scaled fish....

Their reaction to the orchids has slowed down....

This "response" refers specifically to the neural response of living organisms.

Whether it's a hit, a glass jar or talking loudly will shock the fish...

Black-scaled fish under the eyes. Compared to the first food feeding......

Originally, their reaction interval was "rapid"...

However, this time the orchid feeding......

I don't know if it's my delusion.

The state of reaction of black-scaled fish to "food" seems to have slowed down...

The overall feeling was more sluggish, but it had only been four hours...


After finishing today's experimental recording.

Look at the fast-eating black-scaled fish in the fish tank...

Dudley frowned.

He didn't know if he had just had an illusion...

These black-scaled fish are much slower than when they first saw them....

Is it that "mercury" has entered the body of fish with the blood?

After thinking about it, Dudley took the initiative to stretch out his hand and put it into the fish tank.

He's going to do a simple test....

However, the black-scaled fish seemed to have been "frightened" by something...

Spread out in all directions....

It can be seen that their reaction speed is not slow....

Dudley raised his eyebrows....

Did you think too much about it?

Or are there other manifestations of mercury entering fish?


The time to indulge in experiments always flies quickly.

Dudley looked at his watch!

It was already nine o'clock in the evening....

Electronics are not allowed at Hogwarts, and although it is not clear how this group of wizards thinks, mechanical "watches" can still be carried!

Dudley looked at the class schedule beside him by the way.

Tomorrow is Monday.......

The first lesson will be "Charms Lesson"...

[Charms lesson..... Professor Flitwick.......]

looked at the class list, Dudley smiled helplessly!

I haven't attended Hogwarts magic for more than a week...

I don't know what a magic teacher will be like in class?

Is there a difference from what I remember in the London classroom?

Thinking of this, Dudley took the initiative to walk to the door of the study......

At the same time, I looked at the golden-colored "water orchid" placed next to the fish tank.

This is the first time that he has "succeeded" in turning "living" plants into "gold"!

And this "gold" is different ...

This is an extremely "flexible" gold....

Dudley smiled slightly.

He was very satisfied with the results of his experiment!

"Don't worry, you'll have a playmate soon..... Soon..... Experiments are steadily developing..... With new friends, you will also have more "mood" fluctuations..."

Thinking about it....

Dudley left the study.

The door closed gently.

In an instant, the magic lamp on the wall automatically went out.

Darkness completely shrouded in "dormitory study"....

At this moment, a trace of strangeness suddenly appeared...

The golden orchids placed by the window were gently swaying at this time...

In the silence, a ray of moonlight pours out the window.

Moonlight shines on the surface of the leaves.

After a while, I could see a wisp of golden light.

The windows are closed.

No wind indoors.

But the golden orchids are constantly swaying and swallowing a halo...

It's a pity that no one else observed such a scene...


The peaceful night passed by imperceptibly by everyone.

"Bang bang!"

There was a heavy knock on the door.

At this time, Dudley had changed into a brand new wizard robe.

Dudley saw Harry on the side pulling out a suitcase from under the bed.

"Good morning cousin Dudley~" Seeing

his cousin walking towards the dormitory door, Harry took the initiative to greet.

Then Harry walked to the door first and opened it.

At this moment, a red-haired boy wearing a wizard's robe outside the door was looking at Harry in front of him with a curious expression:

"Good morning Harry, why did you get up so early today?"

"Early~ Ron, why are you so punctual?"

Harry turned sideways and invited Ron into the dormitory.

Then he went back to the bed and dragged out a large suitcase.

Seeing Harry's actions, Ron subconsciously pursed his lips:

"Let me help you!"

It seems that this suitcase is very heavy~"

Harry did not refuse, and the two successfully dragged the suitcase to the center of the living room.

Dudley was preparing today's magic textbook on the side.

I looked at Harry and Ron, who were active early in the morning......

Dudley smiled and did not step forward, but continued to work on his magic "homework".

According to Harry's calligraphy, I have to complete the notes of the Charms class...

"Harry... Tell me what's in it?

Why is it so heavy?

Ron looked at Harry curiously.

"You move lightly, the contents are not mine..."

Harry took the initiative to open the suitcase and pointed to the contents:

"It's nothing strange Ron..."

This was when Cousin Dudley left 'home' and Uncle Vernon and Aunt Penny specially entrusted someone to deliver it to Hogwarts.

Listening to Harry's explanation, Ron subconsciously swallowed his spit, and he looked at the snacks and meat products in the entire suitcase and smashed his mouth:

"My God, Harry!!

." It's all in it, cream cheese....... Milk bread....... Ham bacon....... There is even air-dried fish.

This package!

Oh, my God.... It turned out to be the 'Philip' food company....

Harry, do you know that these are high-end snacks....

Saying.... It shouldn't be expensive..." Ron

looked at Harry enviously.

Harry casually pulled out a bottle of special yogurt from his suitcase and looked at the price tag on it:

"I don't know the specific price...

However, if converted to pounds, the cheapest temporary will not be less than "5" pounds!

Ron looked at Harry suspiciously,

"How much is £5?"

Sterling Ron had heard that it was a currency that his father would often deal with when he was at the Ministry.

Usually the wizarding world does not use this kind of thing....

Harry looked at Ron for a while, a little uncertain,

"Ron, you forgot?

Before in the history of magic.......

One of them introduced that someone once proposed a minimum salary for wizards.... But I forgot!

Wizards' salaries can be exchanged for pounds....

Of course...... Once seen on the exchange wall of Gringotts, a gold gallon is about £5...

I don't know if it's accurate..." Hearing

Harry's explanation, Ron's whole person was stunned on the spot.

He looked at the palm-sized yogurt in Harry's hand and said,

"Just this small bottle of yogurt is worth a gold galleon?"

Oh, my God!!!!

Ron covered his mouth, his look incredulous, too.... Too expensive....

Did Dudley say before.......

Eat more meat, eggs and milk, you can become a stronger standard.......

Is it with such a diet?

Thinking of this, Ron's whole person felt a little desperate.

He....... He saved up pocket money for several years, not even a single gold gallon....

At most, it's just a few silver coves....

Ron couldn't imagine that he wouldn't be able to afford to sell himself according to this diet...

Harry did not notice Ron's abnormality, but took the initiative to take another bottle of yogurt from the box and hand it to the other party.

"Okay Ron, since you're here, you can taste this thing!"

Ron took the yogurt from Harry's hand with a confused look, and he said stunnedly:

"You..... Doesn't your cousin Dudley need it?

Harry tilted his head and said a little helplessly:

"My cousin said that these things were 'junk' food and completely unhealthy, and at first he refused Uncle Vernon's gift.

But I didn't expect that my uncle and aunt didn't know where to send him another courier.

You see this whole box of snacks.

There is also a note on it, if there is not enough to eat, you can call the 'Philip' company again at the delivery address, and they can re-deliver.

Ron stared blankly at all this in front of him, which was already the first shock he didn't know.

From the beginning of the meeting, Harry was dressed as dully as himself, but...

Unexpectedly, Harry had a rich cousin.


PS: Today Thursday, another day of punctual updates, in terms of plot, some people say that daily, there is no need to follow the camera.... But the author may write the book on the theme of intending, changing the established destiny of most people in the wizarding world..... Although the progress is a little slow (the author does not want to ..... ), but it's been pushing forward...

In addition, get a preventive shot in advance: this book is, easy route, no bull's head, no knife. The author's three views are very positive~ Thank you for your support~

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