Ron was dumbfounded....

He didn't expect Harry to have a rich cousin.

"Well... We're going to class!

Dudley took the initiative to get up and look at the two people in front of him:

"And.... Harry, Ron!

You can eat less of these snacks.......

Eating too much is easy to get fat, overeating ... Not good for good health.

"Whew.... Whining... Cousin... Hmm...,"

Harry said vaguely as he chewed the corn ham in his mouth,

"But... Can.... Don't be like this....

Helplessly....... Just throw them away like that... Or put to expiration, also ..... It's too wasteful.....,"

Ron gestured in agreement!

Dudley smiled helplessly.......

Unlike Harry, he didn't have much preference for desserts and the like.

If he had the choice, he would prefer steak and vegetables.

And ready-to-eat products may have additives to some extent...

Even in London, this additive was inevitable as an early food industry...

Ron was delighted!

He had already made up his mind......

Harry couldn't finish this big box of snacks alone, and he had nothing to run to Harry's side in the future.

As long as you are diligent....

Help Harry share more food stress.


Can't your magical talent "improve"?

On the other hand, Dudley took out the whole wheat bread prepared in advance, accompanied by milk... Ended today's breakfast.

One after the other, the three left the dormitory area of Gryffindor at Hogwarts....

Walk towards the first-grade Charms classroom in the magic teaching building.

"Oh..... That's right, Ron!

Today's Charms class seems to be a big lesson....

There are Slytherins and Gryffindors together....

Did you get your Charms class notes for last week?

Harry said, looking at Ron beside him.

Ron smiled awkwardly:

"Harry........ I don't think you should bring up it!

Although..... Although I don't want to admit it....

But I do seem to have forgotten....

Of course if you are willing to lend me your notes.... Harry

was speechless

: "Ron, you can't do this!

If Professor Flitwick asks you in Charms class... If you don't answer, you'll be deducted points.

The little wizard in the class will treat you..."

Ron didn't care, he said with a look of indifference,

"Harry..... That's your overthinking!

Professor Flitwick has a gentle personality, treats young wizards very approachably, and does not deduct points indiscriminately.

After that, Ron added:

"And..... Maybe you don't know....

I've already inquired, Professor Flitwick... But the Head of Ravenclaw!

He also has a good sense of humor in class....

According to the messages of previous seniors... Just how to sit in the back ....

Hey! Believe me! Harry....

The professor won't ask us both questions in class!

Ron looked convinced.

Harry glanced back at his cousin Dudley...

He instinctively felt that not handing in homework in class and not listening carefully was a bad thing.

But Ron is his friend....

He didn't want his cousin Dudley to think badly of Ron.

Dudley smiled slightly and looked at Harry calmly,

"It's okay Harry... I haven't taken a magic class in a week either!

And Ron is right, sitting in the back row is also a good way to share the professor's attention.

In addition....

Today's lesson is a big one.

Slytherin and Gryffindor together!

I think....... We don't have to be too noticeable.

Dudley considered the words to explain.

"Did you hear that!! Harry....

Your cousin is really empathetic.

Ron suddenly became interested, and he reached out to put his arm around Dudley.

Of course, such a good brother must get acquainted with his feelings more!

However, Dudley actively avoided it.


Ron was a little embarrassed.

Dudley pretended not to see it, but said lightly:

"Okay, get to the classroom, let's go in quickly!"

After speaking, Dudley took the initiative to hold the .....[Magic Spell First Grade Standard Subject] and entered the classroom.

Ron scratched his head awkwardly.

"Stop being in a daze, you're going to block someone else..."

Harry volunteered to pull Ron behind Dudley.

It was not yet class time, and the hall of the magic classroom was divided...

On one side is Gryffindor....

On the other side is Slater....

Dudley took the initiative to choose a position closer to the back.

According to his plan, the first class does not need to attract too much attention....

Harry wanted to take the initiative to sit next to his cousin!

However, Dudley waved his hand:

"Okay Harry! You don't have to worry about me........

You go to the front, since you have come to the magic school, you must listen carefully.

Finally close to the teacher's podium..." Harry

looked at his cousin suspiciously!

Dudley didn't say before....

Do you want to sit in the back.... How did it suddenly change....

No, Harry still nodded subconsciously and sat in the first row of the magic classroom.

Ron on the side was a little helpless when he saw this......

He would like to go to the first row!

But lately he's been distracted by his participation in Quidditch...

If you go to the first row, if you are called by the Charms teacher...

No doubts....

You'll be the same.

After all, the corners of my mouth haven't listened well to the lecture for a while....

Finally, the image of being envied by most people in the class as a Quidditch player is expected to collapse on the spot.

Thought about it......

Ron was still going to sit next to Dudley in the back row...

No way, Dudley's position is just far from Professor Flitwick's podium...

However, Ron had just put the book down!

I heard a slightly coquettish voice...

"Mr. Weasley, please get out of the way!!"

"I think you should be clear..... This position is my usual position..." Ron

didn't turn his head when he heard this, and he sat down directly without even looking:


Ms. Hermione Granger..... What about what you're used to!?

First come, first served! You step aside.

I didn't see your name written on the seat!

Seeing this, Hermione stomped her foot angrily, her little face puffing up:

"Mr. Weasley!!

You...... You are so rude!!!

"Can't hear

..." "Can't


Ron pretended not to hear and lay motionless on his desk.

By the way, I also put the two workbooks next to my ears...

This was to block Hermione's somewhat angry gaze.

After a while, Ron couldn't help it, and replied:

"Hermione..... I said it all on a first-come, first-served basis!

Besides, your name is not written on this seat....

Don't mess around. "


Hermione immediately looked confused when she heard this...

She looked at Ron incredulously:

"Weasley? What are you talking about?

I..... Messing around?

Oh.... Oh, my God!!!

It's incredible.......

Besides, I'm sure no one would be so rude

..." Without waiting for Hermione to finish, Ron directly stretched out his hand to hold his head, covering his ears with his shoulder by the way:

"Inaudible, inaudible, I can't hear..."

His rogue behavior made Hermione's goose egg face a little embarrassed... But there is nothing to do...

Hermione was originally going to sit next to Dudley..... Then share some previous class notes with each other.

After all, Dudley has not come to class for a week, and many of the knowledge content of the charms class has been pulled down.

But I didn't expect this Ron to be so unreasonable.

The most important thing is that there is no vacancy next to Dudley, otherwise she would not have counted so much with Ron.

"Alas..... Weasley...,"

Hermione pursed her lips...

Teeth crunching!

Finally, he stomped his foot helplessly, threw the book in his arms heavily on the table, and sat down next to Ron.

"What are you doing!?"

Ron was shocked, thinking that Hermione would walk away silently alone, but he didn't expect her to sit on his side.

"What am I doing!?

Ron, you're too broad...

I will now return the original words to you!

Hermione shook her brown fluffy hair with a look of pride.

A tooth for a tooth is a relief!

Ron was angry:

"Okay, do whatever you like... Don't bother me to the class!

Hermione shrugged and then spoke,

"If I'm not mistaken....

When the Charms teacher, Flitwick arrives, he will start asking questions from this position as usual.

I don't think you'll forget it......

After all, I always answer the questions first...,"

Hermione looked at Ron with a grin:

"And... All you have in your hand is a textbook, and you haven't taken notes in the last week's Charms class..."

Ron was stunned on the spot!

He looked at the notebook in Hermione's hand, and then at the two standard spell books in his hand, and suddenly felt that the whole person was not good.

However, he still said with some hard mouth:

"Hmph! It's nothing Hermione......

Perhaps Professor Flitwick would not have asked me by name today.

Hermione shrugged,

"Oh? Is it?

I don't think you've passed the Charms review!

Ron pouted:

"You feel free Hermione....

I would never give up my place to you!!

Hermione had no choice but to flick the notebook in her hand on the table in front of her in annoyance...

At the same time, he slapped it twice as if it were Ron's head.

Ron's head turned completely as if he was invisible:

"Dudley, did you see it... This woman has a worse temper than my mother!!

There is no doubt about that!

Dudley didn't take advantage of the friendly interaction between Hermione and Ron.

After all, the deeper the exchange......

Whether it is emotions, arguments, or emotional evolution, the image in each other's memories will become more and more profound...


You need to keep your distance.

Only "interaction" brings each other closer.

Especially, hilarious ....


Ron saw that Dudley had no desire to talk to himself, and suddenly felt a little lost.

Hermione on the side was very happy, and she was really afraid that Ron would bring Dudley to the end.

Dudley did not continue to focus on the two people next to him, but looked at the classroom door not far away.

At some point, another group of young wizards wearing Slytherin uniforms had already walked into the outside of the classroom.

One of them, a blond youth, walked at the front of the group, followed by a tall and thin companion.

As if sensing someone's gaze............

Clark subconsciously turned his head to look around, and happened to see the little black-haired wizard sitting in the first row.

Seeing this, his face suddenly changed, and he quickly slowed down, and then reached out and pulled Lagor and Malfoy.

Goyle looked at Clark with some incomprehension:

"How Clark.......

We have to hurry, otherwise the good position will be occupied by other wizards...

Charms lessons are still important.

Clark leaned forward and whispered,

"Alas.... You see, what kind of Gryffindor...

Harry Potter and Ron Weasley actually went to class as usual...

This shouldn't be.......

How could they not have gone to something as important as a wizard duel?

Or did you not send the note to Filch, the dormitory administrator? Filch

quickly shook his head when he heard this:

"Goyle, what are you talking about!"

You were at the door, and you handed me the note from the window, and I left the report letter on the desk of the dormitory administrator at Filch.

And after that, we hid in the shadows and observed, and saw with our own eyes that Filch opened the letter before leaving!

Goyle hurriedly defended.

Clark scratched his head:

"That doesn't make sense....

So why was Harry not punished and still able to attend class well?

Goyle mused,

"Did you say... This Filch doesn't know the 'word', he can't understand what we wrote? "

Bang bang!"

At this moment, Goyle and Clark both felt that they had been hit the shoulder.

They quickly turned around and saw Malfoy looking at them with a gloomy expression.

Clark and Goyle said in unison,

"Master Malfoy..." Malfoy

lowered his voice and shouted angrily!!!

"Shut up, you two idiots!"


(Fanwai: Happy New Year~)

Ps: Update, this is a big chapter.... Today is the last day of 21 years, here to give you a New Year's greeting..... The author continues to work hard, thank you for your support~

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