"Alas..... Hermione, don't say it.....,"

Ron shook his head:

"It just doesn't....

I just thought Malfoy was so bad...

Now I can't do anything with him.

Hermione nodded, intending to say something....

But then I thought that I was still arguing with Ron just now!


. How can you continue "peace" with him so easily?

Thinking about this...

Hermione shook her head to show her reluctance to continue with Ron.

"Uh..... What's the matter with you? Three

question marks popped up in Ron's head??? He

said Hermione, what was this operation?

"Cut.... Petty.....,"

Ron subconsciously squeezed, he said to spit on Hermione's behavior!



Ron only felt that the soles of his feet had been stepped on by something.



A piercing pain hit.

Ron resisted the urge to cry and looked at Hermione in annoyance,


Hermione...... You!!!

Hermione smiled gently, her expression very sunny:

"I... Me what me?

Ron looked at Hermione disapprovingly,

"You!! Hermione...

You're simply !!

Completely on par with 'Malfoy'!

How can you be like this!

Hermione was angry and had to fight again.

"Well... Don't make trouble, the Charms class professor is here..."

Dudley, who had been indifferent on the side, couldn't help but open his mouth to remind ...

After all, the friendly interaction between these two is too loud....

Tossing back and forth and spitting on each other....

If you can't hold it!

Don't think that your side will soon become the "focus".

Hermione and Ron looked at each other.

Ron was furious: "!!!!

Hermione was annoyed: "??!?

Dudley helpless: "..................."

Why is the little wizard next to him always so active?


"Squeak..." At

the same time, the door of the Charms class was pushed open by a gentle force.

But what is quite surprising is ...

The professor's door is naturally pushed towards the inside....

There is no trace of "touch".

If it weren't for the mechanical structure, Dudley would have thought it was an electric door!

I saw a bald man with the back of his head and lower lip, and a "little dwarf" with stubble "hair" on his entire cheek walked in.

The appearance of the person who came is very characteristic!

The reason why it is called a dwarf .......

This is because the professor of this magic class is only less than 1 meter tall.



"So short..."

Dudley frowned subconsciously, it wasn't that he was taking people by appearance...

It is the type of person who is not very "powerful" from the surface alone.

Hermione on the side noticed the change in Dudley's expression, hesitated for a moment and explained.


Listen to me...

Don't underestimate this Charms professor!

Dudley turned to look at Hermione suspiciously.

Hermione held out her hand....

While wringing his fingers, he explained:

"The full name of this magic professor in front of you is Filius Flitwick!

I think...... His honor may not be clear to you.

After my recent statistics.

Professor Flitwick's magical achievements can be said to be very "exaggerated"....

Simply put......

One of his most well-known identities is...

The Head of Ravenclaw..."

Hermione's voice was low.... Fear of attracting attention!

"Ra... Head of Ravenclaw!?

Without waiting for Dudley to react, Ron on the side was extremely shocked!

"Hermione, are you sure you're not mistaken?

To be able to become the Head of Ravenclaw....

It means...

This wizard in front of you....... His "brain" was smarter than most of the wizards present.

It's true! Don't believe it....

My father, Arthur, once told me that the Head of Ravenclaw was not even a Head of Hogwarts in terms of magical attainment alone...

They are the 'deans' of the ages...

Forget it, to put it simply, these people are all strong contenders for the Headmaster of Hogwarts..."

Hermione looked at Ron and nodded subconsciously:

"I didn't see it... You still have some inventory.......

But I still have to make it clear to you!

In fact, the information you understand is very one-sided.

I recently went to the library at Hogwarts and saw such a record...

Dean Ravenclaw, now Professor 'Flitwick'!

He has won the throne of 'champion' many times in the spell confrontation between various academies....

Don't look at him short...

I think the magical knowledge stored in his head must be as vast as the sea..."

What kind of metaphor are you?


I simply doubt it.......

Have you ever seen the real sea!

Otherwise, there could not be such a metaphorical tendency!

Ron pouted.

Dudley stared intently at Flitwick...

He already had some basic analysis in his head.

"Magic.... Spells.......

In front of him was a highly accomplished Ravenclaw Dean...


Myself..... Can you learn the true meaning of the essence of 'magic' from him?

Dudley was lost in thought!

And Professor Flitwick walked on the floor of the magic class.

He didn't bother to pay attention to the gazes of the two houses, Gryffindor and Slytherin freshmen...

Instead, it is natural to walk towards the floor-to-ceiling window at the front.

Floor-to-ceiling windows are about two meters high......

The outside is protected by barbed wire.

Below is a small window sill more than one meter high.

There is a small stool on the desk......

A large number of books were piled up on either side of the stool.

Stand still............

Professor Flitwick did not climb up, the magic wand in his hand flicked lightly...

The small stool on the desk swayed and rose...

And then..... Steadily landed in front of him...

Immediately afterwards, the wand in his hand waved again.

The small stool carried himself smoothly on the desk more than a meter high.

The whole process was done in one go....

This is his podium.

Gryffindor and the little wizards in Slytherin House weren't too shocked by Flitwick's operations.

After all....

This is not the first time I have seen it.

Dudley, on the other hand, felt a little new about this form of magic application!

This gave Dudley a strange feeling....

Once when watching "TV series" ....

There is such a joke!

Legend has it that Hercules could lift two hundred pounds of iron... But he could never lift himself off the ground ... To prove that the weight of a person is comparable to a "mountain" ..... Later, it was gradually discovered.

In other words.......

. The "pseudoscience" of being able to fly with the left foot on the right foot has proven to be unlikely to appear.

But...... This time Dudley had an intuition!

Without the help of "external forces" ......

Is it possible for magicians, with the left foot stepping on the right foot into the air?

This really made Dudley very curious...

It was in the process of Dudley's thinking.

Professor Flitwick, who was already standing at the top of the podium, looked at the little wizards sitting around him and smiled and said

, "I'm glad we met again, the little wizards don't know if you have reviewed the 'homework' I left last time?"

Flitwick's hands were open and clenched, his gaze looked around, and subconsciously fell on Ron's place.

But what made Professor Flitwick cry and laugh was...

If he remembers correctly....

This seat was originally a boy!

But I never thought that now he actually "disappeared"....

In memory, that excellent girl was in another place!

Dudley caught a glimpse of Ron, who was shrinking under the seat, and suddenly felt a little amused!!

"Three hundred taels of silver here?"

Hide so you won't be seen?

I saw the wand in Flitwick's hand raised...

Invisible magic gathers..... One click!

The tip of the wand lit up with a white glow....

Then Ron felt as if a hand was behind his collar dragging him out from under the seat.

"Alas, alas..... No..... Don't...."

Ron struggled furiously....

"Mr. Weasley ... You don't have to panic!

But...... I don't seem to be in a good state of mind.....," Ron's

expression was embarrassed, and he straightened his wizarding robe and looked in the direction of the podium:

"You're right, Professor Flitwick, I think..... I may have not rested well yesterday.....,"

Flitwick smiled, he didn't break Ron's lame lie!

Turning to look around, he said lightly:

"Okay, little wizards... Here's the 'reward' answer!

If only someone could answer my question in its entirety....

You can earn points for your own academy!! "

Points reward!?"

Hearing what Professor Flitwick said, all the little wizards were now excited...

After all, as long as you answer the right questions, you can score points, which is an "honor" for the wizard academy where you are!

"Of course, if the answer is wrong....... Your college will be 'deducted points'!

Flitwick added the last sentence accordingly.


Suddenly, the little wizards on the scene lost their enthusiasm to answer questions.

Sure enough....

Reward points aren't that easy to get either.

Everyone complained in their hearts!

Professor Flitwick was not in a hurry, but smiled lightly:

"Then... According to the knowledge of charms that I talked about in my previous class....

Now I'm going to start asking questions!

The successful use of the spell....

What are the four basic conditions that need to be met?


It's the four basic conditions! The

moment the words fell, I saw a small white hand raised high...

Flitwick's expression was a little surprised!

This question is actually a bit out of the ordinary... Someone raised their hand at the first moment.

But he still looked naturally at Weasley's side:

"Hmm.... Let me see....... Lady Hermione Granger of Gryffindor, are you sure you want to answer?

Hermione got up from her chair, nodded and said confidently

, "Of course, Professor Flitwick...

The successful use of the spell you say requires four basic conditions.

After your last Charms lesson!

I concluded after class and came to four conclusions....

The first is... Specific wand action!

The second is... The right spell.

Third..... It is the caster's subjective awareness of the effect of the spell.

The fourth..... I think it should be that the spell caster has a certain level of concentration.....,"

Professor Flitwick nodded in satisfaction:

"Very good!

You answered very correctly!

Ms. Hermione Granger....

It seems that you are very attentive to what I taught earlier..."

Professor Flitwick's voice fell.... All the little wizards on the scene cast envious eyes at Hermione, after all, admiring Xueba is universal everywhere!

Professor Flitwick's voice paused and continued,

"So... I have another question.

Professor Flitwick finished looking at the little wizards on either side of him:

"So..... Gryffindor, or Slytherin...

I have another chance to get a plus here!


This is an additional question.

May I ask Hermione about the use of the four basic spell rules mentioned earlier....... What happens if there is a discrepancy between one of them?

Who of you wants to answer?

Professor Flitwick's gaze swept over everyone, but then he was a little disappointed.

Gryffindor wizards..... Or maybe the little wizards of Slatling are all silent!

Looking at the small wizards in front of him, none of them took the initiative to raise their hands to answer the question.

Professor Flitwick couldn't help but say,

"Oh.... No

I want to....

This is not a good sign, are you afraid of something?


Afraid of deducting points for your college after answering a wrong question?

Feel relieved!

It won't.

This time the extra question does not result in a deduction of points....

On the contrary, the little wizard who is willing to answer can get double the point reward. "


PS: Update, haha, thank you for your support ~ Have a good weekend ~ The author continues to work hard~

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