【Flotation Spell】Spell

Guide, detailed analysis....

Placed in front of Ron.......

"Uncomfortable....... Can't see it....."

Ron looked at the textbook in front of him, and suddenly felt that his head was huge!

What he hates the most is this dense collection of text information....... This made him lose the desire to read.

Seeing this, Dudley explained softly:

"According to Hermione's previous analysis...

Ron....... In fact, you should be able to guess it very easily....... Why did this spell have to be called the "Floating Spell" by Professor Flitwick!

That's because...

Such a pronunciation....... And the way of understanding....... It is the easiest and most convenient feature to trigger this string of spells.


According to the action of wands and magic....... This spell follows the idea of making objects float... The magic application....."

Hear Dudley's final explanation!

Roldon feels smooth....... At the same time, I also understood what Hermione and Dudley said earlier.

As long as the mantra is well understood......

In fact, to a certain extent, whether it is called, the floating spell....... Or the levitation spell.......

can play its part.

And the reason why it is called the floating spell is that the best conclusion is reached after many experiments!


Professor Flitwick, who was standing on the podium, coughed softly.

He looked around at the crowd, then stretched out his hand and took out a wand from his arms again...

Immediately after that, the tip of the wand lit up with a white glow.

Light gathers.

Soon a crackling sound came out.

From the shadows under the podium....... A wooden box was opened...

After the box is opened!

White feathers floated one after another, and then slowly landed on the table in front of the little wizards.

Waited for a moment....... I saw that all the feathers were distributed.

Professor Flitwick's wand in his hand waved again...

Stuff the wooden box back into the shadows behind you.

Then his palm stretched forward......

Suppressed the restless little wizards at the scene.

"Okay....... Don't be surprised, students!

What follows will be your first encounter with magic...

And for the first time put their own 'curse' ....... Unleashed in a practical way.

Whereas....... The reason why I chose an object like a feather!

Just to make it easier for you to have more control over your own mana delivery..." Professor

Flitwick's tone paused.

Actually, he didn't mention it......

If you change to another heavy item!

If you can't successfully release the spell.... It is easy to cause the little wizard to be motivated to release the spell...

This will also have a big blow to their future study of Charms.

Interest is the best way to nurture!

As Hogwarts' most eminent educator...

Flitwick knows it deeply!

What the success of the first spell cast meant to the little wizard.........

After waiting for a while, I saw that no one asked!

Professor Flitwick then slowly spoke,

"Very good....... Look at the feathers in front of your eyes!

Then concentrate ....

Chanting [Flotation Mantra] in the mouth....... Be sure to hold your wand tightly during this time.

Don't get distracted....


All the little wizards.......

Gryffindor....... Slytherin....... Please take out your wand and listen to my password slowly.

Recite the mantra....

Three..... Two..... I..."

Professor Flitwick's voice was calm and faintly instructive.

Dudley took the initiative to take out his wand from his arms.

This wand was a special gift from Ollivander's wand shop, although it was a wand that he had "cheated on".

But this wand is held in the hand and feels....... The texture is soft and not hard.

You can even feel that the surface layer on the wand is fur...

Because there is even a kind of "elasticity" when pressed lightly.

Other than that......

This magic wand gave Dudley a special sense of familiarity.

The reason why it is familiar is because this wand also gives Dudley a very strange illusion.

It seems that he got this thing from the Ollivander wand shop...

is "alive"....

Because this wand touched the surface lightly, there was a faint warmth...

It's about the same as the skin of the ghost flying ball...

Quidditch ......

Own wand.......

Dudley shook his head, distinguishing between these two unrelated clues.

Speaking of which, this is also his first formal use....... The wand unleashes magic.

Although I was prepared in my heart......

. Dudley still gently shook the wand in his hand and chanted in his mouth...

Ordinary Spell [Floating Spell...]

for a long time....... His own voice fell, and the feathers on the desk did not move...

Dudley looked at the feathers in front of him in silence...



At this moment, the surrounding little wizards also entered the stage of chanting spells.

Ron did not hurry to recite the incantation, he watched Dudley make a demonstration first, and then saw that the feathers were not flying, and his heart was slightly "happy"......

It seems that this is not an easy "experiment"......

After thinking about it, Ron decided to practice it himself.

He took out his wand from his robe and shook it gently, chanting

, "The levitation spell..."

The words fell, and the tip of the wand pointed to the white feather on the table.

However, the white feathers trembled and did not float.


PS: The second more complete, update, thank you for your support~

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