"Strange... Why didn't it float up....."Seeing this,

Ron's brows furrowed....

But he had just clearly felt a mysterious force in his body rushing towards the wand....... Logically......

Self...... I should be considered a successful spell cast.......

But why didn't the feathers float?

"If I can't.... So what will happen to others?

It was then that Ron set his eyes on Harry in the first row.

I saw Harry holding a wand in his hand...

Harry's expression stiffened a little....

But still let out a sigh.......

He chanted mantras softly in his mouth.

Half a day............

The feathers that were spread out in front of Harry actually slowly rose into the air by themselves...

Harry's eyes were shining, and his wrists were floating slightly!

And the magnitude of the feathers rising into the air is sometimes rapid....... Sometimes slowly....

It seems to be completely up and down with the movements of Harry's hands!

This scene immediately attracted the attention of everyone at the scene.

"My goodness.

. Someone actually succeeded in using it the first time..."


Are you sure he's the first time?

"Who is it?" Who the hell is .......

Who can............. Succeeded the first time?

"Stop arguing... I...... I've heard his name, he....... He seems to be Harry Potter..."

This learning was somewhat unexpected..."

Professor Flitwick was equally surprised.... His eyes were round and a little incredulous...

Flitwick wasn't surprised that someone was able to successfully cast the levitation spell.

It's that the other party releases the levitation spell.......

It was possible to succeed the first time.

Short analysis!

As soon as the "spell" in his mouth came out, according to the jerky recitation of the spell by the other party...

And the action of holding the wand......

This little wizard.......

Totally a newbie!

To know....... For the little wizard to succeed in unleashing a complete spell with the first use of the "wand"....... This near-zero error probability....

To a large extent, it has a very direct relationship with "talent".

Even if.......

It's the little wizard of his own Ravenclaw House.......

If you haven't pre-learned and been exposed to magic...

To successfully unleash the first spell, you also need to fit your wand many times!

And then...... to succeed....

Flitwick's expression changed slightly...

"Harry Potter..... of talent.......

It's really commendable!


More attention should be given to him..."

At this time, Harry has become the focus of the audience!

All eyes were focused on him.

This made Harry scratch his head a little embarrassed.

"Didn't....... No....... That's so powerful....."Just

now he just casually recited a spell and waved his wand....... This feather floated automatically.

It made Harry feel...

Unleashing magic is really easy!

It's like instinctively....

Especially listening to the praise of the two classmates around me.......

Harry pursed his lips and felt a slight strangeness.

I have even become the center of attention....


Meanwhile, among the little wizards of Slytherin.........

Clark also noticed Harry's anomaly....... He subconsciously looked at Malfoy beside him and spoke,

"Master Draco...

You see....

This Harry Potter actually succeeded in unleashing the spell the first time!

It has to be said....

The magical talent of this little Gryffindor wizard............

It's really enviable..."

But before Clark could finish!

He was hit hard in the head.


It hurts......."

Clark covered his head and turned his head to look to the side....... I saw Goyle looking at himself with an embarrassed expression.

"Are you!?

Did you hit me?

Goyle, what do you mean.......

Don't you know to casually pat someone on the head....... Easy to cause..... An irreversible error?

When I release the magic, do you want me to make a mistake?

Goyle heard that his face was a little ugly, and he quickly waved his hand:

"Clark.... No.... Not me.....

The situation that just hit you on the head has nothing to do with me.......

You have to trust me!

"It's okay!?

I clearly saw you do it!

Moreover....... If it weren't for your hands, what would you be nervous about..."

Goyle's expression stiffened, and he looked at Malfoy beside him hoping that the other party would explain.

"Okay....... You two stop arguing!

The blonde boy Malfoy suddenly spoke up, he looked at the small group of Gryffindor wizards not far ahead and frowned:

"I have to say....... This Harry's situation is somewhat special..." "



I think it's a bit tricky....

You see Harry's magical talent is very good, and our previous calculations for him did not work...

From this, it can be inferred that his magical talent and IQ are very outstanding among his peers..."

However, without waiting for Clark to finish speaking!

He received another blow to the brain.

But this time he could see clearly who was hitting him in the head.

"Malfoy.... It hurts.......

You....... Why do you keep knocking on my head!

Did you know that it's easy to grow tall?

Malfoy snorted coldly,

"Is it tall?


You remember for me, since you and Harry have gone to the opposite side!

Then it's okay, don't raise the prestige of others and destroy your own momentum!

Seeing this, Clark replied weakly:

"But....... But Master Malfoy!

It seems that none of the Slytherin wizards who practiced the levitation charm on our side succeeded...

Only.... Just from this point of view....... Harry's talent..."Clark's

voice stopped abruptly at this point!

He didn't continue, he was a little worried that Malfoy would slap himself again!

It doesn't hurt very much though......

. But....... But it's easy to get stupid when you're always beaten....

Goyle on the side actually felt that Clark was right!

However, due to Malfoy's majesty, he did not dare to take the initiative to support him.

"Hmph! Who said there wasn't!

Malfoy immediately pinched his waist when he heard this.

With a look of disdain, he looked at Harry, who was surrounded by everyone in the center...

After a while, Malfoy did not hesitate to take out a magic wand directly from his arms, and then gently waved it up and down.

He chanted mantras softly in his mouth....

The moment the words of the spell [Levitation]


The feathers that were originally lying quietly on the table slowly rose, then rotated in the air and finally fell back on the table!!

"My God, Malfoy..... You turned out to be a genius too~"


. PS: Update~ Aso has a second more ~ thank you for your support~

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