"Clark... Gore...... Keep an eye on me when you two get out of class!

Weasley's magical talent....

It's so powerful!

There must be a 'reason' in this... We need to find out the 'secret' in this!

Malfoy flicked his blond hair and looked at his two men very seriously.

Clark and Goyle looked at each other....

All expressed helplessness!

Things are already obvious....

Ron's magical talent must be quite good!!

Even the legendary Harry Potter is not necessarily as powerful as him.


Looking at Malfoy's extremely serious expression... Clark and Goyle didn't say much.

If it annoys Malfoy, it's not worth the loss...

Right now!

Ron, who became the center of attention....

His face is flushed!

The mood is extremely embarrassing....


This must be another "beautiful" misunderstanding!

I just want to pick a "sock"....


It became the center of everyone's attention!

"Da... Dudley....

You...... How can you do this!?

Ron muttered softly.

Dudley pretended to be unaware....

And then....

He explained very seriously:

"Ron, do you remember everything that happened in Professor Rolanda's class before?"

Ron nodded blankly....

He didn't know why Dudley said that!


Have you forgotten?

Professor Rolanda was explaining your personal situation before....

She used to say....

Little wizards often unconsciously trigger features such as mana escape..."

Dudley's voice was flat.

But hearing it in Ron's ears actually gave him a strange feeling...

The admiration of the friends around!

Even Harry's surprised eyes... All of them showed their magical talents...

"Yes... It's this.... This means....."

So to speak... I....

My magical talent....

Even I don't know how powerful it is!?

Looking at Ron's somewhat self-reminiscing scene.

Dudley smiled lightly....

The occasion was almost exactly as he expected!

This unexpected magical riot event....

The culprit is Totoro who is playing with his silver-white wand!

This little guy doesn't know how he learns either....

Unexpectedly, he held one of his wands and dangled it casually twice... There can be such a "terrifying" magical phenomenon.

And there is a magic paradox in response to this....

What Professor Flitwick said!

The depths of magic....

It's wandless casting... And the silent spell!


Right now, Dudley is clear that he can understand the effect of the "wand" through Totoro's display....


So to speak....

To a certain extent!

There is a suitable "magic wand" as a carrier ....

Can it induce magic effects to a greater extent?

To this....

Dudley had a slight doubt in his heart!

But right now is not the key point to delve into all this...

Meet Professor Flitwick on the other side of the podium!

He walked slowly down from the podium....

Then came Ron.

"Little one....

Did you do everything just now? "

Listen to the Charms class instructor in front of you!

Ron's face stiffened even more, and he opened his mouth to explain,

"Teaching.... Professor.... Or... Maybe.... I'm not quite sure......"

In the face of Professor Flitwick's inquiry... Ron subconsciously chose to escape.

Although he also wished that the magical feat just now was done by himself...


Obviously, this kind of thing made him do that 100% stuffing again.

This magical phenomenon, let alone Dudley or Hermione...

It is estimated that even Harry Potter cannot do it.

"Oh... Then you should talk about it... What were you doing just now?

With my delve into the spell...

Maybe I can give you some advice!

Flitwick's voice fell.

Ron had to explain to himself what he had just done....

Professor Flitwick nodded when he heard this,

"It's okay Ron....

Maybe there was a misunderstanding before, but now it seems that the magical phenomenon just now should be caused by you!

Ron's expression suddenly stiffened!

He looked at Charms Class instructor Flitwick with an incredulous face...

However, Flitwick waved his hand and said,

"This is a natural magical phenomenon....

You said it yourself, after casting the spell... You find yourself floating in the air with a series of important items such as clothing.

In a hurry, you will want to interrupt the magic in a hurry!

But the spell is like that... The more intense the mood swings... The greater the impact on magic in the process of casting..."

Flitwick gave several examples of classic cases in his mouth!

Only then did Ron's expression gradually return to natural....

And in Flitwick's opinion, the reason why he is so sure....

The culprit of this magical phenomenon is Ron!

That's because...

When all the little wizards' books and personal belongings were floating in the air, he could clearly detect that the magic fluctuations were coming from the direction where Ron was.

Wait until closer....

Flitwick had carefully examined the seven or eight little wizards in this area....

Most of the little wizards among them did not succeed in casting spells!

And there were only two people next to Ron...

One is Dudley Dursley....

The other is Hermione Granger!

Hermione is the little wizard who witnessed the successful release of the levitation curse.

And the magic fluctuations on Dudley's body are extremely weak...

Several attempts to release the levitation spell were unsuccessful....

The only possibility is!

Ron Weasley....

This time the initiator of the magic miracle...



The surname Flitwick is clear!

That's from the ancient wizarding bloodline...

A pure-blood wizard...


It's also possible....

After thinking about it, Flitwick looked at Ron and said,


I don't know if you're interested in joining Gryffindor's... Charms Club? "

Charms Club!?

Professor Flitwick .

. You...... You're talking about that... Can I participate in the annual Open Wizard Charms Showdown!?

Hearing this, Professor Flitwick nodded:

"Hmm... That's right, that's it!


What you usually see in the Daily Prophet, the Charms Club game....

It is the elite of each branch representing their institutions in the wizarding international competition!


When I'm talking about the Charms Club, it's simply Hogwarts, an internal event....

Of course....

It all depends on your personal wishes!


Ron subconsciously swallowed his spit.

He actually wanted to agree immediately....


He still has some concerns!

After joining the Charms Club....

What if that... That crappy magical talent....

"Let's... Let me think again....

I've been preparing for Quidditch for some time late....

Possible.... Possible...... It will take a while to be free! "

Ron went to great lengths to describe... He instinctively wanted to refuse!


But he had heard of this place in the Charms Club for a long time....

Only "wizards" with extremely good magical talents can join them!

At the same time, you can also learn more, secret and profound magical knowledge...

He Ron didn't want to give up just like that...


Professor Flitwick smiled!

He didn't rush either....

Instead, he voluntarily turned back to the other side of the lecture hall.

The time for the Charms class ended quickly.

After arranging the points of the levitation charm notes with the little wizards, Professor Flitwick left first.

Wait until Flitwick's figure disappears completely....

The little wizards of Gryffindor suddenly fryered!

A dozen people surrounded Ron in the center one after another, asking him the "point" of releasing the spell...

For a while, Ron's popularity in the class was skyrocketing...

"Table.... Cousin..."

Dudley, who was sorting out the notes of the Charms class on the side, turned his head to look at the person who came and said calmly,

"Hmm... What's wrong?


Judging by your expression, it seems that there is something unhappy.....,"

Harry explained, shaking his head,


I just didn't expect it... Ron's magical talent is so powerful!

It's not just that the appearance on 'Quidditch' is outstanding....

Even the Charms class was outstanding!

Even... Even... Professor Flitwick has sent him an invitation to the Charms Club!

Dudley heard this, got up and approached Harry, reached out and rubbed the other's hair:


Are you jealous?

Harry wrinkled his nose and explained,



I wouldn't be jealous of Ron...,"

Dudley smiled, "

How could you say this behind your back if you weren't jealous?"

Harry tilted his head and said

, "Ron, he's obviously deceiving people...

Told me before that his magical talent is very dish!

I usually want to sleep when I read a book....


Can...... Now his magical talent has become, the first Gryffindor freshman at Hogwarts..."


Just then, Harry felt a knock on his forehead.

"Whew.... Cousin...... What are you doing...

..," Harry covered his forehead with an unhappy look.

Dudley smiled lightly:

"This is punishment....

Punish you for not seeing your friends 'better' than you!

As his friend....

Ron's talent... Shouldn't you be happy that you are so 'outstanding'?

Harry was stunned...

"Words... That being said.... But..."

"There's nothing to be!


Harry, let's pack up and go back to the dorm!

I'm tired today..."

Dudley waved his hand to signal Harry not to dwell on the issue.

"Oh... Okay...,"

Harry puffed out his cheeks, turned and picked up his cousin's charm book and notes, and trotted to his seat.

Seeing that Harry was still sulking, Dudley didn't care.

Bear children always care about many details....

But as long as it takes a while, he will sort it out himself!

And the reason why he didn't explain much about Ron's situation to Harry this time.

It's because... Ron and Harry....

Embarked on a diametrically opposed path....

What if....

If you continue to "entangle"..."go deeper"...

Too much investment in "feelings" ... and "bonds" ....

It will only affect your actual plans next....

This is a researcher's self-restraint....



I looked at Ron, who was like the stars holding the moon!

Dudley smiled lightly....

Didn't say much!

Waited for a moment....

Seeing Harry trotting closer to him...

Dudley nodded....

Turned and walked towards the Charms classroom exit.

At this moment....

Dudley inexplicably felt as if a pair of eyes were always paying attention to him!

Turned his head and looked around....

Dudley's brows furrowed, he didn't notice anything abnormal...

So where does this strange feeling come from?

A little hesitation....

Dudley took the initiative to turn to look at Harry behind him.

Harry looked at his cousin's gaze a little puzzled:

"Da... Dudley... Is there anything else?

Dudley did not answer Harry's questioning...

Instead, he stared carefully at Harry's glasses!

I want to use "reflection" to refract this phenomenon....

Find out what makes you feel uncomfortable....

But...... It's a pity!

Dudley still found nothing.

Did you think too much?


Harry, let's go! "


PS: Update, everyone have a good weekend, haha thank you for your support, the author continues to work hard~

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