Dudley looked around and said lightly:

"Let's go..."


Harry said a little hesitantly,

"Watch.... Cousin.... We.... Shall we wait for Ron?


Are you going to ask him something?

Dudley smiled and looked at Harry!

He's weird....

His own cousin, emotions so ups and downs....

It looks like it is... To his "friend" Ron!

Still obsessed....

Harry pursed his lips and didn't answer!

Instead, he stood in place, becoming more and more entangled....

Dudley smiled and didn't say much.

It seems....

Harry was going to determine something himself...


Contradictions between bear children....

You always need some flavoring.

At this time, let them solve it themselves....

At this time....

The inside of the Charms classroom was still chaotic.

But the noise not far away once again attracted everyone's attention!

"Hey, what are you doing!?"



What to do if it scares him?

Dudley took the initiative to look next door....

The source of the sound....

It's the Slytherin Little Wizard direction!


The little Slytherin wizard stepped back in tacit understanding....

"That... That....

Excuse me...... May I come in, please..." The

voice was a little soft...

The tone is even more timid!

Dudley once again sought prestige....

I saw a "strange creature" appear next to the door of the Charms classroom....

Strange creatures with strange fan-like pig ears....

But it's much smaller than a pig's ears!

They are walking on bipedals....

The most prominent are the two eyes!

The eyes are bright and like small fists....

If you ignore some unreasonable body surface features....

The "strange creatures" in front of you are almost like humans!


This is Dudley's first reaction when he sees the species in front of him!

"A... Talking 'leprechaun'? "

Can speak....

Can think....

And emotions!

This novel "species" immediately aroused Dudley's curiosity....

Such an appearance....

Make Dudley somewhat familiar!

He seems to have seen the record of this "creature" in the [Wizard Alchemy Codex]....

"Table... Cousin.... What is that? Harry

, who had seen this strange creature for the first time, was clearly frightened!

The creature in front of him, with slender arms... Thin as wood....

The head is big, the belly is big, and the proportions of the body are a little short!

Their hair is sparse....

The skin even looks very rough....

The skin appears earthy yellow!


This made Harry a little unacceptable....

"Hmm.... If I'm not mistaken....

It should be a 'elf'! "


Genie...... Looks like this? Harry

covered his mouth for a moment, his cheeks twitching....

For the word "elf" ... Want...... To be used on this "ugly" creature in front of you....

Instinctively... And I find it a little difficult to accept....

In Harry's memory....

"Elves" are the kind of fair-skinned and handsome looks.... The "creatures" that exist in legends....

But...... But now that I see it with my own eyes, I find this elf!

It looks like this....

So hard to describe in words!

Harry sighed....

I always feel like a "creature" in the wizarding world... It was very different from what the teacher taught in the previous Muggle life...


Within the Slytherin area!

Clark looked at the visitor at the door and suddenly looked excitedly at the handsome boy behind him....

He exclaimed,


Look at it!

It's a 'house-elf'....

You're right, I just counted the time....

It takes a total of time from the time you press the special notification magic item until he arrives at your side...

Less than five minutes!

This is simply incredible...,"

Clark looked at Malfoy with excitement on his face.

Malfoy just smiled faintly:

"That's nature....

I told you before!

You don't have to clean up the 'things' that fell on the ground....

Naturally, there will be 'servants' to help you.

Goyle coaxed when he heard this,


Are you talking about this 'house-elf'?

He...... Will he help us?

Can... Can...... I see his thin arms and legs....

How can we 'work' without strength...

"Malfa flicked his blonde hair:


You don't have to worry....

Okay, I'll help you guys!

Afterwards...... The leader of our class belongs to me! "

The words fell... Malfoy also ignored everyone, but said slightly angrily,

"What are you doing there!?"

Hurry up and roll me in!


Look at the time you wasted, not according to the regulations!

Get my notice to start... You forgot... Are you going to rush to me as quickly as possible?

How did it take so long?

Malfoy's voice was stern!

The house-elf, on the other hand, said with trepidation:

"Less... Master!

You.... You...... You know....

Oh no....

I think you are not clear....

Forget it....

Just...... Just...... The lord is asking me to clean the toilet....

I... I want to....

With the 'strange smell' on me... Approaching you will definitely be ...

In short..."

House-elves are in a good position....

Malfoy frowned when he heard this:


Shut up!!!

I don't want to hear so much explanation from you.

See this 'garbage' behind me now?

You have to get these things sorted out one by one!

And then....

Put them back in place!

Listen, you don't need to break a single thing!

Malfoy said as he reached for the large bench behind him...

As well as scattered and collapsed bookshelves, and scattered snack clothes....

"This..... So much?


Are you sure it's all done for it all? Clark

on the side was a little unbearable when he saw this....

After all, this house-elf in front of him looks like he is weak!

Books and notebooks can also be picked up by him....


But collapsed bookshelves and large tables... If only it were to operate....

This is completely impossible to succeed!


PS: Updated ~ the second change later

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