
Ron couldn't remember who was talking behind his back!

Also as the divine 28 bloodline....

His father was proud!

Malfoy was also proud....

And he wants to play with his peers with red hair, in exchange for alienation and abuse...

At that time, Ron only felt...

Outside of his family, he was really lonely....

After coming to Hogwarts....

Finally, I joined the Quidditch team....

Became a coveted figure in the Gryffindor class....

I also made a close friend Harry Potter....


But at the end of the day....

Ron pursed his lips... His expression was very grim....

He sighed helplessly.

"It's okay... All...... Everything will be fine..."


Hogwarts, in a corridor.

Hermione jumped to the front.

Harry and Dudley followed....

Small half a day....

Harry stared at Hermione's hair with some hesitation,

"Hey! Hermione....

You said...... Wouldn't it be nice for us to do this!

Harry's voice fell.

Hermione suddenly raised her eyebrows:

"We do this?

Harry, what do you mean? "

Harry is a little bit distracted....

Finally, he said,

"I think you can see it too....

We haven't taken care of Ron for a while, isn't this not quite right!

After all...

Ron is your and my friend..."

Hermione shook her head at hearing this:

"Listen Harry... You must not have this kind of thought.

It's because Ron is our friend....

That's what we have to do!

Harry was silent and didn't reply!

Hermione didn't care:

"Harry, listen to me, Ron's current situation is very bad...

We could even have expected such a state of affairs to happen....

You see, Ron has been selected by Professor Flitwick, Charms Club....

Don't you know what the Charms Club means to Ron?

You see....

He is now, every day....

None of my mind is on learning spells.

If it goes on like this....

He might be surpassed by the other little wizards of the Charms Club.

Rather...... Let Ron's inferior self-esteem propose to quit the Charms Club, I think it is best to stimulate his desire to learn now..."

Hermione said as she clenched her small fists.

Harry opened his mouth and helplessly expressed his opinion:

"Hermione according to what you say.... Ron....

He will be because he wants to keep up with us, and then... Back in learning?

Hermione nodded:


That's right...... We are Ron's friends and need to have a positive attitude....

As long as Ron wants to continue playing with us, he must seriously learn magic~"

Harry still shook his head a little tangled:

"But... But...... Hermione, if Ron... He...... What if he doesn't play with us?

Hermione was stunned, but then shook her head:

"Don't play with us?

What are you thinking, Harry...

It's almost impossible.

Before I came to the wizarding world, my teacher taught me....

As long as you are positive, you will slowly drive your friends to be positive together!

In this way, Ron's bad problem of school boredom will be corrected. "

Hermione pinched her waist....

For himself, he was confident in his plan to change Ron....

Harry shook his head noncommittally.


If...... Honest words....

He was also reluctant to memorize boring magic theories.


What if....

It's not the words of my cousin supervising by his side!

Harry really felt...

It's okay to play with Ron and it's happier to be uninhibited.


I...... How did this idea come about?

Harry quickly shook his head....

The behavior of skipping class will definitely be hated by my cousin, and I can't do it myself!


"Okay .

. We're here!

Hermione said, but her steps stopped in front of a counter.

Harry, Dudley, you see this is the "mailing cabinet"!


"Oh... No!

According to Gryffindor... This should be the 'Asuka House'..... In fact, it is exactly the same as the mailing method!

We've all lived in Muggle areas....

We still call it a mailing cabinet.

Let me think about how to use it..."

Hermione said, taking the initiative to stand in front of the mailing cabinet...

Subconsciously muttered in his mouth:


Gryffindor First Year Little Wizard, Hermione Granger..." the

words fell.

"Hmm... Duh... "Duh..."

Duh... Click..."

The wooden mailing cabinet opens a gap and a

board sticks out of it....

There was a change of clothes on the board, as well as a letter.

Hermione happily stepped forward and took the things off the board:



You just need to say your class and name, and the cabinet will open automatically..."

Harry subconsciously wanted to study in a good way.

But as if something came to mind ... He obediently shut up, after all... He also has no relatives, how can someone send him a letter?

"Cousin... You try it too... I think...... Uncle Vernon must have delivered you a lot of things.

Harry pursed his lips and spoke.

Dudley smiled slightly, stepped forward and said lightly:

"Hogwarts... Gryffindor First Year Little Wizard, Dudley! When

the words fell, they were heard.

"Snap... Syllable...... Syllable...... Snap..." "Snap

... Syllable...... Syllable...... Snap..." There

was a rush of confusion.

Hermione and Harry were both stunned....

I saw a whole row of open windows on the cabinet....

Preliminary estimates, there are about fifty or sixty small cabinets!

Every small plank is piled with goods....

At the same time....

The surface of each shipment has a note on the first line....


[My dear son Dudley, this is your first day of independent enrollment, I think you must have not eaten breakfast well, this is a special cream cake prepared for you! ] 】


[My dear son Dudley, this is the second day of your independent enrollment, I think you must have slept cold at night, this is the silk quilt prepared for you.......

........................ [My dear son Dudley, this is the sixth day of your independent enrollment, I think you must have woken up late in the morning, this is a special alarm for you..........

"Da.... Dudley....


Hermione was dumbfounded, not knowing what to say.

"Hermione... Do you know how long we have been enrolled in Hogwarts now?

Harry asked!

"Probably... Probably...... Just a few dozen days or a month?

Hermione said uncertainly.

"Hmm... In fact...... I think that's normal!

Harry explained aloud.

"This is also called normal!?

Harry, do you know? When I was in school, this behavior was called coddling by the teacher!

Hermione said she couldn't accept it.

Of course....

She was also faintly envious.

"Da.... Oh no....

Cousin...... There are too many of these things, what are you going to do?

Harry asked weakly.

Dudley said naturally:

"Of course... It's all sent back to the dormitory!

"So many? Have you run out?

Hermione exclaimed,

"This is a bit of a waste Dudley....

I think you'd better go back a little bit and save space.

Dudley shook his head:

"No thanks... I can't use one, don't I still have Harry?

These things seem to be for me.

But there are so many portions, there must be Harry's points among them!

You said yes... Harry!

Harry looked at his cousin incredulously:

"Dudley... You said...... Are all these true, what you say?

Dudley nodded:

"Of course, my uncle and aunt must have known that we are together, so they will give me so many things."

I think they must be concerned about you too..."

Speaking of this, Dudley stepped forward and rubbed Harry's head.

Harry pursed his lips....

Suppress the doubts in your heart:

"Sure enough...

Sure enough, my cousin is the best for himself! "

Watching Harry busy...

Look for an administrator to entrust the delivery of these large luggage.

Dudley was caught in the eye by a letter in another cabinet.


This is a letter from the Morrison Hill laboratory in London.


Letters from the lab....

This immediately attracted Dudley's interest!

Didn't I say that I would go back during the winter and summer vacations?


It had only been a month since the start of school, and someone forwarded this letter....

To yourself!

Looked at the time above....

This letter... Logically, it should have been delivered to myself two weeks ago, but... Then...... He has already enrolled in Hogwarts, so Vernon and Penny should have given them to themselves through the dedicated letter channel at Hogwarts!

There is no trace of the letter being opened....

The seals and wax seals are perfect....

Want...... Although my parents were curious, they also felt... Respecting the privacy of children is a very important thing.

After thinking about it, Dudley opened the letter in his hand.

A few cursory glances!

And yet....

When you see the first line....

His gaze was drawn....

A feeling of doubt rose in his heart.


[Morrison Hill... University of Cambridge, London School of Biological Medicine - Branch]

To Dudley Dursley:

Hello Dudley, I'm your teaching assistant part-time tutor Evans....

It is very presumptuous that I would write such a letter to you.

But...... I don't think it's a hard thing to talk about.

After all, there is a specialization in the art industry, although I have reached the most critical point in biological research.

In fact...... I still want to ask you....

Similar to the genetic structure of woolly rats and dragonflies, do you have a similar idea?



This paragraph from Evans was directly ignored by Dudley.

The only thing

that made Dudley more curious was....

Greetings from the master of the biological laboratory, Morrison.


[My lovely student Dudley.

I'm glad you saw this letter....

For the teaching progress later, I will develop basic, junior high school biology books for you.

You read carefully during this time, and when the winter vacation comes, we will have almost a month of assault training!

If I'm not mistaken, the second class of students in London, the biology competition will be prepared again.


It looks like you're attending a fully enclosed boarding school.

Usually the letter is slow, but you can rest assured that this will not be an obstacle to the relationship between you and me.

In addition, by the way, I will tell you an interesting thing.

Since you left, my teaching assistant Evans seems a little strange, he has been calling in sick lately.

When I returned to my seat two days ago, I was still holding the experimental discussion in your hand in a daze.

At the same time, there are a lot of "sweets" on the table.


PS: Update la thank you for support

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