
This time the proposition is not for me to pick up the pen....

But correspondingly, there is me among the reference people....

As long as....... You read the book seriously!

And master the corresponding knowledge system, I believe that there will be a place for you on the next competition list....


In addition....

Since you left, my teaching assistant Evans seems a little strange, he has been calling in sick lately.

When I returned to my seat two days ago, I was still holding the experimental discussion in your hand in a daze.

At the same time, there are also a lot of "sweets" on the table!

If I'm not mistaken....

The things he hated the most were bread and doughnuts....

But now...

His table is full of cream, cheese and even candy!

Although I banned the GMO experiment that you once proposed with him!

The genes of similar species are not technical barriers that can be broken through by multiple attempts....

Though...... Evans promised everything!

But....... I think he should have adopted the most primitive method, substituting himself into a "hairy mouse" or "guinea pig"!

In this way, deep thinking......



But....... I have to say....... I have to give my students a blow.

Knowledge is a process of accumulation!

Behind any flash of light......

All need to be supported by extremely solid arguments....

And he did it like this......

No doubts....

Quite stupid!

Of course......

I say this to you in the hope that you will not fall into a dead end like Evans...

Knowledge is a touch bypass....

When bottlenecked to a certain extent......

Don't let go and read more books on other systems.......


That's a bit too much!

Finally, remember to be well prepared for the bio competition.

When you meet during the winter vacation, I hope you will not forget what you have learned...


Looking at Morrison Hill's long discourse, Dudley can actually see it at a glance.

It must be....

After the Ministry of Magic helped his father negotiate a big deal.

His father's wallet bulged again.

And increased investment in Morrison Hill's biological experiments!

So as to change direction to please and give back to his father.

After all....

Now his father can also be regarded as the golden father of this biological doctor.

It is essential to show some care for this prince of your own....

Even Morrison, who has always been pedantic, had to say something in his letters.

After all....

If the letter is too short, Dudley will not feel the care from the biological laboratory.

His own father was angry and not worth the loss for Morrison Hill.


What makes Dudley feel strange is Evans.

He was not impressed by Evans....

Decades later, there was no place for this person in biological academia....

Even...... Whether he will eventually graduate from graduate school is unknown.


For now, if I'm not mistaken....

There are barriers to the fusion of the hairy mouse and the listening cell.

For project funding....

Morrison Hill cut the experiment.

As a result, Evans was a little angry and couldn't even accept this reality.


This strange behavioral measure will be extended....

Imitate...... Eating habits of woolly rats?

With this... Coming to protest Morrison Hill?

It shouldn't be....

A mature and undergraduate student, pursuing graduate studies in biology, should not use such a lame method....


It seems....

Thinking deeply now won't yield any useful clues!

Thought about it... Dudley took the initiative to turn around, then looked at Harry and Hermione and explained,

"I may have something that needs to leave briefly..."

Cousin, where are you going?

There will be a history of magic lesson to study later. "

Look at Harry's look of wanting to speak.

Dudley smiled and didn't say more....

Just casually said:

"My body is a little uncomfortable!"

Harry, if he could... You can take a leave of absence for me by the way..."

Harry was a little dazed as he held his luggage.

Hermione snorted softly on the side,


I see you're in good spirits!

If you can take leave like this, it will create an unhealthy image for Harry...

Since you are Harry's cousin....

So...... In theory, you are responsible for setting a good example for Harry.

Hermione clasped her hands around her waist, intending to explain some of the keys to this with Dudley.

In fact, the history of magic class is also especially important for young wizards!

If...... Frequent absences will inevitably cause unnecessary trouble....

This even includes...

Overall credits for Gryffindor.

And yet....

Dudley didn't care.

He waved his hand gently....

Roll the envelope from the biological laboratory into your arms!

Then stride towards the Hogwarts dormitory area!

Only Harry and Hermione looked dazed.

The two looked at each other....

Hermione stomped her foot and looked at

Harry, "Harry! Why don't you persuade your cousin....

He...... He...... This behavior....

It can be considered extremely serious!

Just let us 'cover' him without a sound?

He is obviously not sick....

Why should we ask a professor of historical magic to take time off?

This is simply too much..."


PS: It's updated, thank you for your support~

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