
Magic is applied to reality, and what you have learned has a series of standards such as great power, wide range, high intensity, etc... But it's not something you can do with hard work.

Effort in the wizarding world is the foundation.

Because if you don't work hard, you won't cast a spell at all.

The strength and smoothness of the spell, as well as the subsequent research process, most of them are based on talent.

In order of basic age, one to seven years ago.

The theoretical knowledge is not complicated, but the same magic, students with different talents, bring about very different effects.

Although Hogwarts has always stated that every wizard is important and precious.

And all magic professors must treat every student equally.

But when it comes to reality....

It does differ from the ideal....


Dudley stopped thinking about the future structure and vision of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

The night always passes quickly.

Early the next morning.

There was a knock on the door of Dudley's dormitory.

Ron showed up on time!

"Knock knock... Knock knock...

Harry opened the door in his slippers and couldn't help but pout as he looked at Ron's spirited look.

"Well, Ron, I don't think I need an alarm clock anymore~ I'll

ask you about getting up in the future!"

Ron scratched his head with a smile:

"No way Harry, you know, I'm here to make my talent stronger."

Your cousin said that eating too much meat, eggs, and milk will make my magical talent more powerful.

What I'm looking forward to most every day now is eating grilled fish made by Dali's in the morning! "


Speaking of this, Ron set his eyes on the desk not far away.

I saw that Dali, who had set up the oven, had already set up the oven.

At the same time, the fish meat on the top is charred on the outside and tender on the inside.


Ron swallowed his spit.

Just eat it....

You can become stronger by yourself ~

ten minutes later.

Ron, who had eaten a meal, got up from his seat, looked at Harry and Dudley, who had finished packing up and walked to the door, and said,

"Hmm... Harry, your cousin's cooking is really good.

Much better than the pumpkin soup my mom made.

Seriously, if it hadn't been for knowing that Harry and I were the same Gryffindor wizards in my class, I would have suspected that he was a Hufflepuff student!

I'm sure only Hufflepuff students can match your cousin's cooking skills!

Harry, who walked to the door, looked at Ron and couldn't help but sneer:

"Hey~ Ron, you are a little right, but in my opinion, my cousin's cooking skills must be better than those little wizards in Hufflepuff."


Ron shook his head:

"No~ Harry, I think your cousin's fish grilling skills are good, but this will still be lacking compared with professional gourmet staff."

Ron finished speaking.

Aftertaste the aroma of the previous black scale fish in the mouth.

Dudley followed Harry and Ron without saying anything.

Instead, he slowly took out a pen and paper and took notes.

"Oh~ no, Harry, what is your cousin doing?

What course needs to be so serious?

Take notes on the way to the magic classroom too?

Ron asked Harry curiously.


Harry shrugged his shoulders and said a little helplessly

, "I don't know about Ron, but I'm used to it, my cousin always likes to do things related to learning."

He likes to deal with books the most.

Harry mouthed his point!

On the other side, Ron shook his head ruefully....

He didn't like the knowledge recorded in books.

Soon Dudley and his group of three left the Hogwarts dormitory.

However, this time I did not meet the familiar girl figure on the road.

The little wizard Hermione didn't know why she didn't show up on time today to wait for Harry and Ron.


Wait for a long distance.

Only then did Harry speak,

"Ron... Aren't you curious?

Ron was a little puzzled:

"Curious about what?"

Harry explained

, "Hermione, aren't you curious where Hermione went?"

Ron spread his hands:

"Sorry Harry, I think you think too much, since Hermione didn't come to us, then she must be in the classroom or something."

Anyway, the little wizard's action area is limited, and she won't run around. "


Harry frowned as he listened to Ron say what he thought about himself, and it took a moment before he shook his head.

Although it feels like something is wrong, even something strange...

So much so that Harry didn't know how to elaborate on some questions.



Forget it..."

Harry was a little hesitant to speak, and finally shook his head to completely dispel the urge to talk about it.


Ron and Harry returned to their Gryffindor first year classroom.

Soon Harry spotted Hermione's back sitting in the first row!

His heart breathed a sigh of relief!

Turned to look at the other little wizards.

He chose a seat next to Hermione.

Ron took the initiative to follow.

Dudley, on the other hand, chose to sit behind Ron.

Just then another voice sounded:

"Hey! I said Ron, what are you holding in your hand? "


PS: Daily updates in progress... Today's second more complete... Thank you for your support, the author continues to work hard in the codeword....

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