
"I said Ron, what are you holding in your hand?"

Hermione looked at Ron beside her and couldn't help but speak.

In fact, she didn't intend to remind him, but Ron's actions were too eye-catching, and if he was seen by the magic professor, he might be criticized in public.

"What's wrong?

Hermione, I didn't you off today! Looking

at Ron, he still looked dazed.

Hermione couldn't help but say with a serious

look, "Ron, take a closer look at the magic textbook you are holding in your hand!"

Ron subconsciously looked at the desktop:

"Spell books for Transfiguration class, what's wrong with that?"

"What's wrong!?

My goodness....

Harry, help me talk to Ron.

I'm really a good brother who served you! "


After Hermione's reminder, Harry also noticed Ron's abnormality, and he looked at Ron helplessly and said

, "Ron's first lesson today is, Professor Snape's Potions.

You.... How do you hold, Professor Minerva McGonagall's Transfiguration class books.

Ron said with some hindsight:

"No.... No, I remember today is the Transfiguration class....

Is it...

Am I misremembering?


Now is not the relationship between remembering and not remembering!

The problem is that you didn't bring the right magic textbook, so you sat in the last row, did you sit in the first row because you were afraid that Professor Snape would not notice you? "


When Ron heard this, he immediately got up from his seat in a panic:

"That..... Wait, I'll go back to the dormitory right now and bring my Potions books.

However, a hand reached out directly, pressing Ron's body back into position.


Ron was about to speak, but was stopped by Harry next to him:

"Whisper Ron, the classroom door is open, I just heard footsteps, Professor Snape has already arrived at the door."

Now whenever the time comes, he will push the door and enter.

You ran out at this time, completely, betraying yourself! Hearing

Harry's prompt, Ron looked at the crack in the door and saw a standard wizarding robe!

This made Ron feel extremely happy....

But then he got tangled up again.


If you go out, you will be caught by Professor Snape.

Stay in the first row, and you will be seen by the teacher again....

"Ha..... Harry..... What should I do? "


Harry shook his head

, "Don't ask me, I don't know exactly what to do..."

Just when Ron was a little anxious.

I saw a book handed over from behind him.

Ron saw that it was Snape's Potions class!

Then he seemed to realize something:

"Da.... Dudley, you gave me the book!


What do you do!?

Dudley gently patted Ron's shoulder and gestured for the location of the crack in the door.


The door to the Gryffindor first year classroom was pushed open.

A middle-aged man dressed in a pitch-black wizard's robe walked in.

He has long hair!

Strands of hair fall to the sides of the cheeks.

The face is peugeot and three-dimensional.

Once inside the classroom, Snape looked around, his gaze lingering for a moment on the familiar students.

He didn't say anything more, but strode up to the podium.

Grab a wand from the tabletop.

The tip of the wand glows red.

The red glow reflects on the blackboard behind him.


"Brush brush brush~"

wrist swipe.

Lines of text emerge clearly.

Potions Lesson: General Outline Part 6, Hypnotic Grass Growth Conditions!

Hogwarts, Gryffindor first year classroom.

At this time, Dudley looked at the clock hanging on the wall not far away.


Before I knew it, it was four o'clock in the afternoon.

A little wizard in the first grade, the curriculum is not complicated.

There are also no overly heavy tasks and learning progress.

Only from this point of view.

Dudley did not notice Hogwarts' interesting tendency to force young wizards to learn.

At this time, looking at the back of the teacher of the history of the spell class on the podium, he left.

Dudley wrote down this line in the notebook in front of him.

[The education system of wizards has not been static, and they also pay attention to the physical and mental health of young wizards in schools! ] 】



good risk!

It's really dangerous....,"

Ron said while patting his chest:

"Dudley really thank you, if it weren't for your help today, maybe I would have been severely punished by Professor Snape of the Potions class!"

You know, he's a famous Slytherin professor.

All the Slytherin students, the mischievous little wizards, are afraid of this Potions professor!

I think if he found out that I didn't have a book, he would definitely punish me for writing what he said in class today a thousand times.

Ron said, his face full of palpitations.


"Is it so scary?"

Harry on the side couldn't help but question

, "I think Professor Snape is not as serious as you say, at least from the perspective of the Potions class knowledge system, his professionalism is quite detailed!"

Every time I listen to his lectures, I can gain a lot of new knowledge from them.


Harry, you don't have to doubt that.

My two older brothers, George and Fred, told me that Professor Snape's punishment for disobedience, desertion, and even small actions was elusive. "


PS: Daily updates in progress... Today's first more complete... The author continues to work hard in the codeword....

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