
"Harry listened to me... Anyway, the little wizards who had experienced punishment were in awe of Professor Snape.


I think Professor Snape..."

Harry tried to argue something, but he shook his head and sighed

, "Okay Ron, let's go together!"

"Let's go together?

Where to go?

Ron asked subconsciously.


Harry was a little confused:

"Of course, we are going back to the dormitory, if we don't go back to the dormitory, will we have to stay in the magic classroom for a long time?"

"Uh.... I almost forgot about it.

Thanks for the reminder!

Ron said something incomprehensible.

He quickly returned the book to

Dudley: "Dudley really thank you so much for your help..." Dudley

smiled slightly and took the workbook back from Ron.

Hermione and Harry also packed up.

The group of four left the Gryffindor classroom.


Along the way, Hermione tried to say hello to Ron several times, but the other party did not pay attention to her.

This made He Minjue feel uncomfortable.

However, she didn't say anything more, and waited for Duli and Ron to say the order to open the door in front of the fat lady's oil painting.

She quietly pulled Harry aside.


What's wrong with you?

Harry looked at Hermione suspiciously.

Hermione pouted:

"Harry, did you see that? Ron, what the hell is going on, yesterday we discussed going to his two brothers to buy a small gift for Halloween!

As a result, he kept silent about it today.

Listening to Hermione's statement, Harry instinctively replied,

"You... You can ask it yourself. "


Hermione stomped her foot:


Of course, I went to inquire on the side....

Can... Ron looked completely incomprehensible.

What the?

Do you suspect that I am using this to blackmail him!

Harry looked at the sulking Hermione, and he was a little speechless for a while:

"Okay, Hermione, since we'll wait, maybe Ron has already contacted his two brothers..."

It's just that it may not be convenient to say now..."

Harry elaborated on the conjecture in his mind!

Hermione helpless:

"Okay.... I hope so, after all, on Halloween night, I also agreed to celebrate with my dormitory classmates.

Hope Ron doesn't delay too late!

Harry nodded when he heard this:

"Don't worry, leave this matter to me Hermione, I will take the initiative to urge it."


Back in the dormitory, Dudley didn't care where Harry went.

He focused on the notebook in front of him.

If memory serves....

From some basic information and clues in the Charms class, Potions class and Transfiguration class, Ron's external performance has been slightly forgotten at the beginning, and now there is obvious forgetting.

In this way, a large amount of mercury in his body has been collected near his brain.

At this stage, it did not affect Ron's normal thinking ability.

But it can't be ruled out that one day in the future, mercury will cause interference with Ron's brain nerves.


The brain is one of the most important organs of human beings.

It's not just a lot of important information stored inside.

In storing information, more relies on one neural unit after another to transmit brain memory.

So far, there have been no previous experiments on humans.

Now it seems that the effect of mercury on the brain is indeed very significant.

In the case of the victim, without realizing it, gradually began to lose his memory....


One night without a word.

Early in the morning the next day.

Ron knocked on Harry's door as usual.

The moment he opened the door, Ron saw Harry sitting alone in his chair.

"Early, Harry!

What about your cousin?

Ron asked.

Harry pointed to the study

, "Dudley is in the room, and he may be putting together the Hogwarts magic schedule."

Hearing Harry's voice, Ron subconsciously glanced at the study that Harry was referring to.


" The door was opened, and Dudley looked at Ron outside the door and smiled faintly:


Ron nodded:

"Yes Dudley, I'm coming!"

"So.... What would you like to eat? "


Ron replied without hesitation:

"Grilled fish!

Today I'm going to eat grilled fish, only then will my magical talent gradually become stronger.

Ron said with a serious look.

On the side, Harry looked at Ron a little inexplicably when he heard this, and finally couldn't help sighing.

Ron looked at Harry suspiciously:

"Harry, what are you doing with a sigh?"


Harry hesitated for a while, deciding that it was better to break it:

"Ron.... I really don't think that the quality of one's magical talent has much to do with eating!

"It's like..."

Speaking of this, Harry was a little confused about how to continue explaining.

In his opinion, if you can make your magical talent stronger by eating...


Many people can also completely strengthen their magical talents..."

Harry's voice was small, but Ron didn't seem to hear it.

He watched as Dudley prepared the grilled fish, and then he couldn't wait to start eating.

The mouth was full of the aroma of fish:

"Woo hoo.... Harry, what are you looking for? "


PS: Daily updates in progress... The second is completed today

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