
"Woohoo.... Harry, what are you looking for? Hurry up and eat with me!

Ron said slurred words as he ate.

Harry was stunned!

After a while, he laughed bitterly in silence:

"I'm full...


I may have something today that I need to leave first.

Harry finished speaking.

Dudley nodded gently:

"Okay Harry, if you have something to do, let's go first, I'll wait for Ron to finish eating and go to the magic class with him later!"


Harry hesitated for a moment, but finally nodded helplessly.

Turned around and packed his clothes, picked up the magic book on the ground, and left in the direction of his memory.

At this time, Harry had made up his mind that he must discuss this matter with Hermione.


On the other side, Dudley silently watched Harry's back as he turned away, and he didn't say anything more.

Obviously, Ron's appearance of only caring and his magical talent was unacceptable to Harry.

After all, Harry and Ron used to be together.

Ron always tells him about the secrets and history of the wizarding world, and there are many interesting anecdotes.

But recently, after Ron and Harry met, they opened their mouths to say, is there anything delicious, and then meat, eggs, milk and other things related to magical talent!

In fact, in Dudley's opinion, this is also difficult Ron.

After all, after eating fish containing mercury, Ron's memory and brain were disturbed to varying degrees.

Through these two days of observation, Ron's memory has a clear tendency to decline.


It is said that the memory of fish has seven days.

But this has not been confirmed.

And human memory is only more than ten years or even decades or so, and as time goes by, the memories that were more familiar at the beginning will begin to blur.

For example, your wealth card number, maybe you remembered ten years ago, but once two or three years, do not use, do not recall, then this string of card numbers will be stripped from the memory in your brain.

You will only have vague concepts, but clear memories will not be found.

Ron's situation is somewhat serious.


The mercury infested the wizard's brain far beyond Dudley's imagination, but he was able to observe it every day, and he was giving the best plan adjustment in combination with Ron's situation.

And Ron's changes will inevitably not bother his close people.

Five minutes later.

Ron finished eating the fish and burped contentedly!

Dudley looked at Ron's satisfied expression, smiled slightly, and casually pointed out:


How does it taste?

Ron nodded:

"Hmm! It's delicious, seriously, Dudley, these fish meat is really extraordinary, my magical talent seems to have really become stronger! "


Dudley looked at Ron's mouthful look.

Leng Buding asked:

"What is magical talent?"

Ron was stunned:

"Magical talent?"

Harry nodded:


It's a magical talent!

What is magical talent!? "


Ron looked at Duali a little blankly and said

, "Magical talent is magical talent, why else?"

Dudley stared into Ron's eyes.

A faint smile:

"It's nothing Ron, you remember to continue to come to my dormitory for breakfast tomorrow, by the way, give you paper and pen, and write tomorrow's time and memorandum here, which will help you arrange your schedule reasonably."

Ron took the pen and paper that Dudley handed over, and wrote down the next daily planning schedule on it a little blankly.

Dudley also took out a quill and paper and gently recorded on it.


[Wizard Heavy Metal Gene Record! ] [

After several days of mercury eating, the wizards' brains are gradually simplified, and they lose the ability to think complexly.

Judging from an evolutionary point of view alone, this behavior is clearly regressive.

Complex thinking has always been a unique human wisdom.

As a wizard...

At this time, he .... Weakened a lot....


Right now!

The other side.

Hogwarts, the entrance to Gryffindor.

Harry held the magic book and ran quickly towards the school building.

After a while, he saw a petite body in the familiar area:


Harry greeted Hermione.

Hermione tilted her little head to look at Harry and nodded.

"Why are you so slow?"

Harry said helplessly,

"I don't want to, but I saw Ron in the morning, and he came to my dorm again on time!"

"Hey.... Harry, don't say anything more!

Last night, my magic classmates in my dorm asked me to hurry up and prepare Halloween gifts...

Can... As you know, we promised to buy magical items from Ron's two brothers! "


Harry listened to Hermione's explanation and subconsciously shook his head:

"Hermione, you listen to me, I think you better figure it out yourself..."

We've all agreed to buy Halloween gifts from Ron.

He shouldn't be so dishonest.

Hermione pinched her waist and said with a serious look.

Harry shook his head:

"No.... Hermione, I think Ron has probably forgotten about this!



How is this possible, we only emphasized it to him many times the other day!"


Hermione looked shocked.

Harry also helplessly explained:

"Really Hermione you have to believe me, I went to find Ron this morning, guess what..."


He turned out to be...

He actually looked at me blankly and said...

'Harry, are you kidding me' or something...

This makes it clear that Ron doesn't want us to continue to dwell on yesterday's events.


Hermione was also helpless, he was also too much.

Does he think we will expose his two brothers to the dormitory shop where magic items are privately operated? "


Harry shook his head:

"Who knows!

In short, ever since we chose to push Ron to start learning magic, he has become a little baffled.

Hermione, you said....

Could this Ron really learn magic too much, which will lead to some mental illness?

Hermione sneered

, "Harry, you're a pure unfounded argument, if we can explain..."

Never mind!

In that case, I'll start on Halloween alone.

And also!

Speaking of this, Hermione looked at Harry with a serious face:

"Harry, tell him when you go down to find Ron, this matter is not playing!"

Hermione's voice fell, and she shook her head angrily and walked alone towards the inside of the magic classroom.

Harry opened his mouth a little stunned, the girl was angry when she said she was angry.


At this time, Harry was in a dilemma.

If you catch up with Hermione, you always feel that you are getting closer to Ron after doing this...

Maybe it will be rejected by Hermione.


But on the first day of school, it was Ron on his side.

Harry stood downstairs in Gryffindor with a puzzled look.

At this moment, a figure in wizard robes approached:

"Hi ~ Harry, what are you doing here?"

Harry turned his head:

"Neville.... How are you?

Neville nodded:

"The last memory ball incident was thanks to the help of your cousin Dudley, if you have time, help me thank Dudley."

Harry heard it and thought subconsciously for a moment.


Neville took the initiative to take two steps and then turned around suspiciously:

"What's wrong, Harry?

It's a history of magic lesson right away, why are you still standing outside?

Harry sighed, dispelling the messy emotions in his mind and following Neville back to the classroom.

And the moment you enter the classroom.

Harry was stunned to find that his cousin Dudley and Ron were already sitting in the classroom.

Hermione, who usually likes to sit next to her cousin, chose a farther away position.

Seeing this, Harry was a little entangled.

He wanted to sit next to his cousin, but he was greeted by Hermione's angry eyes.

If memory serves, Hermione hadn't been so angry when she left the building before.

Could it be that something unpleasant had happened between cousin, Ron and Hermione?


Harry smiled awkwardly.

I had to sit in the first row of the classroom.

Neither close to Ron, nor too close to Hermione.

Although this approach made Harry feel helpless, for now, it was a good way to do it.


Soon, the door to the magic classroom was pushed open.

What came in was a figure that surprised everyone.

The visitor wore a wizard's robe with a pitch blackboard.

"Hey, Dudley turned out to be Professor McGonagall.

Didn't you say that this lesson is a history of magic lesson?

Why did you come to the magic teacher of Transfiguration Class?

Ron began, puzzled.


Dudley glanced at Ron unexpectedly, who made him wonder why this lesson changed from the history of magic to the Transfiguration class!

But what surprised Dudley even more was Ron's statement.

Obviously, my memory has begun to decline, but I still remember the teacher who came to class.

It seems that this, the magic professor of Transfiguration Class, Ms. Minerva McGonagall must have an indelible mark on Ron's heart.

Thinking of this, Dudley opened the record book in his hand and wrote such a line in it.

[Special memories are often the most difficult to erase, and patients with Alzheimer's disease in the past will also remember some impressive periods...................

At this time, Professor McGonagall's face was serious, looking at the little wizards sitting in the classroom, and said lightly:

"Is it strange?

This lesson is led by me.

There's one other thing I need to emphasize to the little wizards who are doing it.

In two days, Halloween is October 31.

As one of the festivals that must be prepared since the founding of Hogwarts.

Every little wizard must attend on time.

On this festival, there will be Headmaster Dumbledore preparing a dinner for everyone.

Interact together and just explore.

In addition, I must emphasize one thing.

Little wizards are not allowed to go home privately on Halloween.

This is not a holiday set by the School of Magic! "


Professor McGonagall finished.

Looking at the scene, the little wizards did not question this before nodding with satisfaction:

"In addition, everyone should dress themselves up beautifully

, after all, it is four houses to eat together

, I don't want the mental outlook of our Gryffindor little wizards to lose to Slytherin, Ravenclaw, or... Hufflepuff! "


PS: Daily updates in progress... Today's update is complete... Thank you for your support, the author continues to work hard in the codeword....

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