
"I don't want our Gryffindor wizard's mental outlook to lose to Slytherin, Ravenclaw, or... Hufflepuff!

Professor McGonagall said and turned around and left the professor.

After the

professor left, the little wizards gathered and frantically discussed everything related to the magical Halloween!

"Hey! Neville, did you decide what to dress up for Halloween?

"Don't say it, I think my grandmother must have delivered me a lot of strange gifts."

"Wait, let's see....."


Looking at the noisy environment around him, Dudley did not say anything more, but looked to the side.

At this time, Ron was sitting in a chair dumbfounded, his eyes looking straight ahead.


Just then, a hand gently patted Ron's shoulder.


Ron, hear that?

Professor McGonagall said it was Halloween Eve.

Are you surprised by such a thing? "


Ron turned his head a little dazedly and found that it was Neville.

However, Ron did not answer the other party's question, because at the moment he really did not think about how to spend Halloween.

In my memory, when was the last time I spent Halloween?

Ron's expression went from dazed to a little stiff.

Finally, he sighed helplessly and looked at the people beside him:

"Don't talk about me first, how are you going to spend this Halloween Eve Neville?"

"Hey! Ron, you're asking the right person.

Did you hear that?

Professor McGonagall just said that on Halloween, it will be held by the four major magic academies together, which is a grand magical ceremony.

I don't think anyone can refuse that. "


"Anyway, Ron, think about it, this Slytherin, Hufflepuff, and little wizard of Gryffindor and Ravenclaw will be together.

Normally, none of us meet very much.

Now that I have met, I feel....

In short, Ron, we still need to pay attention to our appearance.

Be your 'admirer'.

I suggest you'd better take care of your exterior! "


Neville's expression stiffened a little.

Ron looked at Neville puzzled:

"External? What happened to my outside? Neville

shook his head regretfully, in fact, the outside is just like that, although I have always wanted to imitate you, but the unique temperament you have now I really, I can't imitate!"

Ron looked at Neville's words and smiled bitterly:

"Neville, I don't know what you want to say!"

Can you not go around the corner. "


Hearing Ron's affirmation, Neville plucked up the courage to say,

"So.... Ron, if I say you don't hit me?

Ron said angrily:

"You just say it's okay, what am I going to do with you?"

Neville then said reassuringly:

"Truth Ron, do you feel that you haven't washed your hair for a week..."

Your hair is all glued together.

And the wizard robe on your body, the collar position is full of grease, and it feels like it hasn't been changed for a long time.

Now you can smell a strange smell close by.


Very sour....."


Neville couldn't help but emphasize:

"Ron, if you look like this to attend the Gryffindor Halloween Eve at Hogwarts, then I feel that no one should want to sit next to you..."

Neville spread his hands, expressing his truest thoughts.

In fact, he couldn't bear it for a long time, the smell on this Ron was so bad that it felt the same as just coming out of the toilet.

Seriously, if he hadn't seen Ron dressed up before school started, he would have really thought that Ron had a slovenly proclivity.

Perhaps Neville explained the problem too seriously, and Ron also subconsciously looked down at the position of his chest.

There is a note on it that records that he eats breakfast every day to become stronger and more magical!

Now Ron took the initiative to pick up a pen and add a line of text to it.

Bathe daily and clean up personal hygiene.

Neville saw that Ron didn't like to take care of himself, so he turned around and returned to his position.


Dudley, on the other hand, took the initiative to take out paper and pens.

Sit on your own draft book with relevant notes.

Professor Minerva McGonagall, the four schools of magic mentioned on the podium also attracted his attention.

To continue to learn more about Hogwarts, it is necessary to have some level of overview of the history of the major schools of witchcraft and wizardry.

It's like!

After Dudley's reading section, the history of magic books are discovered.

During the initial establishment of Hogwarts.


Salazar, is the Head of Slytherin.

Helga is the Head of Hufflepuff!

Godric is the Head of Gryffindor!

Rowena is the head of Ravenclaw.

In the early days of Hogwarts, these Deans represented their own factions...

They also represent the most intuitive character of their colleges in the form of various animals.

In this way, Dudley developed a certain degree of curiosity.

Magic is a key node that requires huge knowledge and information as volume.

You shouldn't show your unique personality to the fullest.

This would only be counterproductive to some extent.


PS: Daily updates in progress... Today's update is complete... Thank you for your support, the author continues to work hard in the codeword....

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