
Time for thinking always flies quickly.

In the blink of an eye, it was Gryffindor, four o'clock in the afternoon.

Today's History of Magic lesson tells a lot about Dudley's interests.

On the other hand, Ron on the side had a face, hairy!

At this time, his heart was full of broken thoughts, tomorrow's grilled fish.

After eating tomorrow's grilled fish, your magic talent will become a little stronger.

Not long after, footsteps came.


Dudley turned around and saw Harry coming to him:

"What's wrong, Harry, is there something going on?"

Dudley looked at Harry's somewhat speechless look.

Harry opened his mouth for a long time but still didn't say anything, he glanced at Ron, and sighed helplessly in his heart.

Behind Harry, Hermione popped her head, glaring at Ron and saying,


Let me ask you again, it's Halloween Eve, and we have to prepare Halloween costumes and gifts tonight.

I think you know what to do now! "


Ron was also very puzzled, how could this Hermione get angry with herself as soon as they met, and then reached out and scratched her head and said

, "I'm sorry Hermione, I don't know what you're talking about, and I don't want you to talk to me in this tone next time..."

It makes me very uncomfortable.

Ron's expression stiffened a little, while Harry on the side was shocked.

Ron, how is this ?

Why speak to Hermione in this tone?

It was obviously Ron's fault, but he personally felt very innocent.


Hermione was choked enough by Ron.

If it weren't for the fact that the calamity could not be associated with friends and family, Hermione really wanted to remind Ron out loud in public, had you forgotten about your two brothers, George and Fred, about the elite Halloween gift in private?

This kind of thing that breaks the school rules!

It was clear that Ron was asking back with resentment, which had already attracted the eyes of some young wizards.

There is even a tendency to gradually watch.

After all, Ron is also a celebrity, and joining Quidditch in the first year is a rare thing.


I'll ask you again, are you sure you continue to pretend to be confused about the Halloween thing?

Looking at Hermione who was closing closer, Ron was also angry, he really couldn't think of it and couldn't understand why Hermione kept staring at him.


"Enough Hermione, are you doing this to get my attention?

I have to say that this savage questioning of yours reminds me of some things that my father and I have said.

Whether wizards or ordinary Muggles, there will be some people who are unreasonable. The

scene suddenly fell silent.

Hermione looked at Ron blankly, her expression full of disbelief, and she pointed her finger at Ron, and then at herself!

"Very good!

Ron, from now on, just when I don't know your classmate Hermione.

After that, Hermione turned around with a scowl on her face, flicked her long hair, and quickly walked away.


Ron shook his head indifferently, he looked at Harry beside him and said

, "Harry, did you see it?"

Hermione always likes this.... Vexatious!

This time, however, Harry's reaction surprised Ron.

When Harry really looked at Ron, he said seriously:

"Ron, you are simply too much, I hope you apologize to Hermione immediately."

If you do this again, we won't even have to be friends!


Harry hesitated for a moment, but finally didn't say anything cruel, and turned and ran in Hermione's direction.

He has made a choice in his actions.

This time the contradiction, Harry chose to stand by Hermione's side.


Ron looked at everything that happened in front of him with a stunned expression.

The originally indifferent expression changed significantly for the first time.

He felt his heart being pinched hard and wanted to reach out to hold it, but soon Ron looked at Dudley beside him.


Ron spoke softly.

Dudley nodded nonchalantly:

"What's wrong?"

Ron wondered in a low voice,

"Dudley.... If... If my magical talent becomes stronger, can I eat more meat, eggs, and milk..."


Dudley did not raise his head when he heard this, but asked rhetorically:

"So Ron, what just happened?"

Ron's expression was puzzled, revealing a thoughtful look...

Then he said with some uncertainty:

"I... I think I must have just finished eating the grilled fish you made.

But then again, it's only been a few hours before I forget the taste of grilled fish. Looking

at Ron's somewhat distressed expression.

Dudley took the initiative to take it out of the drawer, and the experimental record of the magic heavy metal creature.


An article was added to it.

【Heavy metal in vivo experiment】

Record twenty-three.

In the wizard body eroded by mercury, the memory decline begins in a geometrically progressive form.

First the details of the past few days ago, then the forgotten day, and finally the hours.

At this pace, I have no doubt that Ron's memory will probably be completely mired in a slight and brief amnesia tomorrow.


PS: Daily updates in progress... The update is complete today... The author continues to work hard in the codeword....

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