The long Christmas break was over and an unforgettable experience for all the teachers who had participated in the "Official Potions Workshop".

At the "seminar", they saw a red-faced, sweaty Professor Snape, and this scene was enough to impress them and even go down in history.

After all, Professor Snape looked like this, even the few professors who had taught Snape had never seen him.

Dumbledore was also very happy with the Christmas holiday.

Despite losing the Philosopher's Stone, he still gave Harry the Cloak of Invisibility, and Harry was expected to encounter the Mirror of Eris in an abandoned classroom.

Thanks to Conno's Sutra of Tranquility, Harry's mindset was even better.

Before he could even mention something, Harry took his good friend Ron to the abandoned classroom and used the Mirror of Eris a few times.

They quickly realized what was real and what was unreal, and they never returned to the room, but began to enjoy their Christmas holidays.

However, the two of them were so carefree that after the Christmas holidays ended, they were severely reprimanded by Hermione.

Because the three of them had made an appointment before, they would take advantage of the long Christmas holiday together to do their best to find out who the character of Nicol Lemay was.

Of course, this is just a small episode in the whole of Hogwarts Castle.

After the Christmas break, the biggest change came from Professor Snape.

Normally, Professor Snape had a sallow face on his head and swept his dark eyes over the passing students.

However, there have been some "minor" changes in Professor Snape's appearance.

There were a few "pimples" symbolizing youth on his face, and his eyes were still a little red.

Even one day at the end of the holidays, Gryffindor students witnessed Snape bleeding a few nosebleeds in the hallway.

Soon, however, some students discovered that Gryffindor had been deducted thirty points in the House Cup, and the rumor came to an end.

A few more days passed, though the youth on Professor Snape's face had vanished, and the epistaxis, a symbol of hot blood, had not reappeared.

But the visible rosiness of his face still can't be eliminated.

For this reason, Snape went to Conno to ask what happened, and the answer he got was very simple: "There is sufficient qi and blood, and the yin and yang are balanced, which means that the blood and qi pill integrated with the blood of the horned camel beast has a very good effect."

Snape also held a small pill bottle in his hand, and there were two Blood Qi Pills in it. However, his face was a little tangled, and he was thinking about whether he should continue to take it.

According to Kong Nuo, taking the remaining two Blood Qi Pills according to the course of treatment can effectively help promote blood circulation and eliminate blood stasis. If there are any old diseases before, they can be used in conjunction with basic internal strength to neutralize and clear them together.

After settling Snape's affairs, Conno finally ushered in a martial arts lesson after the Christmas holidays.

But looking at the students in the audience, it seems a little cramped, are you afraid of what kind of work you will do

......?" That one...... Merry Christmas, dear students, I have received all the gifts you have given me, and I have opened and read every single one.

"Actually, we haven't been together for a long time, but I'm glad you can remember me during the holidays!"

"Of course...... According to holiday customs, this received gift needs to be returned. I took advantage of this Christmas holiday to refine a batch of special Blood Qi Pills as a gift to you in return!" He

distributed all the Blood Qi Pills stored in the Martial Arts Golden Pill, and the students were immediately a little incredulous when they saw the Red Blood Qi Pill like a hard candy.

"Didn't anyone like to chew and eat before?" Conno raised an eyebrow, "I saw your bitter expressions back then, so I improved the recipe this time."

"Since it's the first class of the new semester, you don't have to work so hard. You take the next pill first, and then use the basic internal strength you taught before to digest it!"

"Long live Professor Kong!" The students cheered one after another, especially the Gryffindor House.

They also have homework to do during the Christmas holidays, and the teachers at Hogwarts are very conscientious and will correct the homework.

Thanks to the help of magic, these teachers are not as hard as ordinary teachers, and they only need to cooperate with magic to complete the correction of homework.

Because of this, as the most active little lions, their homework completion rate is also the lowest.

Professor McGonagall, as the dean of Gryffindor, adhered to the educational philosophy of uprightness and severely punished this part of the students.

They now have to spare half an hour every day to make up on the unfinished homework, and they also need to make sure that the content is full and detailed.

However, Kong Nuo soon discovered that there were actually three bottles of Blood Qi Pill empty.

Looking around, he saw that Gryffindor House was missing three students, and it was the three phoenix chicks: Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

He quickly asked Peeves to fetch Professor McGonagall and explain the situation to her.

"It's a bit of a problem...... Professor McGonagall pursed her lips, "Headmaster Dumbledore just left the house in the morning.

"It is said that because of the Cold War between the two countries, the "International Confederation of Wizards Secrecy Act" was involved, and he, as the president of the International Federation of Wizards, needed to preside over the meeting. "

If you follow the timeline of ordinary people, this is indeed the time period when the Union held its last meeting and announced that the Union would cease to exist and officially disintegrate and split into fifteen countries.

The rise of China has caused it to stand out from the crowd, so it has not affected the mutual tearing between the two countries.

When a country is weak, no country will believe that if he says that he wants to farm and does not want to fight with others.

But when a country is too strong to shake, he says he only wants to farm, not to fight. Then all countries will believe that this country is really only interested in farming.

It's so infuriating and funny!

"What kind of plane?" Conno raised an eyebrow, and then he remembered the note Dumbledore had left for him.

When he found the note from the martial arts golden pill, he found that there was no handwriting on it at all.

After a while, the handwriting slowly appeared on the note: I'm going to a meeting, watch out for Quirinus Quirrell.

Kong Nuo looked at the handwriting slowly emerging on the note with black lines on his head, Martial Arts Jindan blocked the magic signal, right?

However, now it is necessary to save people, after all, Dumbledore has already given him the Philosopher's Stone.

The Philosopher's Stone gave Kunlun Wood a new lease of life, and now it has become his most sought-after treasure. Just in time to take advantage of the opportunity to save Harry, try the power of this stick.

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