On the second Monday after the Christmas break, this morning was still a Transfiguration class.

Professor McGonagall is questioning new students who have not yet turned in their assignments.

"Mr. Finigan, please tell me! You said that the homework papers were left at home, and it was a week, why haven't they been sent yet?"

Seamus Finigan lowered his head and pulled out an envelope that would only be used by ordinary people with a trembling right hand, "Professor McGonagall...... My dad sent me a letter. "

He said the family cat snuck into my room and tore up the homework book. Then the window of the room forgot to close again, and the debris was blown away by the wind, and my mother couldn't fix the workbook.

With that, Seamus even raised his head with a very regretful expression.

Professor McGonagall took the envelope and raised her eyebrows as she read it, "Mr. Penigan, if only you had the same attitude towards your homework as you do with excuses!"

she drew her wand and tapped it at the envelope, and the original letterhead turned into a blank piece of parchment, "Very good transfiguration magic, even the handwriting is very similar." "

I'll give you a chance to make up your homework, if you tell me whose idea it was.

Seamus was dumbfounded as he looked at the blank parchment, and while he was hesitating, Professor McGonagall gave him a stab.

"If you don't say it, then what was originally a ten-inch paper, you need to double it and become a twenty-inch paper.

There was not the slightest hesitation in Seamus's tone, "It's Fred and them! I also gave a silver sico, they said it was absolutely foolproof......"

Ron in the audience slapped him in the face, "It's over! Fred will be tortured by his mother this summer!"

"You still care about them?" Harry looked uneasy, "Maybe there won't be a summer vacation! As long as Quirrell gets the Philosopher's Stone, he may be ...... The mystery man is coming back!"

After a week of hard work, they have investigated who Nicol Lemay is, and know that the Philosopher's Stone has the power to give people immortality.

Hermione was also a little worried, "That dragon egg is suspicious too...... Why did Hagrid meet a traveler who was carrying dragon eggs illegally during the Christmas holidays?"

"Why don't we just go to Professor Kong?" Ron was a little indifferent, "Tell him about it, and he should do it." "

I don't think so......" Hermione wasn't so optimistic, "Didn't we ask Professor McGonagall last time?

Harry suddenly thought of a solution, "If we can catch the evidence that Quirrell is trying to steal the Philosopher's Stone, won't they all believe us?"

Hermione put her chin in her hand and took a thinking pose, "You're going to use the Cloak of Invisibility and sneak into Professor Quirrell's office?"

"Yes!" Harry nodded, "During the holidays, he was not in the school like Professor Kong, so we couldn't find anything out of it."

"But on the night of school last week, I saw Professor Quirrell sneakily back to the castle with something. I think...... As long as we can find that thing, there will be proof!"

"Why don't we go to Professor Kong, I think he should be happy to help us!"

Hermione replied, "If there's no evidence, isn't that why we're trying to sow discord with Professor Kong and the other teachers?"

If you find anything else in his room, report it to Professor Kong immediately!"

Ron looked horrified, "Are you Hermione? Hermione Granger who used to think 'being bitten by Lou Wei is no worse than being expelled'?"

"It's against the school rules to privately visit the teacher's office!" Look at Professor McGonagall now, are you really ready?"

"Now is your chance to save the wizarding world!" Harry was instead uplifted by Hermione, "The Cloak of Invisibility will keep us from being discovered! Have you forgotten about the Christmas holidays?"

"We met Snape on the road and escaped with the Cloak of Invisibility?, so I think this plan is perfectly feasible!We're Gryffindors!"

Hermione nodded in agreement, "Yes, the emblem of Gryffindor House is a lion, a symbol of bravery and adventure is a symbol of a lion!"

"You guys are amazing! You guys!" Ron sighed, "In that case, why shouldn't I participate?When are you going to act?" "Why don't you do

it at noon?" Hermione suggested, "Let's go in and take a look while Professor Quirrell is in the Great Hall for lunch?"


"Amazing! Conno couldn't help but applaud after listening to what Ron and Hermione had to say.

"Thanks to Quirrell's target is only Harry, and he doesn't want to get out of the way. Otherwise, you'll have to watch us eat with Peeves and the Fat Friars at the next commencement dinner!" Professor

McGonagall, who was next to him, frowned into a "Chuan" word, her lips pursed so that she could barely see it.

In Quirrell's office, filled with the smell of garlic and trolls, in addition to Ron and Hermione, there is also a dragon egg that occasionally shakes.

As for Harry, he had been taken by Quirrell and his whereabouts were unknown, but Conno knew that Harry must have been taken to the fourth floor.

Perhaps this is the cultural difference between the East and the West, and Professor McGonagall and several of their insiders, although they are dissatisfied, do not object to Dumbledore's plan to train the Messiah.

At most, they could only warn Harry not to get involved, which would be considered to prevent Harry from being in danger.

But in the face of children who are only in their teens, they are energetic and curious, so it is possible that they will not participate?

In addition, they are Gryffindor, and it is their nature to be reckless, so in the morning transfiguration magic class, the three of them made a decision as soon as they patted their heads.

This extremely personal heroism can only be said to be understandable by Conno (manifested in the fact that what you say is right), but he will definitely not support it.

Leaving Professor McGonagall to continue to care for (swearing) the two lion cubs, Conno hurried to the student exclusion zone on the fourth floor.

The doorway to the exclusion zone had been opened, and the three-headed dog Luwei smelled Conno's scent and was desperately arching towards the door.

Walking into the room and seeing that the trapdoor had been opened, and Lu Wei's aggrieved look, bowing his head and making a whimpering sound, Conno immediately understood what was going on.

"Understood!" he patted one of the heads on the nose, and the other two immediately followed, "I don't blame you, who made him use Harry like a human shield." "

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