This situation made Voldemort even more angry. The philosopher's stone just now was actually a stick, and he instantly felt that he had been fooled.

He began to quickly analyze the situation in front of him.

The gain from sneaking into Hogwarts this time is actually not small, although he did not obtain the Philosopher's Stone, he accidentally got the help of Conno's series of teaching materials.

These materials, combined with his already profound knowledge of the dark arts, gave him a vague vision of a very different path.

Now, as long as you leave here, digest all this knowledge well, and turn it all into a part of your own cognition, then you will go further on the road to eternal life......

After analyzing the stakes, he hurriedly asked Quirrell to hand over control to himself, preparing to leave here while Dumbledore had not returned to the castle.

"Fumos!" he said silently in his mind, and a large smoke screen instantly filled the room.

Taking advantage of this gap, he cast the Calling Spell again, firing two Calling Charms in the direction of Conno and Harry.

However, at the moment when he got up and flew to the door, an antique ...... suddenly appeared in front of him Wooden fly swatter?!


Voldemort was swatted by the giant fly swatter and fell to the ground with Quirrell slamming his face to the ground and letting out a scream.

Conno continued to wave the fly swatter in his hand, and the fly swatter turned into the shape of a banana fan. There was a golden light on the surface of the banana fan, and in the blink of an eye, the smoke and dust turned by the smoke screen spell suddenly disappeared without a trace.

He immediately rushed up again, and the banana fan in his hand became much more slender.

Quirrell struggled to get up again, only to hit the Thousand Machine Stick head-on, and was stabbed by the Thousand Machine Stick according to the position of the middle point on his chest, followed by the two acupuncture points of the Middle Pole and Qi Sea Point, and was hit twice.

That's when Quirrell and Voldemort were surprised, they felt themselves dizzy, and at the same time, their bodies were completely uncontrollable, and they could only stand there stiffly.

When Harry saw Quirrell's body freeze suddenly, he immediately remembered the impromptu lecture on Halloween's Eve, where Professor Kong also made a huge giant monster collapse with a simple use of an acupuncture point.

So he tentatively asked Conno, who had already jumped back beside him, "Professor Connoiss, did you just point out them?"

Conno touched Harry's head, "Pretty clever!

Harry was a little cowardly, though he was very useful for this head-touching kill.

"But...... When Voldemort appeared, I felt like the scar on my head was about to crack, and I almost died. I think I'm ......

" Smack!

Conno picked up the Thousand Machine Stick brand fly swatter again and slapped the invisible Voldemort back, "What did you just say?"

The Thousand Machine Stick suddenly became longer, and he beckoned to Quirrell's three acupuncture points as he got up. This time Quirrell stood there in a more awkward position, his legs trembling slightly, his body stiffening.

Harry suddenly didn't want to defend himself, and even looked at Voldemort with a little pity in his eyes.

He remembered that when he woke up, his classmates shared with him how to fight the Dementors.

Even such dangerous Dementors can be used as teaching materials under Professor Kong's hands.

...... It seems that using Voldemort as a teaching material is not unacceptable.

Moreover, this class is considered a private class, and other students have not enjoyed this kind of treatment, so they must cherish this opportunity!

Unaware that Harry had completed his brain supplement, Conno said casually, "Your headmaster wants to play with you...... I thought I could handle Voldemort, that's why I set up such a big game. "

Layout?" Harry was dumbfounded when he heard Conno's words, "These are all tests that Headmaster Dumbledore gave me?" but the Philosopher's Stone ......"

Conno asked rhetorically, "When you were hijacked by Voldemort, did you think those obstacles could really stump him?"

Seeing that Harry began to be silent again, he continued: "Now that the stage has been set up for you, and the boss at the end of the level is ready, it will be your turn to clear the level." "

Still feeling pressured? Why don't I cripple Voldemort a little more?" you need to hurry, I'm going to go back to the end of the lesson!" Harry

shook his head, struggling to get up from the ground, and he began to mutter the Sutra of Tranquility, his haggard appearance slowly becoming calmer.

Seeing that Harry's condition was recovering rapidly, Conno pushed Harry forward, "Do you know how to fight? I remember you grew up on the side of ordinary people, how about you have also fought?"

Harry nodded, in fact, he was mainly the one who was beaten, and the abuser was mainly the cousin who grew up with him.

"It's good to understand!" Kong Nuo nodded, "first run the meridians that increase your running speed, find a way to get close to him, and then attack according to the movements I told you."

"I'll speak slowly, listen to yourself, don't be nervous, be calm so that the action can be in place."

"But ......"

"You've bought it all, and you're afraid of this, and that?" The Curse didn't kill you just now, and Voldemort turned black when he touched your hand, and the attack and defense were all pointed, hurry up!"

Voldemort heard that Conno was actually going to let a child humiliate him, and hurriedly cast a silent curse, and a pitch-black curse burst out from the tip of his wand.

As he had expected, the curse had no effect at all, as soon as he got close to Harry, the curse would disappear into nothingness.

At the same time, Harry became confident that the spell had disappeared again, and began to run, charging straight towards Voldemort.

Harry was much faster than Voldemort had expected, and in a few big strides he got closer, charging at him like a small tank.

Where had he ever seen this kind of fighting? Instead of using his wand to cast magic spells on each other, he actually made it look like a Muggle warrior, quickly shortening the distance?

He seemed to feel the fear of the wizards of the Middle Ages, and in the face of a large wave of Muggles, when the wizards used their wands to kill a person, several Muggles had already pounced and subdued the wizard.

In the distance, Conno suddenly shouted, "Okay! Close the distance, now cut him in the middle! Turn sideways! Slam your shoulder into his chest!" Harry

seemed to have a talent for fighting, he executed every step of the way, although a little slowly, but still put on a standard iron mountain maneuver, like throwing an embrace, and crashed directly into Voldemort's chest.

Harry's strength wasn't great, but he didn't hang up, and when he hit it like this, Quirrell's chest actually sank a small bit, and black smoke billowed out of his robe.

"Very well, now find a way to step on his toes!Look on it! Step on it!"

Harry was too familiar with this common move for children to fight, and when he was caught by his cousin Dudley, he would use this move to attack to create a chance to escape.

Quirrell and Voldemort fell to the ground with screams, and the footboard that was originally 3D had been trampled into 2D, like a cardboard-like shape.

Kong Nuo recalled the famous scene of "Ip Man" and continued to command: "Pay attention to the knife! Now hold his head and slap him in the face!"

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