"Which face?" Harry hesitated, and after some manipulation, the cowardice in his heart was now completely gone.

This is indeed a problem, Voldemort is now lodged in the back of Quirrell's head, and it is really difficult to judge that there are faces in front and back.

"Why don't you two talk to each other on your own, and see which of you counts the back of the head and which counts the face?" Conno suggested.

"Perhaps...... Am I not at the right time?" a fifth person appeared in the room, the oldest one, with a gasping voice.

"No, you're here at the right time!" Conno raised his hand and glanced at his magic watch, "I've got you done!" The pranayama of those little guys should be over, I'm going back to class now!"

When Conno led Ron and Hermione back to class, the other students were shocked, they didn't expect anyone to miss the martial arts class.

Among them, Hermione is also shown as a good student, which is simply fantastic.

At Dumbledore's repeated requests, Conno said nothing about Voldemort's presence at the school. It's just that he feels that according to Voldemort's current level, he doesn't seem to be worthy of the title of Dark Lord.

As for why these three little lions were absent from martial arts class, although the reason given by Dumbledore was far-fetched, it was also reasonable...... In the wizard's mind, this is a reasonable thing.

Anyway, Harry and the others found out that Quirrell was secretly hiding a dragon egg, so they wanted to sneak into Quirrell's office at noon to see what the dragon egg looked like up close.

As a result, they were discovered by a nervous Quirrell, and they were later locked in Quirrell's office, and finally found by Conno, who was rescued.

According to the grapevine that Dumbledore deliberately revealed, it was because Quirrell felt that using dangerous magical beasts to teach would make the overall classroom atmosphere better, so he asked someone to buy a dragon egg.

The students were very receptive to this statement, but remained skeptical about whether Quirrell would actually be able to give a good lesson.

A few days later, the three little lions, with a timid face, came to visit Conno.

As soon as Conno saw them, he deducted ten points from Harry and Hermione, which was the first time Conno had used the power of deducting points.

Harry was most puzzled by this, "Professor Kong, why are you deducting our points? Didn't we defeat Fu ...... together "

There is no need to shy away from this name in front of me, unless you will be unlucky yourself if it is called." As for the reason for the deduction, I think you should have the answer in your own mind.

Seeing the two silent, and the slightly cramped Ron, he continued: "In school, it's best to find a teacher to solve a problem, not to mention that it's still a big deal.

"Even if Professor McGonagall doesn't let you get involved, why don't you take Ron's advice and come to me first?

"I also started my time as a professor this academic year, and I don't know what you used to be like when you were studying. But when I was studying, I immediately went to the teacher if I had any questions.

"So, I'll add ten points to Ron. If Voldemort chooses to kill you at that time, and then take Harry to the Philosopher's Stone, have you considered your parents' feelings?"

Hearing this, the three of them had a genuinely frightened expression on their faces, and their equally big eyes gradually filled with tears.

Conno took out a few pieces of candy and threw them at them, "I know that the qualities necessary to enter Gryffindor are courage and adventure, but please note that this is courage and adventure, not recklessness and death.

"What is an adventure? You have to be prepared before you start acting, that's a risk. What is courage? When you have to face it, you can still be fearless, that's courage. There

was a sound of clapping in the distance, and Dumbledore, dressed in a purple satin robe, walked into the office, "That's a great point!

He said to the three little lions in a gentle voice, "Why don't you get out of here first?" I have something to discuss with Professor Kong.

After Harry and the others left, Dumbledore looked around the room and saw that there were no other chairs other than the office chair under Conno's buttocks.

However, this did not bother him, as Dumbledore waved his wand, and a fluffy armchair that looked like a premium appeared behind him.

"I'm sorry, Voldemort escaped. He let out a long sigh, "Quirrell isn't in a good condition either, there is a symbiotic relationship between him and Voldemort, and this symbiosis is dominated by Voldemort.

"Because of this, Quirrell has inevitably fallen into a coma. This coma was difficult to resolve, so he had to be sent to St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Injuries and Illnesses for treatment.

Conno raised an eyebrow, "How did you run? Couldn't you stop you?"

Dumbledore shook his head, "The world is vast, and there are many things I can't understand. Voldemort had fallen more than a decade ago, but was able to continue to exist in the form of a soul. "

There must be a secret hidden in it, but I need to verify it slowly, just like this one......"

Dumbledore recounted his plans for the entire school year, from Quirrell's first visit to the student exclusion zone to the release of the trolls on the eve of All Saints.

By the time of the Christmas holidays, Harry had already passed his test, so he had actually finished setting up the entire level, waiting for Quirrell to arrive.

He had made two preparations in the Mirror of Eris, and if Harry hadn't seen through Quirrell's plan, Quirrell would have found nothing in front of the Mirror of Eris.

Harry had the protection of ancient magic, and even if Harry and Quirrell had an encounter, Quirrell would not be able to harm them thanks to the protection of ancient magic.

In short, throughout the article, Kong Nuo suddenly understood what it meant to "offend the principal and want to run".

Quirrell had actually fallen into Dumbledore's trap since he entered the school.

Even after the plan was thwarted, Dumbledore had returned to the castle, and Quirrell's real leader, Voldemort, had also been run, and poor Quirrell became the only victim.

In fact, these things have little to do with Connoy.

After all, he'd managed to stop Voldemort once, without any casualties (Quirrell had already been fired, not a member of Hogwarts, sad), and he had managed to build Harry's confidence.

Dumbledore was very satisfied with this, and was even considering whether to give Conno a raise (if it weren't for the fact that he had taken six days off, there would have been no problem with a raise).

Now that Quirrell's hidden danger has been eliminated, Dumbledore can take advantage of his short leisure time to plan his plans for the next school year.

Kong Nuo took the opportunity of this one-man meeting to deliberately re-emphasize that he wanted to change the name of the martial arts class to the Huaxia martial arts class. At the same time, he explained that Dumbledore had nothing to do with the druid.

Dumbledore, a shrewd old man, was not at all surprised by this, he didn't know when he had been waiting for Conno to explain everything to him.

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